The economy is much better than it was in 2008 because of Obama.
This is a fact.
The economy is much better than it was in 2008 because of Obama.
This is a fact.
>le economy meme
He's undeniably better than Bush but he still committed vile crimes against humanity in Libya and Syria and deserves the same punishment as Bush.
Thanks for taking away my health insurance I had from work for years.
Fuck that McJob creator and destroyer of the middle class.
I spit on his legacy.
That's not a big achievement, 2008 was a massive fucking low for the economy by about every single metric possible. The business cycle meant things were going to get better anyway. We don't know how the recovery would have been if a different person had been elected.
Crimes against humanity in Syria? He kept the US out of Syria for the most part. He took quite a bit of heat for it too. Enlighten us...
Took him 8 years to do a 3 year job. Congratz.
I just thank god every day that he had to deal with this and couldn't achieve any serious change.
10 trillion in new debt for a sluggish economy, a bunch more foreign conflicts, and race baiting means you are a good president?
An absentee 8 year old or trump could have done that.
Also energy independance which he doesnt nearly get enough credit for. America went from dick sucking the Saudis under the Bushes (and possibly making wars "for oil") to not really needing to do so at all. And thats without fracking or solar city having reached its full potential.
But as usual the Trumpistas actually hate ability and whine that the economy is bad because no one is just giving them money to listen to them order around. Only wish they had been born rich and live their fantasies through Putin/Trump. Will be interesting to see how resentful they will be 2-6 years down the line when they happy city liberals will still be happy and they will still live the same.
>doubling the debt improves the economy
he let China growth for 8 years
Obama loathes americas oil industry.
The glut came from private land.
>It's not a fucking leaf
He was certainly more compassionate than his advisors and the republicans when it came to Libya and Syria, but John Kerry (the man Obama made Secretary of State) went rabid at the mouth pushing to declare war on Syria (and by extension, Iran) in 2013 citing the usage of chemical weapons as his justification, only for the UN to come out weeks later with evidence that it was the rebels who used chemical weaponry.
Obama and the company he kept are and were supporters of terrorist groups like the FSA which consider ISIL an ally against the Syrian government.
Russia has always been open to an alliance with the USA but rather than making the USA a friend of Russia and Syria and helping them to isolate and exterminate ISIS before they became a problem, Obama let the tensions run for years leading to tens of thousands of preventable deaths. ISIS wouldn't have existed without the wars in Iraq and Libya or Obama's funding of terrorists in Syria.
You are a faggot.
This is a fact. And about as backed up as yours.
Now let's see...for starters: Record number of people on food stamps, record number of adults not in the labor force, national debt increased by roughly 8 trillion dollars, GDP
Liberals will feny this despite the facts
>AH bit you see! Obama didn't DIRECTLY interfere with Syria so therefor it does NOT count and he is still the greatest president ever
Obama is a criminal nigger and you americans should put him in prison
>bailed out Wall Street and ensured no bankers were sent to jail
>american perpetrators of torture not held accountable
>expanded wars to Syria, Lybia, Africa, Ukraine etc...
>drone strikes on innocent muslim families, only apologises when an American citizen was killed
>called rioters in Baltimore "criminals and thugs" and issued a pro-police statement in the wake of "police brutality"
>when Israelis killed over 2,000 Palestinians he gave them an additional $225 million in funding and kept quiet over the incident
> top 1% got nearly two-thirds of the income growth in eight years even as child poverty, especially black child poverty, remained astronomical
>closed hundreds of public schools in favour of charter schools
>"In 2009, Obama called New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg an “outstanding mayor”. Yet he overlooked the fact that more than 4 million people were stopped-and-frisked under Bloomberg’s watch."
>obamacare was a market-based solution pioneered by Romney the the Conservative Heritage Foundaiton
>"nearly 2.5 million immigrants were deported under his watch"
>couldn't be criticised because he was black
10 trillion lmao, try 25 with the bank bailouts and QE
Yep. Facts are facts. That doesn't mean that this economic plane isn't going down with no survivors.
I see it quite differently. The syrian people wanted rid of their leader. Obama didnt swoop in to save that leader with the help of Russia for good reason.
For who?
Evidently, the American people think otherwise since they voted to undo his legacy.
The Syrian people also want to genocide the Alawites, Sufis, Kurds, Druze, Christians, and Jews.
Assad keeps a secular non-religious government and protects the minorities from the vicious masses. It's not that the average Sunni Syrian is a radical bent on genocide, but they'll gladly turn a blind eye to it, and the people spearheading the anti-Assad movements are all genocidal extremists who want to kill all of the minorities.