>huge, japan-tier earthquake in Nunavut
>nobody's talking about it
it happened in the red star in pic related.
>huge, japan-tier earthquake in Nunavut
>nobody's talking about it
it happened in the red star in pic related.
Other urls found in this thread:
A few months ago the Jew Reptiles made a ceremony dedicated to devastating America.
They want 'God' to come.
rip glacier-niggers
but kek is already here
i noticed, i was watching it very intently.
HOw is this related, you fishing for (you)'s?
Is this going to affect anyone but eskimos?
>>nobody's talking about it
Because who the fuck cares if a few penguins fall over?
The main power they wanted to express was causing a massive Earthquake.
riight. This situation need more tinfoil for my hat.
/closes the link
>in nuwhat?
Maybe thats why noone cares.
How does it feel that climate change is going to destroy the Arctic with earthquakes?
T. Dumb scandicuck
He tried to warn us :(
lol literally no one fucking lives there you stupid canuck
Only thing I care about is that Cape Dorset is fine
What the fuck?
Lol Inuits BTFO
yeah of course you wouldn't know lmao you're probably half nigger half spic
Even I know what that is.
is santa ok?
kek fuck off kim
Niggers and spics don't breed, the kids would be too lazy to steal
why don't you fuck off ahmed
Gooks don't have souls. Fuck off Kim
so did that ice shelf fall into the ocean or not?
I wish to engage in the act of procreation with that amphibian.
>Japan tier
earthcucks everyone
>Nothing but ice niggers and permafrozen shanty towns
Happening canceled, nothing to see here
wow it's fucking nothing