Backpage adult section shut down

Due to trafficking concerns

Whores are angry

Other urls found in this thread:

>Wahhh now I have to take a slight risk to make my money fucking, being a grrrl is SO hard! :(

>sex workers

I fucking HATE this term. You're a fucking prostitute - stop trying to make it sound like you do something dignified

And also this is apparently an attack on trans """"""women""""""

>I want unsafe conditions for customers and workers in an industry because my morals are more important than reality

>pointless emotional post

>op reveals the purpose of the thread was not to support legal prostitution or sex workers but to shitpost about transgenders in his favorite right-wing echo chamber


Literally proud of prostitution

I hate that you guys are right about degeneracy

lol look at this salty whoremonger

>whiteknighting literal whores

>people break the law
>Law gets enforced
>criminals mad that their illegal sources of income is shut down

What's wrong with this?

time to get a real job

working on the leaf site

[spoiler]Thank God[/spoiler]

T. Nu-male with a pornstar/prostitute/camphor gf/wife

I beg you think it's not cuckolding because you're the one she comes home to at night, right?

You don't have to defend them man you can just pay them if you want sex

This is good. This is very good. The backpage was full of unregulated and dangerous degeneracy.

On an aside, prostitution should be legalized and regulated. However, it should not be glorified, at all.

how much would sophie b charge?

Prostitution has been around before civilization.

1 Post by this ID

>sex workers' LIVES are being RUINED
>there's NO ALTERNATIVE to getting fucked by strangers for money
Yeah, horseshit. Get yourself a job at mcdonalds and whip me up a milkshake ho

Yeah I checked .ca to see if it happened there too but it didn't. Can we expect it to happen in two or three years?

A lot of things were around before civilization.

Doesn't mean that they're all right or good.

What is backpage?

PS: There is no free speech issue if somebody else decides to stop paying for your podium.

Something else will come around. Paying for sex is as old as humanity.

>muh prostitution is degenerate

No. Having anal sex with your wife is degenerate. Prostitution is anti-degeneracy because it segregates your sexual life from your social life. Every single traditional, conservative society has widespread prostitution. Your grandparents probably lost their virginity in a brothel.

So has rape, murder, slavery, and drugs but I guess those things aren't degenerate either because they've existed before civilization.

>literal sjw whores who routinely go on witch hunts for the unforgivable crime of wrongthink crying about something getting shut down
drink a nice mug of runny shit you slags

>advocating for degeneracy

Makes sense.

you can still go to regular brothel mate you might just have to pay a little more

calm down

Can we just call it slavery?

its like craigslist, but they know what people want to pay for, so they dont hide it.

Nigga are you seriously trying to white knights for cum drinkers?

Top fucking kek.
Thanks made my day

Cause God forbid lazy, vapid whores actually have to get a real job...

> that one whore who saved her money for years
> just got enough to retire like two weeks ago
> laughing her herpes lips off

exactly. Backpage became popular when craigslist cracked down on prostitution, something else will be along shortly.

HAHAHAHA thank god. I hope were in for a good ride. Fuck these scum.

t. NEET who couldnt get a real job if his life depdended on it

Bout time we got some quality street walkers out here

Okay, so let's say the trottoir-perusing spunkmonkey is a sex worker and not a prostitute.
She's still a trottoir-perusing spunkmonkey.

You're making no point whatsoever, have a (you).

Brothels aren't legal in the states m8.

(Only in Nevada and they complete joke compared to even our worst Asian local)


>Or maybe they could get a normal job. Hol up! I forgot, immigration means there's more pressure on low skilled workers looking for work and illegal immigration means there's downward pressure on wages.

Redpilled whores incoming in 3 2 1....

Good, let that be taken care of too.. Too much nigger behavior is involved in the current state of our decrepit world. Let people do shit healthy, like work legally.



t. /r9k/

This is good for bitcoin.

>l'm so fucking worthless the only way l can make money is with sex

Or the long-fabled and neigh-anticipated entrance of sperm in the global currency market

Even /d/ is gonna be rich

Whoring should be legal. It's going to happen no matter what. It's one of the oldest and most basic features of human nature.

But no, law enforcement needs someone to arrest and the system needs to siphon money from someone, and moral/religious reasons are good enough reasons to do so.

Well theyre not wrong. Whoring is the oldest business in the world and there are good reasons for that.

Nobody is the same in the head, you have your ideas what degenerate is and they have theirs. You cant demmand them to stop and if you do, start with arabia and india where that shit is forced hard since birth.

Yall look down on these whores too much. They are just as dirty and degenerate as he average western woman but these whores will actually fuck the average Sup Forumsack

why dont they just put an ad on craigslist or some other whore site

The most likely won't, they can take your money and refuse sex, it's legal. Sex is always optional.

>something else will be along shortly.

this has been around longer than the www

I am in 100% support of prostitution.
Anything that lowers the exorbitant price women place on their pussies is a good thing.

Especially for those of us who can't get women otherwise.

Not in Texas.
If she takes your money and refuses, it's considered robbery and you can shoot her.

>Paying for sex
>Optional sex
Not with me its not. The last whore that refused to fuck me after payment (wanted to pull a fast one on me) got served dry anal.

>it's considered robbery and you can shoot her.
Only if it's after sundown.

Is there a reason why nu-males are invading pol?

I love how women have managed to work it so that the SELLING of sex is basically okay. They can't be prosecuted and in fact are somehow victims. But men BUYING the service they're out there tempting people with are the scum who deserve a sex criminal listing for life.

It's like a drug dealer complaining they're the victim because Craigslist stopped letting them list their drugs.

Nope, prostitution is an indicator of civilization. In a lot of African societies it didn't exist, feminist will say it was because of inherent respect for women and whatever but it was because their economies were at a survival level therefore they didn't have food or ressources to waste on sex. Prostitution only existed the in the African kings' courts because there was enough surplus to waste on sex.

Cheap pussy is the source of degeneracy you see today.

Prostitution is necessary in the war against feminism, it helps prevent men from giving into their bullshit.

Oh no now people will have harder times being whores :(

It's okay wizard

No user
Feminism is pro prostitution because muh strong independant woman can pay for her bills.

roasties btfo

>white knighting prostitutes on an anonymous cartoon porn imageboard
fucking kill yourself. you're pathetic

Prostitution is older than feminism and even exists in ultra patriarchal societies. Fact of life is some women will be whores no matter what, this allows them to be productive members of society by preventing men from settling on subpar women.

Feminism is pro-whores, they are certainly not pro-prostitution as a economic institution. They support all the ancillary aspects of being pro-prostitution like free healthcare for women and laws protecting the prostitutes while completely ignoring or even fighting laws making the entire thing a legal business exchange between two parties. Sweden is probably their ideal where only the John is committing a crime when visiting a prostitute.

Yes I understand and those behavior should be shamed instead of glorified. That's the point I am making.

This is the nanny state now dictation our sex lives, plain and simple. Regulation is never the answer. Prostitution should be legal so free will and choice exists. Do you think prostitution is degenerate? Do not hire a prostitute.

normal sex should not be glorified either
having a healthy family should be

I wish the same for CL.

If you don't mind me asking, what is it specifically that causes you to struggle with women? Are you overweight, autistic, or just awkward?

That does not even compute in my fucking head.
Yes. Absolutely right.

>That does not even compute in my fucking head.
I don't see what's confusing you. They support the women while fighting the institution.

>They support the women
feminism doesn't support women you dumb bitch

1 post by this ID. Impressive bait, shame you don't actually believe in the bullshit you espouse or there might have been a decent argument.

That's because of the stigma surrounding prostitutes. It never was an honourable job, and a lot of women were pressed into it by family or circumstance.

What's worrying is that the stigma was rather easily relinquished thanks to the contraceptive pill.

Unless they get one of the various varieties of crotch rot.
Which, unsurprisingly, feminists are trying to normalize as well.

How does it support it? By what metric standard? How do I measure the support? What institution?

Nice time I'll throw quotes on support to satisfy your autism.

By lobbying for laws and programs like the ones I already outlined. I'm not sure why you're having so much trouble with this.

>got served dry anal.

>Whores are angry


Well that's it then, prostitution is now over.

so woman could live just by selling their pussies and man couldnt ?

they want equality so they have it now stupid whore

>Nice time I'll throw quotes on support to satisfy your autism.
what did he mean by this

Publicly it should be shamefully to be a prostitute yes however I still say it is vital to society. I believe it actually cuts down on slut culture, instead of charming some normal girl into a one nighter the man just gets with a whore (who was probably going to be a whore anyway) instead. The normal girl doesn't do though a bunch of short term relationships and remains family material. This is how it worked in the past and how it works in some other countries: men fuck prostitutes until they're ready, good girls don't fuck until they meet a nice man, bad girls become prostitutes.

How do you properly deal with situations like these without being a christfag? I understand and respect many of the points made against prostitution, but at the same time the right goes way too fucking far and becomes zealots.

What's the proper response Sup Forums?

how much do they pay men to fuck them?

or move to eros

Are these cunts stupid? Being a whore has always been around but if it's their way of fighting the patriarchy then they've been using a slow and self degrading tactic for centuries

But those numbers are in decline man. Good girl thinks when stacy can get away with it why shouldn't she. Women always skew towards the center of normal distribution.
If this behavior is acceptable by majority of women and it isn't shamed well that leads to more degeneracy.
Even the good girls don't shame their whorish friends for sleeping around and quite often give them comfort in the times of need.


He likes the worst sunshine.

hey where did the leaf go from your flag?

i sort of believe this

i'd rather have a sexually vanilla wife and fuck a whore or several instead

my sexual tastes lie on the very rough end of the scale where i like choking and hitting girls who like to be used as slaves, like just slap her and bend her over for an ass fuck.

almost all the girls i've been with into that shit have been raped or otherwise abused by their father or someone else while very young and i would not want to marry someone like that at all


what the hell is the point of that picture

If only they had a husband and some kids to give their life meaning. Oh well, back to the cock carousal!

>sucking dick and fucking some slob for money ruins he patriarchy

Keep telling yourselves that

>stop trying to make it sound like you do something dignified

listen you know who likes whores? weasel hedge fund pricks

you know what they do with them besides sex whatever?

strangulation of the john, auto erotic crap, carve name into their ass xacto blade deep, stab them and fuck wound with strap on, have whore wipe my shitty ass with their hair

these are weird people these hedge fund pricks and if it wasn't this whore it would be your sister so have a little respect, I'm sure this could be regulated, which nations regulate this besides Netherlands and Thailand?