Will Christians EVER recover?
Will Christians EVER recover?
fuck i think this is it boys. atheism won now. FUCK.
it's been fun...
Also they're totally out of the Satanic closet now.
Bolder and stronger than ever...
still tho, this photo it obliterates the Vatican Christianity all of it.
We should buy our fedoras now.
I actually tried one of those on and my brother laughed his ass off.
I don't even know who created (and why) these not-hats-but-somehow-accidentally-hats things.
That is how Muslims think of atheists
Is there anything gayer than the atheist movement?
As soon as somebody tells me that they are an atheist I'm just like "Well this person has nothing interesting or intelligent to say or add to the conversation."
Wow i fucking hate christianity now!
Did you ever visit Sup Forums, /his/ or /x/?
Did you ever listen an Alex Jones video?
Christians also think pic related is true.
Shit i wish i had that much time to eat a baby. I skip ozzy because hes lame but double up on rammstien. Maybe if i skip candle time.....
Rammstein is based though. They've called Nazis on multiple occasions. So the left don't like em, which is good
no one belives that and you know it, don't push your demagogue shit. Btw I am an atheist too from a religious family and I can say that most christians dont give a flying fuck what you belive. Its just fckin edgy thing to talk shit about christians.Today mostly atheists chimp out like: yehh im smarterr cuz im atheis! u belive in spagettimonster too?! Itz like imagniry friend for adultss. Grow the fuck up, don't act like an edgy teen from 9gag.
atheism was literally destroyed by a picture of a fat man with a fedora .
>8:80 am
Stopped right there
Ozzy is quite alright though
They're really left leaning though
i've only known lefties to like rammstein.
They made a song in the late 90s called "Parasit" which was about Gerhard Schröder and the SDP and how much they hated modern socialists but it was never released because Schröder won and UMG didn't want to offend (((them))), there are only 4 records of the song on vinyl
Martin Shkreli probably has one, but he didn't release his Wu Tang shit so I doubt he'd give up Parasit if he had it
t. used to work for motor back when they were a subsidiary of Universal Music Group UMG
>but he didn't release his Wu Tang shit
He streamed it live on hitbox, though.
yeah but it wasn't all of it.
I don't even like Wu Tang but I was sort of hype because it was unreleased music and that always interests me
>Skype with Satan
>only takes 15 minutes
>5 hour long documentary
>staying up till the Witching Hour when work starts at 10am
Ramnstein is leftypol-core. Their biogragraphy call them "factory-weary proletarians raised in East Germany".
there is a difference between:
-do you believe in god?
-hi, i'm an atheist
Deus vult
to be honest I do enjoy Rammstein but mostly because I dont speak German so can pretend in my head they're Nazis
why are americans so bad at time
/r/ing microwave time screencap
>Yuropoors don't know about our secret 20 minutes per hour
And that's why our GDP is tremendous
Atheist agenda:
1. Never stop shutting the fuck up about something that allegedly doesn't affect your life in any way
I accidentally the word stop
wtf I'm Christian now
The only thing gayer than atheists are other overly sensitive degenerates like stoners.
But ironically usually the same faggots belong to all the groups.
>Haha god isn't real plebs!
>*bong rips*
>weed is perfect, it has no downsides and it cures cancer!
>Yeah, isn't science as reported by my favorite media outlet great? It justifies all of my shitty habits even though I'm usually paraphrasing or misquoting on an Islam tier level.
>*grabs cheetos*
>woah woah woah, are you saying facts about what weed smoking actually does!? It doesn't cure cancer it merely makes you hungry while on chemo? It causes mental disorders after prolonged use by an individual or when used by pregnant women? It damages your lungs?
>REEEEEEEE, fuck you fuck you fuck you it should be legal everywhere!
>*gets cold sore*
>now as I was saying, Religious people are totally ridiculous babies afraid of a little criticism and that some laws aren't in their favor. Smart people like me are so above that!
Now remember 100% of stoners are atheists and you start connecting the dots of how people become such huge faggots.
>at work after 10:00 AM
>out by 5:30 PM
>lunch break on top of this
>listening to Rammstein
In what fucking universe?
Fuck this is so true
>wake up, be a faggot all day, go to sleep
the true euphoric day of le atheist science belieber