Sup Forums will deny we live in a patriarchy

>Sup Forums will deny we live in a patriarchy





>innocent until proven guilty

Funny how that works. Sage.

>all these alleged sexual assault victims only accused him of it when he started winning the presidential race just a little bit too hard to their liking


you're right: Bill Clinton is a monster

>double digits

>lemme just wait twenty years before I mention it to anybody
>waaaah how come nobody is taking me seriously!


>What is innocent until proven guilty


Occupy Democrats is the biggest shit can of a Facebook page

It's actually because they are stupid and selfish. Do you realize how easy it is to prove something like rape when you go directly to the police without taking a shower like a fucking retarded retard?


I still don't get what the fuck "Occupy" even means in this context.

bait thread is easy bait

>accusers that all came forward and admitted they were lying

>double digits

In the US a man can have his entire livelihood destroyed from a false rape accusation, even if he's not convicted. What a patriarchy, huh?

>double digits
Check 'em.

women outnumber men, and in todays world men are not permitted to physically to control women in any way at all. We can all agree the laws favor women in the case of physical violence.
women can hit men and if a man hits back he is the one that goes to jail

this leaves us with two possibilities:
Knowing that men are not able to physically control women yet they are in control of the world, means
A. Men are in fact more intelligent and capable that women and that is why the patriarchy exists
B. Women are every bit as intelligent and capable as men, therefore the patriarchy doesn't exist because it can't

nice try Russia, but Kek isn't on your side...
however, he's obviously on my side.


Fucking leafs...

Shut the fuck up Norway.



Watch this you stupid cunt. Kek will curse you.

Goddamn it Kek, stop playing around with me.

Kek, I offered you [word requires gold membership to see] yesterday, don't you remember?



Bitch ass nigger. I'll fuck u up

the plural of "leaf" is "leaves", dumb fucking stupid norcuck

I never asked why women do not report sexual assault, I have asked, on occasion, why colleges and university encourage them to report it falsely.

And, as far as I can tell, have gone away when it didn't work. Are any of them pressing a case?

The irony.

It means they think there is something positive they gain by associating with the full-retard "Occupy Movement." This is how out of touch with reality they are.


Kek supports this image

Yeah I wouldn't do something if I realized it was a lost cause as well.

Lesson is: false rape accusations are a waste of time and always have evidence.

Funny how It doesn't work for Madam President.

>women are afraid to report sexual assault because their claims are not automatically believed
>women are afraid of joining STEM because some people think girls suck at math
>women are afraid of walking on the streets because someone may whistle at them
>women suffer from the pink tax because exactly the same products cost more when they're marketed for women and they can't just buy the men ones instead
>women are afraid to voice their opinions online because someone might ridicule thing
>women are not subhuman
>women are strong and independent

>but the bottom 20% of blacks
>are dumber than monkeys

I can have everyone of my friends accuse me of being a dinosaur on national television

but if there is no firm evidence to confirm, then I cannot be convicted of being an extinct reptile

I think people don't know the difference between an accusation and a conviction

>our system thinks your post is spam
what the fuck

>women suffer from the pink tax because exactly the same products cost more when they're marketed for women and they can't just buy the men ones instead
If men oriented products costed more than the women oriented ones, would you buy it?

If I knew them to be the same, I would.

>not being thrown in jail for life the instant a woman doesn't like the way you looked at her
>it's the patriarchy!

Kek hath foresaken all leafposters. It is written, and rolled.

The day of the rake

Perhaps that testifies of the un-trustworthiness of women.




So that means 50% of whites are more intelligent than 80% blacks.Okay.

>things are bad, better hide, quit, and blame
this is why women lose.

To a man, this is a motivator.
Men would be MORE inclined to report in face of adversity.


Once again all those accusations were absolute fucking bullshit.

This argument is bullshit, "occupy democrats" level reasoning. Clinton was a lawyer, was her job to defend people regardless of what they have done.



...and then laugh about it later

thanks kek

There's actual proof

You should know this Russia, you hacked the election after all

>a man can have double digits and be elected president of the United States

Also triples and even multiple digits of higher degrees.

we do, and it's good.




Trump was a businessman, it was his job to do what it takes to make a profit.

Are Americans terrible with logic? I never said I supported Hillary. Calling a bad, low energy meme by its name does not equal I'm some leftwing nigger loving faggot.

leddit tier appeal to emotion aka not an argument

We do live in a patriarchy though.

A patriarchy where men are getting cucked, if that makes sense. It's still a patriarchy.

Most families, the father is the dominant one
Men still earn more than women
Men capable of better work
Men run our govornments

Weak and censored patriarchy still, and quite frankly, it isn't enough patriiarchy, as weak patriarchy means weak men and miserable women.

I don't deny we live in patriarchy. I deny that there's anything wrong with patriarchy.

There are a lot more products in female hair care items than male hair care, also, women will never stop buying them so why would you ever lower the price.

The stories completely disappeared like two weeks before the election.

>People ask why DNCers don't report corruption.
>The answer is: a woman can violate democracy, take money from countries that still stone women for having opnions, get people killed, ruin countries and get pedos aquitted, and STILL be elected as the Democrat presidential candidate.
>Reddit will deny we live in a matriarchy

If women don't like living in a patriarchy why don't they get off their fat lazy asses and do something besides bitch and moan?

> Doesnt report
> Let's have him walk into the whitehouse
Dumb cunts thinks accusations are convictions.

>Hillary did lots of criminal shit and still supported by media and government
>liberals will deny we live in matriarchy