Anders Breivik, in court today defending his human right in prison
Anders Breivik , NORWAY's ONLY HERO
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>when you murder 77 people but they only give you a PS2 in your jail cell so you call a human rights trial
literally like one of those meme-balls
I have my old 360 under my bed, do you think i could send it to him?
He won it.
This is the appeal, the gov asked for
you could try. Include tax for the customs if needed
is there any livestream, liveticker or something? i bet there is a media blackout, nobody wants to showcase his high intelligence to a broad mass, especially not to young people who didnt even know what he had done
Murders aside.
If a black man stood with his fist up, doing the black power stance nobody would care.
did his hair do a flip and turn into a beard
you see the link in the main post, don't you?
Short video though
Anyone here actually read his Manifesto?
It's the ROMAN SALUTE. Soon to be seen again in a country close to you
Breivik is a great man.
Desperate times calles for desperate measures.
Most of the people at the camp wouldn't have been red pilled - they had been brainwashed since they were kids - so Breivik did what he had to do. Always kill the traitors first.
It might appear on that news site soon
I have this premonition
No, just a weird camera angle.
I hope that he livestreams speed runs of PS2 games when his time is up.
>guy guns down kids on an island with no escape
>mercilessly does this to unarmed people
>even gets a comfy prison for doing it
>oh look he's white and a flaky nationalist
>becomes Sup Forums's hero.
>"i-it's just satire g-guys.."
seriously disgusting.
This should be on every library :^)
he murders random people and he's your hero?
nice value system
>im so angsty the post
>Kill soon-to-be facilitators of the islamic domination of Europe
>Writes a whole essay on the matter and toss it free of cost on the internet explaining how people are doing it
>Newfag doesn't give a fuck
>Newfag visit Sup Forums and now feels judgemental
>killing unnarmed kids with no escape
Always kill traitors before nemeies. That's the rule.
OH shit...Anders is rocking the executive power beard now...fuckin sharp homeboy
this guy murdered children. fuck him.
>guy bombs the HQ of the party that has brought immigration and cultural marxism to Norway
>guns down the future leaders of said party at a camp pretty much containing every relevant youth party members, survivors are PTSD-ridden, scarred for life cripples who won't be able to continue with politics
>the party will eventually suffer great losses when the future generation takes over
>saves his country
>continues to troll the weak justice system and has himself advocated death penalty for an act like his
I'm glad that he's mocking the liberalized justice system. A civilized country would have killed him by firing squad and put his body in an unmarked grave.
>random people
>Always kill traitors before nemeies. That's the rule.
>a civilized country would do what every uncivilized country does
Traitors ddie first
He cut the head off the snake the would be in power coming up in a decade or so. not to mention drawing attention to the subject at an absoultely crucial time in history. Anders defined and targeted cultural marxism in a way that no one had ever heard of or imagined before.
Death penalty isn't the thing that makes uncivilized countries uncivilized.
itt: buttmad blue pills
someone post the essay (link/screencaps/etc)
Fuck off Saracen.
I did, its pretty good
>actually it's a Roman Salute
death penalty is also not what makes civilized countries civilized
Commie children. Praise him.
>a civilised country
That's fucking rich. Compare Norways murder and reoffence rate with other countries, especially yours. Then wonder who's civilised.
whatever its called it's not wrong to do it
It's at the foot of the article in the same link (see main post)
Downloadable PDF
>"the kids were brainwashed!"
>"they were traitors!"
>actually trying to justify someone calmly walking around executing kids that are terrified knowing they have nowhere to hide
Just really fucking disgusting. I could have maybe understood the bombing as it was a political station rather than people, thus being less discriminatory, but to see people calling this guy based is just the biggest double standard.
Imagine if this guy was muslim, black, etc.? You guys would be flipping your shit. Slap nationalism on it and now you guys will unironically defend a degenerate mass killer?
Sometimes I have to step back and realize there are actually heartless people on this board who are neo-nazis.
dumb cunt
Ours too. Justice systems a fucking joke in our country compared to other euro countries.
you have to go back
In his manifesto he insulted nazis and praised Israel
no sympathy
go back to fucking reddit
Holy cow he got really handsome
Nothing wrong with nazis.
You're just a pussy with no vision.
You read the WRONG ONE. This one is free not sold in shekels
this desu
>double standard
You seem confused, user. Nobody here argues from the platform of equality.
I'd appeal too if I had a PS2 in 2017
>Slaughtered commies and islam sympathiser.
Why does the west give a shit?
He's a Crisis Actor. It was just a terrorism drill reported as real by the lying media. They do this all the time.
Nobody can deny that Breivik is an autistic sperglord who likes to kill kiddies.
The political bullshit is just a cheap pretext for a criminal sociopathy.
He didn't even properly an hero!
Police should just have shot him, it would have saved a lot of money and prevented spergers all over the world worshipping their sperglord.
Faggot, how dare u shame my mosses
Umm.. What about all the people who died?
Fuck off m8
>MGS 2/3
>Star Wars Battlefront
PS2 is where it's at son
>large bomb placed in trafficked area of densely populated city
>firearm pointed at people inhabiting a political camp in isolated location
Which of these is the more likely to kill or injure someone not affiliated with the targeted political agenda?
>deserving to not be shot
No wonder Germanistan is going down the shitter. You'd rather be red than dead. Fucking degenerate.
Achmed, learn proper English.
t. someone who has never experienced any real danger before
Double standard in the sense that Sup Forums condemns mass killers, even people like Dylan Roof, but for some reason (and mostly Euros I've noticed) have a hard on for Anders Breivik. I even see anons in this very thread still trying to justify that what he did was fine because he's also pointing out flaws in the Norwegian prison system?
It's shit like this that bothers me. All these innocent people gunned down because they thought differently? You're just okay with that? Isn't that type of behavior that you use to justify the active removal of muslims from your countries? The ones that run down groups of your brothers and sisters in trucks because they don't praise Allah?
I see plenty on here willing to condemn the Muslims' actions, along with myself. Why the praise for Anders though? Norway has its flaws as a socialist state and you could argue Anders brought light to that, sure, but this defense of degeneracy when the guy actively slaughtered defenseless people (kids, no less) is the only thing I consider "pussy" here. It's okay to slaughter kids (of your own nation, for christ's sakes) because they're associated with a commie-leaning party?
Is the hypocrisy not apparent yet?
Ignore it as much as you want, but you're degenerates if you support this guy /at all/.
His birthday is coming up soon. Can we crowd source a birthday card for him, like Sup Forums does with Gabe and kojima?
The Norwegian judge pronounced his name Breivik, which I guess is correct.
Why is German madia calling him Braywik?
really makes me think
>oh no, not danger. God forbid I ever have to risk my life for a better tomorrow.
Speak for yourself faggot. I've been shot at, held at gunpoint, and almost taken hostage.
Kiss my ass, fear is for the weak.
soul caliber 3 was pretty lit
Just really good at staying still.....for years at a time.
>tfw its over 1500 pages
>kill a bunch of kids instead of the people in power making those failed decisions
Fuck off, he is an insane mass murderer
He went for the easy targets and accomplished nothings
A Hero would die killing a commie leader like that guy in japan that did it with a sword, not fucking shoot kids who "maybe" will make it in politics one day
this. Fucking jews everything is Nazi this and Nazi that
Can be done in a couple days. No biggie.
It's also interesting as fuck, you'll have arguments against leftists for a whole lifetime, the first pages give an insight on PC - Cultural Marxism - with people that preached it and the material they used, I took several hundred notes.
>kills young mostly white people supporting a centre left worker's party
oh fuck off, he just ruined the future prospects of a nationalist movement.
I saved it, will get around to reading it
They should feed him to the spider pit.
don't really care who he killed, am interested in his thoughts though
Its not really hypocritical and your comparison to blacks or muslims doing it is apples and oranges. Breivik is a citizen of that country. Secondly those weren't kids, they were almost all late teens and they were actively working to subvert the country, so I don't know where you get "innocence" from lol.
Unless this is just b8.
they were young adults, they could have changed their mind in the future, it was a cruel and vile act, the prime minister was supposed visit the island but didn't show up.
>Double standard in the sense that Sup Forums condemns mass killers, even people like Dylan Roof
Dylan Roof is condemned because of his poor choice of targets, wasting his efforts, not the act of mass killing.
what do you mean?
> realising erasing the upcoming politicians is more effective than current stagnated ones
>it was a cruel and vile act
Yes, it's terrorism. It's not a nice business.
>they were young adults, they could have changed their mind in the future
There were two victims too young to be prosecuted as adults. Out of 77. All guilty of their supposed sin. That's spectacularly accurate for terrorism. Haven't heard of a large-scale massacre with that little collateral, especially by just one person.
You don't like terrorism. Great. But you're not gonna find a better terrorist.
>I could have maybe understood the bombing as it was a political station rather than people, thus being less discriminatory
>could have maybe understood
>less discriminatory
Less discriminatory just means more collateral you monumental fucking moron.
I'm not sure to say unfortunately or not,but.....This guy is right.
I'll just assume you're not bullshitting as I can sympathize. Alright, you're a fearless dude, fair enough. You still think it's alright to gun down kids who are associated with an ideology you don't like? Just seems fucked up is all I'm saying.
You would think the bomb and they can be devastating, no argument there. My point was if the guy say, bombed Norway's parliament for his agenda and that's where it ended I might understand his praise more from Sup Forums. In the end, his body count was higher on the island, but it's a big step to go from ideological political bomber/terrorist that doesn't necessarily want to kill people but wants to spread his/her message (think Unabomber), to absolute madman gunning down innocent, defenseless people point blank. The latter garners zero sympathy for me whatsoever and I have a hard time understanding how others can.
Omar Mateen (Orlando Club shooting) was a citizen of the US who killed 50+ people in cold blood. Victims were young gay males, which I'm sure many on Sup Forums would somehow think are "subverting America" also. BUT, he was a Muslim who supported ISIS.
Suddenly that's apples to oranges for you? Are Omar and Anders both not terrorists that committed atrocious acts to support a political/religious agenda? It's not b8. I'm not even getting into the fact that many of those kids might have just been at that island because they were told to also. Imagine how many of you were forced to go to shitty camps like this when you were younger (Christian oriented or otherwise)? How many of you actually adopted their ideology? Anders was just wrong on so many levels with those shootings.
>Poor choice of targets.
Some would argue they're black therefore that doesn't matter. Anders kills kids at a commie summer camp and now it does? Why not actually target actual communist adults who hold positions of power in Norway?
Fuck you faggot, you should be gunned down with them.
>Took away the human rights of multiple people they can never get back
>Crybabies about his own human rights.
If you're gonna kill a bunch of people, don't act like you're still entitled to something they can never get back.
>defending his human right in prison
Haha, oh wow! Europe is almost like heaven. Pretty chill docile population.
106478581 (you)
Can people actually stop?... The guy is making blanket statements for the past 20 minutes, nobody here should take him seriously.
Read what the fucking guy had to say, what this user didn't do.
>first he attacked nazis
>secondly attacked people on the board
>thirdly attacked Sup Forums but he's still here talking bullshit
>he'll go on collecting (you)'s and go on and on rambling about other people, ignore this garbage.
> Gays
< This
That thay after my girlfriend told the news I said to her, "all in all it was a good day"
106478936 (you)
Same way as this guy has been changing proxies from the past 30 minutes and making 1 post comments.
No mercy. Marxist commie scum condemned whites to death, as in genocide, as in total extinction from the face of the earth. Every single one of them, even the women and children. You faggots are so stupid you think everybody is going to be cool with it. Good luck with that.