MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of more people vote for a candidate

>MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of more people vote for a candidate
Only in 'murica

imagine if voter id was required to vote in all states

Dead bodies are not people.

America is not a democracy.

>5 million illegals voting
>Trump would have won by 2 million if you take out California

This is why the electoral college exists

I know right. She would probably win by 10 million.

Still would have won millions of more votes.

Are you really so gullible. Wait you're a Christian too, aren't you?

Not understanding your own election system
>current year

Seriously, how do burgers like OP get to reproduce and muddy the gene pool with low IQs?


if it was so close why didn't she contest the result like Gore did?

>your election can be decided on illegals voting in Cali

Wow, already drunk THIS early in the day, huh?

And it happened to democrats, twice, in two decades, and Bill Clinton was intimately associated with both candidates in some fashion

i think democracy is trying to tell the Democrats something

like maybe they should FUCK OFF?!?!

I wonder how many Hillary voters are land owning heads of household? Those are the only people who should be allowed to vote.

Funny how they were still counting votes weeks after the election.

By the way I arguing with this cuck from California on another website who said it's not fair that California doesn't have as much voting power as the little 3 EV states. He said his state should have more EV since per population the little states require less people to get 1 EV.



We have this same thread multiple times everyday. Just stop responding and these fags will stop making them. It isn't productive. It's pure bait.


Yeah it would be more votes for her. Drumpf supporters only own trailers.



Really? I'd love a brand new double wide.

Yeah, and Hillary supports are only illegal Mexicans and their families.

That is from 2008 dem primary, not presidential election.
They are completely different.

>women win
>still lose
how will they ever recover


Remember Seth Rich?

Justice for Seth Rich. A pound of flesh will do just fine CTR!

You want the popular vote to mean everything. Don't pick and choose when you want it. Your voting system is not a direct democracy and it never was.

> demoncrats

>CTR is still shilling

i'm sorry, but no. no no no no no. if this country had any degree of real election fraud prevention or accountability neither major party would exist. if it suddenly popped into place, we'd see that the REAL election results would be a few million VOTES, TOTAL, on either side.

the overwhelming majority of eligible voters don't vote. the majority of all recorded votes are fraudulent.

>You want the popular vote to mean everything. Don't pick and choose when you want it. Your voting system is not a direct democracy and it never was.

I love the electoral college, even when I was a democrat.
I was merely pointing out that primaries and presidential elections are different. You being a foreigner may not have realized the difference.



It all makes sense now.

So you want popular vote to matter when its at a presidential election, when this completely ignores what a constitutional republic stands for. But the primaries which are essentially the same because you replace electoral votes with delegates. It doesn't matter then if the popular vote is ignored.

Stop picking and choosing when you want a direct democracy.

only rural and suburban retards voted for trump

Justin Trudeau' Liberal party got 39% of the vote

I said nor inferred any of this.
I am not quite sure why your reading comprehension is so poor.

News Flash
The only people actually caught committing voter fraud, did so for Donald Trump. If gerrymandering weren't so fucked up the republicans wouldn't be able to maintain control of the states. Government isn't a game of us and them, it's a product of what we can accomplish together. But republicans have coerced every part of government into this false dichotomy. Democrats helped, but I read it all as identity politics, just because you identify as a conservative before identifying yourself as an American.

The states are and should be in competition with one another.

Funniest part is, this rule was put in place by some massive liberal faggot, how do you fags like it now? :'(


Congratulations you are not inferring anything then. Thanks for conceding you leftist CVCK

What about the michigan recount where they found falsified ballots for hillary in detroit

>leftist cvck
Erm, republican, voted for trump, hates pure democracy, likes the electoral college, always have, even when I was a democrat in my youth.
Where you got that I am a popular vote endorsing leftist from any thing I have said is beyond me.

"millions upon millions"
>only 3 million out of 319 million.

>clearly has no understanding of the American electoral process

>MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of illegals vote for a candidate

Your OP literally infers that popular vote is what matters. Do I need to break it down?

>Have 3 million votes more
Implying the popular vote here, not the electoral.
Inferring that direct democracy is more important then the current electoral college.

C.V.C.K indeed.

>popular vote

this is the worst forced meme since Milhouse

Stop baiting, go fap or something faggot.

And yet when niggers get graduation while having lower scores on their tests, you're the first ones to applaud.

Be careful what you wish for. You just got it.

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Russian fake news. Don't go checking sources! It's illegal for the common man to see sources. Just trust us goy.