Post some (un)reliable media articles.
ITT: Sh*t fake news media says
>opinion article headlines
clickbait always
Can someone post those "fact check" or politifact double standards images?
As if Slate were ever taken seriously
I want to stick my head(the one on my shoulders) inside Donald Trump's ass.
These are fun, bumping for more.
I don't have anything strictly related, sorry...
Recycling images this soon doesn't look good for the thread friendo
>fake news
Muh proxy war is legit
oh I was just going through my folder. Im sure many /polacks have saved the same images. I should have stopped and peeked at the thread instead of just continuing to upload my favorites
These are all photoshopped goyim
The outrage is there, but not against the Russians but against CNN for Fake News.
In reality:
Army truck fell of a transport vehicle and landed on an electrical pipe sticking out of the ground.
Really warms up the neurons.
WaPoo admits defeat.
We are winning folks!!
We need to make a huge collage with all the examples of the medias jewery.
I knew Le Fake News was a dumbass strategy. Literally all you have to do is call them fake news? Did they not think about that shit?
It's because we have a better communication strategy right now. They no longer control the narrative.
In fairness this isn't as bad as it looks. Makes sense that wrong polls would result in this even if nyt wasn't shilling on election night. I mean you start with the poll assumptions and only once that threshold is broken will it sway to one side (which looks like a wild deviation represented graphically but is actually just what happens in any case when the results are called)
Not saying that they weren't shilling just that as I see it this looks even more damning than it really is
Bump .
So they just inverted the poll results until the very end?
This one can't be real, surely?
It's a White country why do people expect it to be diverse?
I understand expecting America to be diverse but why European countries?
trips checked
diversity just means less whites, no one advocates for mass immigration of Arabs to Taiwan
Fucking kek
I love these threads.
side note, the wall around Obama's new DC home just got finished.
Putin's plan
Putin's hybrid war against our election
EU, NATO, sanctions against Russia. Experts explain why Merkel is a thorn in Putin's side and whom the Kremlin boss wants to be strengthened.
Putin's attack on our election
Propaganda war even with sex mobs
Putin will try to influence the outcome of the federal election. Experts fear sex mobs right before the election.
"Think of the children" (also "What about the children?") is a phrase that evolved into a rhetorical tactic
In debate, as a plea for pity, used as an appeal to emotion, it is a logical fallacy.
Because the sub-humans want to leech off the White man.
The only reason they don't leech off the Asians is because Asians don't have compassion for things so they slaughter niggers.
I fucking love these!
>Trump can't be as bad as Caesar
What the fuck kind of education do these little shits have?
wtf I hate 8 year olds now
too many like this
Oof, that one got me. Saved
My 8 year old cried with her 8 year old.
Tough world man.
the learning channel probably
>tfw so many 20+ libtards sexually identify as 8 year olds
They all look white.
Marxist university education more like it. Smashing the white supremacist patriarchy by paying a useless cunt and her hate cruse against the civilization that gave her every single right and shekel she has!
This reads more like a YRYL thread.
This channel is an embarrassment
I swear we're not all like Honey BooBoo or her disgusting hog mother
You do have some impressive fat bags though. But at least they are not contagious, unlike marxism.
I asked my dad this over Christmas when he was talking about "All these crops are being wasted in the UK because they don't have the immigrants willing to do the job.", obviously the wages are shit if no one but immigrants are willing to do it and why are they obligated to allow them in and pay for their stay?
That should say "but lo", not "but low"
But lo, he could not.
is correct. And if you really want to sound old-timey, use "spake" instead of "said"
One is the early edition, the other the mid-day one. Same markets.
Does this mean that white niggers exist?
Good job to all of you who make and post this stuff around on social media, it's easy to understand, visual and impactful so great for normies.
How the mighty have fallen. Sad.
Strange how his bullshit still seems to work on a lot of people. Too many lazy thinkers.
great job ethan, proud of you; keep up the great work
Holy shit CNN is fake news to the max.
They dont even seem to care that millions of people know they are fake,they dont even try to hide it...disturbing
Even if they did, the gooks would just ostracize the sand niggers to the point where the sand niggers would want to run back to the shit hole that they fled from because gooks wouldn't treat them with hospitality.
I don't know why the hell White wimmin actually try to breed with immigrant shitskins, welcoming them into their homes only to get beat, raped & killed.
I know Caesar is looked back on like some kind of noble, successful leader who was looking out for Rome the whole time but the thing is he really wasn't.
He was far more like Hillary Clinton than you'd like to imagine. Just an intelligent, power-hungry careerist really. He knew where power was and how to get a piece of it for himself at every turn until he reached the top and then got fucking shanked. There are a good few times where he just blatantly shat on the traditions of republican Rome all while claiming to want to preserve the Republic. The main ways he retained power for as long as he did was by securing the loyalty of the legions and just being a masterful strategist and political mover, always being just one step ahead of the senate.
He had no grand vision for Rome like Octavian did. He just did all he could to get power, keep it and then continue expanding.
They will when they go on budget. :)
The this (((real)))
Remember Aylan and all the Aleppo children. Victimism is the demagogy of 21st century. Everyone wants a piece, Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Immigrants, Women. You have to see it by what it is a tactic for emotional manipulation.
Kremlin boss wants to get rid of Merkel and bolster extremists
Putin's secret war against our election. What you need to know in order not to accidentally vote for Putin.
Propaganda war with sex mobs. Deliberately spread fake news. Cyber- web- and social media manipulation.
Thanks Michelle.
>Well done steak
Fucking dropped.
what degenerate "news" source is that?
That just makes it even more confusing. Why change the message to something completely different later in the day to the same market?
>part of Atlantikbrücke
>editor in chief Bilderberg attendee and networked with Google
pic all of the above
that's right, bleach is a base, not an acid
The hack CNN talk about in the first article is hack of the vote tallies, and in the second article is a hack of the DNC, two different things.
It was also written by two different reporters.
neck your self cuck
Holy shit! I thought it was fake! WTF Express.