>Now Meryl Streep is accused of being anti-Israel at the Golden Globes after saying Natalie Portman is from 'Jerusalem' - but mentioning every other actor's home nation

>Streep slammed Trump at the Golden Globes on Sunday night over bullying and attitude towards immigrants.
>The award-winning actress said 'Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners' and listed examples.
>'Sarah Paulson was born in Florida', 'Amy Adams was born in Vicenzia, Italy',' Ruth Negga was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia'.
>And she added that 'Natalie Portman was born in Jerusalem' sparking controversythat she had not mentioned Jerusalem was in Israel
>Some have branded Streep 'anti-Israel' over her choice of words at the Globes
>Trump has also responded to speech calling her a 'Hillary lover' and 'one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood'

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Liberals tearing each other apart. I don't even know what to think anymore. These people are hopeless.

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When did Natalie Portman become ugly?

She also said MMA wasn't an art, WHAT A REAL JERK!

When you started chuggin redpils.
>beauty is in the eye of the beholder

When she hit the wall at age 25 like every other woman. This is Prime Natalie.


>roasties over 30

I swear to god i get the biggest hardon when jews attack the left

When she was born a Jew

> I hate how the Jews always cry MUH ANTISEMETISM
>Hate liberal hollywood and Meryl Streep

I'm conflicted. I'll just let them infight, Kek.

That's your women, bruv. And us Brits

>>When did Natalie Portman become ugly?
when a frenchman was inside her


Damn, Natalie looks like she's been hitting the bottle pretty hard for the past few years

>Needing to mention that Jerusalem is in Israel to a bunch of jews

Sup Forums will NOT stand for this. We support Israel.

I stand with Israel.
Sup Forums stands with Israel.
Donald Trump stands with Israel.

>that's right goy! only black and asian women age well!
wait a minute

Donan panders to Israel all the time.

Nige just says he's supports Israel when asked, then brushes it off and prefers to change the subject.

Hollywood liberals applaud a convicted fugitive pedophile


wtf? I love Meryl Streep now.

I hate everyone but Trump, so I'm going to need at least 30 or more threads/articles about this. So when did Meryl Streep get involved with the BDS movement to boycott Israel? Could someone start tweeting that at her to try and get a response? How about claims that she's had a secret crush on Mel Gibson for decades and she's trying anti Semitic language to get his attention?

Southern European women age just fine. It's jus kikes, brits and Irish (males and female) age like absolute shit.

Have you seen a gook hit 50 yo btw? Devolves into anteater


Why are all the pro immigrant fuckers anti Israel now? Is it literally because Trump likes Israel?

>even when she virtue signals harder than ever before she's labeled an anti semite
Liberals have painted themselves into a corner that they can't escape from


Jewish women without access to cosmetic surgery age the worst

In utero


wtf I love Meryl Streep now

Adding more. We need to get the word out about how Meryl "fuck jews with a shovel" Streep needs to apologize to Netanyahu and say that Palestine belongs to Israel. I really want to hear about how she feels about the Palestinian people now. Two state solution? Apartheid? Whatcha wanting, cunt?

Yeah he likes Israel so much his daughter is literally named Israel right now. Deport he mudslimes then nuke Jerusalem.




>[T]he international community does not technically recognize either Israeli or Palestinian sovereignty over any part of Jerusalem. The 1947 United Nations plan to partition Palestine stipulated that Jerusalem would be under international jurisdiction, providing for the protection of the people and sites in the contested city. None of the events since then have been recognized by the international community as changing that status.
However, the international community has generally supported the notion of dividing the city and creating two capitals for two states... The issue remains extremely volatile


*sips tea*

>jew on jew action

Sorry but fuck Israel.
We give them billions each year for no reason.
What war have they fought alongside us to become our greatest ally?
They guilt tripped the world with Muh Holocaust to give themselves a country, only to be genociding the Palestinians as we speak.
Let the sandniggers have their useless strip of desert.
Our taxpayer money is going to a useless conflict.
Kinda weird seeing all these shills saying "We must support Israel". It's really unnatural and robotic. Anyone who supports Israel is a naive Milo-fag who needs to fuck off back to r/The_Donald. You are not alt-right.
Anyone who thinks Donald Trump is the perfect candidate is Milo-tier. As much as I like him and voted for him, I do not support his stance on Israel.
Muslims only hate us because we fucked up the Middle East and support the rogue state of Israel.
Every time Muslims and Christians fight each other, Jews profit. Do people not see this?
Fuck the Jews and fuck Israel.

Meryl Streep is such a fucking cunt
>Amy Adams is a immigrant
You stupid bitch, she is a natural born citizen. Her dad was a GI stationed in Italy. She is American, not an immigrant. She doesn't hold Italian citizenship.

>Be Meryl Streep
>Shit on Trump in your epic speech, wow my friends and Jewish overlords are going to love this
>Even throw in a cheeky reference to the holy land of Jerusalem
>Wait why am I being called an anti-semite

Well, to be fair Miss Herschlag is a Jew of the highest order. Exposing her is only a just, so that anyone dealing with this creature knows what they're getting into.

>Prime natalie
Hardly. Also, that's with probably 25+ makeup products on her fucking face so not very representative. She could look close to that today as well if she just plastered enough of that stuff on, like women do.

Even the plumber knows what's up

* a just action to inform the people

>Liberals now have to be antisemetic in order to oppose Trump, a man Jews don't even like.


I fucking hate nu-journalism

/r/The_Donald is down the road, child.


Hello JIDF

Oh, cool. Why don't you go there and when you arrive, hang yourself fron it's rafters so your mother no longer has to suffer looking at the direct result of whoring herself out to the Chinese Mafia and three failed back alley abortions.
You fucking leaf.

Spread it, Meryl Streep is a bad goy, let the streets run red.

>What war have they fought alongside us to become our greatest ally?
The War on terror
>They guilt tripped the world with Muh Holocaust to give themselves a country, only to be genociding the Palestinians as we speak.
No. They needed a place for Jews to go to be Jewish. Europe and the US were not the places for them. Palestinians wanted to kill all the Jews once Israel was formed, but instead got their shit pushed in. Sorry they lost, get over it.
>Let the sandniggers have their useless strip of desert.
No, they can go to another Arab country, but guess what, they aren't wanted their either.
>Our taxpayer money is going to a useless conflict.
Citation needed. Killing inbred sandniggers is never a waste
>Kinda weird seeing all these shills saying "We must support Israel".
Not an argument
>Muslims only hate us because we fucked up the Middle East and support the rogue state of Israel.
WRONG. DEAD FUCKING WRONG. Now I know you're muslim. Every country that borders a muslim majority problem has a problem with them. Every country with a sizible muslim minority has a problem with them. Fuck off with this "hurr durr normally peaceful people" bullshit. It isn't true.
>Every time Muslims and Christians fight each other, Jews profit. Do people not see this?
Wrong again muslims faggot.
>Fuck the Jews and fuck Israel.
You lost, get over it.

Loli Natalie a best Natalie

What's important is to maintain your body.
That way you won't look like utter shit as time goes by.

anglo women age like milk in the sahara once they hit their early 20's to be honest


>Kike diaspora in Germany arguing with sandnigger diaspora in the U.S.

You should both neck yourselves.

>Liberals tearing each other apart.

>media creates drama about nothing
>thinking everyday people give a fuck

I hate jews, Israel, and Streep, so I care

Rightful Jebusite clay

>not posting casting couch Natalie

Is she an anti-seminole for mentioning Florida but not the nation? ;)

Israel is jewing for us.
Be wary.

Anti Semitism is, for the most part, a brown man's disease now.
Jews are white, based and extremely redpilled too.
If you're anti Jews then you're anti white.

>The War on Terror
Jews did 9/11. Jews are fueling more terrorism. Zionist Jews are terrorists themselves.

>Muh Jews need a place to be Jewish
They aren't the real Jews though. They are Talmudists. The Talmud is based off the Code of Hammurabi which is what the tenets of Satanism is based off of. Jews can be Jewish anywhere. If they want Israel, they can buy the land with their own shekels. Otherwise, they are illegally squatting. I don't care how badly they want their land to rebuild their shitty stupid moloch temple.

>Muh they can go to other Arab countries
Why should they? It's their clay. Has been for hundreds of years. It's a historical area that is in a strategic location. Do you think Jordan is a geographically strategic place? No.

>Killing inbred sandniggers is never a waste
It makes sandniggers angry and do more terrorist attacks. There's no need to be killing any sandniggers when they haven't been bothering us for hundreds of years until the creation of the rogue state of Israel.

>Not an argument
Fuck off Molymeme. There are tons of JIDF shills shilling the same "We must support Israel" in those exact word. Just look at this thread.

I'm not saying sandniggers aren't a problem. I don't like Islam either but Jews are behind the opening of the floodgates which is why your country is so full of sandniggers. Blaming Muslims is low hanging fruit. The root of the problem is the Jews.

>wrong again muslim faggot
I'm not a muslim. Jews profit by our wars in the middle east because they give out a façade of oh look at this only democracy in the middle east! We are so peaceful! Meanwhile they are just as sandnigger and sandniggers.

Gas yourself kike.

>Anti Semitism is, for the most part, a brown man's disease now.

How are you Jews enjoying the year of the Frog God so far?

>Trump got to say she was full of shit before all this fall out and all the negative attention went right back at her
Didn't even need to tweet, they're ripping each other apart and its great.

so... we can say she is /our woman/?


Looks like she inkected collagen in her lips, probably botox'd the forehead too. Shameful .Just age gracefully, sloots.

Pretty much right after black Swan

this is what happens when you try to run a political hustle: unless you are totally on point, then YOU end up getting played and exposed.

i, for one, will enjoy seeing the kind of hell that gets sent the way of this fake, virtue signalling fraud.

>try to pull off a political pot shot against president trump
>imply that he mocked a grown man BECAUSE of his disability (proven patently false btw) and NOT because of his ineptitude
>completely neglect mentioning the assault and torture of a mentally handicapped 18 year old by 4 evil, violent thugs
>"wehhh wehhhhh i care about the disabled wehhhhhh"

this bitch is downright disgusting and i'm reeeeeally gonna enjoy seeing all the shit this fraud gets.

Look at me, JIDF, were the Jews now

I'd say we're doing pretty well.
Note that your domestic Jews are not our friends, and do not hold our views.

Butthurt heeb detected. Yaweh sucks black dick.
>The War on terror
That jews started

>No. They needed a place for Jews to go to be Jewish. Europe and the US were not the places for them. Palestinians wanted to kill all the Jews once Israel was formed, but instead got their shit pushed in. Sorry they lost, get over it.
Jews don't need anywhere to be jewish you racist, the hebrew faggots can integrate with all the beautiful diversity they champion. Lots and lots of africans need to breed out your disgusting white skinned jews.

>No, they can go to another Arab country, but guess what, they aren't wanted their either.
Neither are the hebrew faggots that were thrown out of every occupied kingdom and nation in history because they can't act like human beings.

>Citation needed. Killing inbred sandniggers is never a waste
Killing jews is never a waste either, germany should get a rebate for all the fertilizer they made from your grandfather.

>Not an argument
Israel support is 100% shill trash, funny how israel actually has an internet division where they've called out Sup Forums by name

>WRONG. DEAD FUCKING WRONG. Now I know you're muslim. Every country that borders a muslim majority problem has a problem with them. Every country with a sizible muslim minority has a problem with them. Fuck off with this "hurr durr normally peaceful people" bullshit. It isn't true.
Funny how every country also has a problem with jewish nepotism and subversion, hm? Lets see the semite cocksuckers advocate for diversity in jewish neighborhoods.

>Wrong again muslims faggot.
No, he's absolutely right, subhuman shlomo

>You lost, get over it.
Killing a jewish child is a great way to pass the time ;)

dude shes literally pregnant.

Did you watch the bitch's body language? She was doing a job. Even worse then she 'acts'.


That's what he does with everything

>How is your Jew son-in-law going to negotiate peace in the middle East?

>Trump- "the confirmations are going great!"

>why is pedowood producer, Steve Mnuchin, your Treasury pick. Didn't he foreclose on 10's of thousands of homes including attempting to kick out an elderly woman over 27 cents?

>Trump- " wow, that's a great red hat!"

>I hate jews, Israel, and Streep, so I care
Exactly. This news is not news for liberals to consume, it is news for Sup Forums.

>Donald stands with Israel gets tested by msm
>Suddenly hollywood actors can come out in support of Trump without fear of blacklist

this sadly

I'm not Jewish. I've been studying the Israeli/Palestinian conflict since 1998. And you faggots always bring the same tired """arguments""" that "no they aren't REALLY jewish, dispite having distinctly different DNA markers that indicate they are in fact Jewish". Jews did not do 9/11. Arab Muslims did. You sound like one of those cucked white males excusing black violence due to white people.

"""Palestine""" has never existed. The Ottoman Empire took the land from the Byzantine Empire around the year 1300. After that the British took it from the Ottoman Empire after the end of WW1. It was never Palestine, so fuck off and learn history faggot.

I honestly don't care if Israel is a democracy or not, they remove kebab and love doing it. I support anyone doing the same.

more please.


>Funny how every country also has a problem with jewish nepotism and subversion
If the Jews are selling shit. White people are certainly lapping it up. So fuck off.

looks jewish here.

>wears fedora


You ruined Sup Forums now.
Are you proud of yourself?

Keked outloud, 10/10

listening to YOB - Atma while looking at this image. I sense the end of the world soon.

>I'd say we're doing pretty well.

Is it beginning to dawn on nationalist Jews in Israel that the cultural marxist /multiculturalist (many of whom are Jews) attack and weakening of the Evangelical Christian power base USA is going to be the death of Israel?
It wasn't the money of Jewish billionaires and Aipac that made US support Israel.
It was the Evangelicals and they are weakening.
Plenty of Obama-UN-resolution kind of surprises coming in the future.

Holy shit this is the most sand niggish post I've ever seen.

>negga was born in ethiopia

what did she mean by this?

>push the kike agenda
>get called a racist anti-semite anyway

TOPKEK can libturds be any more cucked?

Being pro kike is anti white because kikes are pro white genocide. Please do the world a favor and kill yourself. Please. The world is begging this of you.

She looks good desu

well if you would be the fucktoy of the elite you would wish to get ugly as fast as you can

OOH Ok so you've (((studied))) the conflict from your Marxist universities. The same universities that guilt trip you about the Holocaust even though the kikes there started a civil war in your country and destroyed the morale of your people. There are Jews who have been living in the area called Palestine peacefully amongst Muslims and Christians until the Zionists claimed their rogue nation and started illegally squatting the land and moving the natives into camps. The Zionists come from the Ashkenazi Jews who come from the Khazarian Empire which converted to a Talmudist sect of Judaism. That's why you see "white-looking" Jews in Israel. They are not semitic at all.
Why were Jews celebrating when the towers fell? Why did Silverstein take out billions of dollars on September 10? Why were they saying Iraq had WMDs? Hmmm let's see...if I were an Iraqi man and my children were being killed and schools were being bombed, I'd be pretty pissed off. You wonder why they hate us. Hmmmmmmmmm really makes me think.
Whether or not if it was ever called Palestine or if it existed doesn't fucking matter. We lived pretty much peacefully with the Ottoman Empire. Arabs hadn't bothered us since the Masonic kikes split the Ottoman Empire into arbitrary pieces which causes Shiites to rule one country and Sunnis to rule another. Causing wars.

>I don't care if it's a democracy, they remove kebab hurrr
That's why they hate us fuck face. Nobody should be killed, but Jews are the ones inciting the violence. They should not be in Israel. It is not their land.

To be honest, I'd much prefer US to NOT give money to Israel.
We have two huge demographics who basically live off your taxes.
The orthodox jews who do not contribute to society at all, and ruin it for us normal people.
And your favorite poor Palestinians, who literally put on fat on Israeli budget expense.
Once the money stops coming in, drastic measures will be taken. Measures that will ignore the UN and the US.
There will be no reporting on the ground. There will be no international backlash. The war will begin and end quickly, quietly and peace shall commence, because they will be too scared to do anything about it.
Then we can finally be a normal country.

After The Professional.

Poland knows what's up.