>Wow I hate muslims so much guys, they threaten WESTERN VALUES and oppress women and gays! Right fellow fashy goys?! xD
>We should have more European integration guys! Whites need to come together!
>I wanna immigrate to the country of my ancestors lol, I'm white so it should be ok, right?
Regards, xXxSephirothArYaNwArrior1488xXx
Alt-Right/Stormfag hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>this chart proves that whites have highest IQ and are therefore most valuable
>damn lol I hate materialism lol
>dude I fucking love science lmao
reddit pls go
>dude muh west lmao
>dude the Roman Empire was cool and totally not degenerate lol
>wtf I hate primitive living I need muh animes and video games
Kjeft a, Abdul
Alt right is more tolerable than radical left.
And white genocide is real. Look at the enforced migration from non white countries to white countries, and white birth rate in those countries. Unskewed statistics don't lie.
>dude let's pick up a woman-worshiping cuck pseudo-religion lmao
>lmao kike on a stick
>dude the USA is the greatest country in the world and totally not a satanic blight on history lmao
>Post Milo/Rebel Media crap
Here we go again...
Are you a race traitor cuckold or just a "nu-european" rapefugee.
Cyan is a miracle of the universe
theyre either controlled opposition or genuinely retarded and may become the new cuckservatives
they push the """far""" right even further right
all we need to know about the alt right is that it is kosher, it is merely haram
Anglin and Spencer are retarded cucks too. TRS is shit as well.
Is Norway the new Canada?
>dude le industry and technology lol
>lmao the environment doesn't matter
No, I'm an actual far right poster.
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with cuckoldry when they'll never have sex and are willing to submit their bodies and minds to homoerotic strongmen?
How do you function in life while being this retarded?
>dude muh ancestors
>muh history
Caring about history is GAY, real men LIVE, don't have calendars!
>let me, a 19 year old college kid who plays video games all day, tell you about western values
wait so who is cool then?
Lol how are Anglin and Spencer cucks?
I could see someone saying that about Spencer because he tends to avoid the JQ in public, but Anglin does not give a shit.
Fucking great thread, keep posting /polack memes
Remove the anifa from that pic
Salo is the only non-gay forum I've been able to find
They're gay, pro-western, pro-""""white"""", pro-civilization and enamored by matriarchal fertility cults (i.e. "european paganism")
anglin is the boss. you are retarded
litterally the greatest journalist alive today
Antifa is such a strange organization. I mean, any organization that makes either joining while you yourself are a child so you can give up your young ass to pedophiles, or you have to provide a child for their pedophiles to enjoy. And that's just to join the organization! They're the final leg of pizza gate, what happens to the poor kids after they get too old for the kikes.
And they say feminists are cringworthy.
Fuck off antifachan.
>a forum named after the most degenerate movie ever made
IMO ironmarch and these other "right wing" people signalling against TRS and the like are pretty dumb - people are either pushing the overton window in your direction, or away. It's dumb to attack people who are pushing the window in your direction, even if you're more extreme than they are.
>Gavin and Milo
It is named after the last Italian fascist republic.
post the link?
Why is it when these cucks come here, their sarcastic posts only serve to prove us right and make them look retarded?
>They're gay
Spencer is married and has children.
Anglin has a girlfriend I think, and he got mad Asian pussy before becoming a white nationalist.
Can't fault your criticism there. The modern west has no value.
Nothing wrong with that, but it has to be combined with a healthy morality. Spencer is to libertarian, and accepting of fags. Anglin is spot on moral issues.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Everyone belongs to a civilization, and both advocate creating a new culture and civilization for Europeans.
I can see that. Spencer claims to be Christian, but its pretty clear he is a Nietzschean. Anglin is not religious as far as I know. Being or not being a Christian does not make you a cuck.
Nothing you have listed as making them "cucks" is actually true.
Found this epic vid bros
niggers aren't people
get over it
whats with the quotes around white?
ive seen people do that before
lel America officially counts Arabs as "white" in the census
>Right wing stops punching right
>Actually accomplishes things
>Goes right back to punching right after
Fuck off, we're not finished.
Ahmed get out
Typical stoopid alt righter, appeals to materialism and poor comprehension.
Also another typical trait, afraid of violence and not realizing that the exaltation of the martial is essential to vitality.
One can be spiritually homosexual and still married to women, especially being in a relationship with a woman is extremely gay.
Whites are a meme, white nationalism is a constructed McIdeology only fit for consumption by those afflicted by spiritual AIDS (Americanitis according to Baudrillard)
Civilization must be demolished and rule must return to the strong.
Remove Daily Stormer
You neo-nazi scum fucking ruin everything
I'm gonna be fucking late for work because of this dump...
>it's ok when my favourite group does it
top lel and Sup Forums wonders why they're hated
>They're gay, pro-western, pro-""""white"""", pro-civilization and enamored by matriarchal fertility cults (i.e. "european paganism")
So do your fluff your wife's boyfriend or do they make you stay in the closet the whole time
Ok so youre just a nigger
>especially being in a relationship with a woman is extremely gay.
Thanks for that alt-right starting kit friendo, got any more redpilled youtubers I can upvote to?
Fucking faggots I swear. Media gives you a label and you can't wait to gobble it up like a big black dingus.
>insulting others as fags
>claiming they are mean because they don't want fags be open about it
You're just the average pleb thinking he has a well thought through solution for society, while the truth is you haven't even arrived at some of the core problems we are faceing now. You are an intellectual coward, nothing more.
>t. Nigger
You subhumans are fucking apes, who will never be civilized
>it's ok when my favourite group does it
>Ignores the entire message
>"Please, come rape my country of it's resources and women!"
Typical modern britcucks
>implying niggers arent less intelligent than europeans
What has africa ever contributed to the world nigger?
Abdul this is not a safe space for you.
>that spanish /leftypol/ poster again
Just give up jose
>Rich culture
They were shit and you know it.
>Viking raped, pillages, murdered
>completely ignores how everyone else behaved prior or during this period
Pre-collapse of Rome, that pagans were based, strongly anti-gay (nordics would sacrafice pedos and faggots so that they would be reborn less degenerate, celts through fags in bogs, Romans and Athenians before the collapsing stages of their societies largely outlawed and harshly criticized gays)
Viking were probably the most impressive navigators and innovators of their time desu. Based on their limited resources, of course, but they were still based.
>One side are vacation spots
>The other are natural disasters and violence
>Compared to pictures of culture
This is the problem with literal retards like you.
KEK is an alt right term, hayt us cuz ayntus
Kys statist
Sup Forums is a contrarianism/anarchist board
Good cover all assumption pics Reddit
>when you need to draw up a false dichotomy to save yourself from being stigmatized from those around you
Unironic natsocs are just LARPers, the actual philosophy behind natsoc is called traditionalism.
Back to /leftypol/ commie
>hurr if you're not a raging stormfag you must be black
grow the fuck up. sorry you were bullied by Moroccans in school
It's time to cut down the tall trees!
culture is cheap subjective garbage that gets invented, remade and discarded constantly.
Im sorry you had to be born a sandnigger abdul, i cant imagine how hard it must be :^)
> hahaha poles, french, brits, norgs, slovaks, czechs, jugos sure are cucks. They didn't want to get Germanized, haahaaa
> it's IMPOSSIBLE to gas people, but Hitler was a grand conquerror, he controlled all of Europe all the way to moscow
> I'm redpilled on race and I stll don't understand the difference between genes, phenotypes and combinations of Genes. Furthermore, I have established that the nordcuck phenotype is somehow superior, although all it does is look good and hand out trophies to itself.
> I'm against socialism, let's introduce massive welfare for my preferred voting bloc. While we are at it, lets nationalize all business. We're against commies remember.
Stormfaggots need to be permabanned, rounded up and sold to Israel as toilet cleaners.