*walks toward you*
*walks toward you*
Allahu akbar my friends.
Refugees welcome!
>move out of the way
They're so handsome.
Good thing I have my guard pig.
Jesus Christ Sweden....
*drives forward*
Wow... I can't even...
Allahu akbar indeed
>Islam Victorious
what does this innocent refugee from the land of peace of tolerance's shirt mean by this?
Is anyone in that picture over 5'11"?
Manlet pride parade, when?
I have a bacon sandwich, and I'm not afraid to use it.
ask them where they buy those fabulous capri pants?
*brandishes gun*
Psssh... nothing personal kid
*teleports behind them*
*unsheathes katana*
psshh... nothing personell shitskins
*teleports behind you
"don't ever cross my path again"
[magdumps externally]
>tfw no balkan posters