What are some Sup Forums approved anime?
What are some Sup Forums approved anime?
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Kino no Tabi is pretty redpilled, doesn't look like it would be on the surface but it's; literally about travelling to different countries with varying cultures, morals, traditions, customs, politics and beliefs. Really blurs the lines of morality and puts into question how society functions.
Seconding Kino, that's good shit
>set in WEST Germany in 1980s
>main character is bluepilled at start of story
>spends rest of story trying to repair the damage
Nodame Cantabile
>a whole show about how the music of White Europeans is the apex of human artistic achievement
The only answer is, none.
And this, is to go even further, BEYOND
>Literally promotes race-mixing
This one
Hokuto No Ken/Fist of the North Star
Basically this guy named Kenshiro kills a metric ass load of bad guys that kill innocent people.
For a manga/anime that was made for kids in Japan, it has a little bit of red pilled philosophy, pic related.
Rose of Versailles, it's about the French Revolution.
>Rose of Versailles, it's about the French Revolution.
Is it about how the French revolution was total shit, perpetuated by Jews?
I think not. Sup Forums is too hung up on muh genetics to understand the root cause of degeneracy lies in upbringing and culture.
It's more about through the eyes of the monarchy, being incompetent retards until the peasants say ennough.
K-ON! doesn't need your faggy approvals.
Every time you suggest here that we should create a society where everyone is judged on their unique merits as individual you will be called a shill.
The pic you posted is right though. Genes don't decide shit. Judge not a man by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character. It doesn't matter if you're white or black, if you act like a nigger I will treat you like a nigger but no person is determined entirely through genes.
Go back to Sup Forums, fag.
Your potential in those things is pretty much genetic though
No matter how much you train, someone who is truly born talented will always be better than you without much effort
And the worst thing is that Reihardt is an example of this
See what I mean?
prisma illya
I want this slutty brown loli to sit on my face!
we all know that feel senpai.
Haikyuu is Sup Forums approved.
And with this, the thread has been ruined. Pack it up boys, it's been fun.
>it's a 90's fag gets triggered episode
We haven't even started yet m8.
Even moeshit is better then RWBY
ive come to feel over the years LOGH is like what anime snobs watch to feel like they are intelligent
gundam is the true gentleman's anime
You're the only one ruining the thread by being a whiny cunt.
Angel's Egg is the most redpilled anime movie I have watched.
Borderline pretentious, but great.
Others: Cyber City Oede,
>mfw i was mentioned twice
While I disagree with you on LoGH, I'm surprised you don't see more gundam fans on here.
Angel Cop unedited
Mad Bull 34
Patlabor 2
Mechs are silly desu.
No one says genetics completely dictate your entire life's purpose man. Just that they have their own role to play. I mean fuck tell how useless genetics are to a bug. You can't because you're more developed and they can't even perceive the idea, let alone understand the implications of the idea.
We bring up that evolution exists and genetic superiority does as well. Some are more specialized and some are just better, sometimes in all respects. Just think about it, if there ever was an ubermensch, why would he tolerate us as his inferiors?
He doesn't also have to do away with us. But, it must be made clear who is better. There is a hierarchy, God has one and nature has one. In the end only the truly superior survive, and that's what matters.
Everyone wants to be someone great, but only a certain few have the actual means to do so for whatever reason.
>Dragon Half
Fight the power
No such thing. Anime is blue pilled as fuck
For some reason i find anime degenerate as fuck.
>Shitty story arcs
>Bad animation
>Sub par voice acting
>Annoying characters
>Stupid weapons even by anime standards
kek, I'm watching this now, it's... something alright, but redpilled?
Can confirm Jojo is god tier
Parts 1 and 3 are the worst though
We'll mechas are impractical, and Zeeks behave more like SJWs and leftist then nazis, the titans and the EF behave better to Sup Forums views
Yeah the story is shit me has bad writting.
But weapons, every anime has ridiculous weapons. Well at least is not a cartoon right?
Get a load of this normie.
Late night Jap comedy cartoons could not give a fuck what you, me or anyone else thinks about them. That's the opposite of bluepill groupthink m8.
>he calls out the jews
I'm gonna have to watch this...
Just read a fucking space opera book. There are thousands of them and theyre better writtem than this and dont limit your fantasy.
I cant understand why its so hard for some people to read things instead of watnching stuff. Sure i loved code geass and the other stuff that is made well but its only entertainment, not redpilling or thought provoking
I can agree with that, I hate how newer cartoons tend to look.
Does it not make you want to build a world fit for upper middle class girls to lazy away their school days in safety? Now imagine a world where all schoolkids could do the same, and what we have to do to society to make this very achievable goal a reality.
What's the name of this anime again?
is this any good?
>you will never be such a popular dweeb you'll get to be in your seiyuufu music video
>is this any good?
>watching aryan space battles the anime at this very moment
>see this thread
More of a loli and CGDCT fan, but this show is nice.
This user right here is correct
Also, this quote by Reinhard is taken out of context. He wasn't referring to genetic differences between different races/ethnicities, he was referring to the "good breeding" of the nobility. The idea of of having "noble blood" because your parents and grandparents were nobles, much like ancient nobility. And he is right, it is a retarded concept, but he was bashing the Hapsburgs, not the race realists
>No Serial Experiments Lain
Bluepilled brainlets in this thread.
Hayate no Gotoku was mostly a comedy/harem series, but I always found that it had some pretty red-pilled messages tucked away in it.
Lain is a Key rip-off desu.
Socialism BTFO
>forgetting the greatest anime of all time
Part 1 was decent, it's just that part two is so fucking powerful it trumps (lol trump) the part before it.
checked and praised
I'm guessing everyone has simply forgotten about/never seen C:The Money of Soul and Possibility Control.
Kirby Right Back At Ya
7 and 4 beats the shit out of all of them though
oops, forgot to +1 jojo
part 2 is the world's finest!
>YFW The Origin VI heavily implies Deguin fucked Garma
Here is a good'n
Ninja fucking scroll you neets!
Reminder that Gendo Ikari did nothing wrong.
Watch Magi lads, the main cast gets redpilled about jews after some episodes.
poor deguin
Spriggan forgot about that Redpilled movie!