>Venezuela’s Congress has backed a resolution declaring President Nicolas Maduro has “abandoned his post”.

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i fucking hate this shiteater so everything bad that happens to him is good news for me. thanks for making my day senpai


When you find shit in the toilet, not much of a surprise.

It was pretty clear that his own "friends" would backstab him.

Not real socialism!

Too little too latw from theze cucks

They don't really want to try to solve the problem and lose their popularity in the future

Hey hue why don't you guys and Colombia team up to liberate Venezuela ?

because we are not you. our ministry of defence protects our sovereignty. its not supposed to liberate but to prevent liberation
lots of oil there, go there yourself

>team up with colombia

It's like team up with Cuba to fight Mexico.
Nothing good will come out in the end.

so now what ?
civil war , or is america planning to put a puppet at charge of the oil .
we alll know that america is and was always after that oil market . wants to OWN it.

Won't he just do as Lenin did and send the army against them?

So does he have to step down or is this just an embarrassment

because the army has no ammo and probably no food either
the country is broke lmao

Another bolivarian ally has been lost. It is a sad day for progressive movement really.

Actually we could get nice war loots but we are out of money to send grunts and weapon
Also, we are having problems with Amazonas state right now

The army is probably not with him anymore.
He's fucked.

that picture is the definition of poverty

Oh no! Venezuela was so full of hope!

That indio is next.

I hope you are right.


any normal person in his situation would use the opportunity to graciously stand down, then flee the country with their embezzled millions. not every day a failed socialist leader gets to leave power intact

on the other hand, he's a politician, and a socialist leader on top of that. so he'll probably go down in a blaze of glory



Also a lot of our military's equipment is old or broke too

t. Conscript, didn't even have bullets to fire during the training (FAL rifle)

>This faggot runs away
>Suddenly Podemos kill themselves
>The left gets even more destroyed now


Right now nothing cause the chavist courts will annul it anyway

Literally nothing but a symbolic act

Are you being sarcastic right, kiko?

Usually at least one Venezuelan comes into these threads.

Hopefully they're all outside marching against Maduro.

The indio is the smartest one, he just pays lip service to Bolivarian rhetoric, while running the country like a neoliberal.

>was conscripted

you're probably brown

When will Indio da Coca go?

Bolivia is shit hole with dumb poor indians
This is won't happen


Honest question- does this change anything?
Are Venezuelan peasants really having sea-water soup and dirt cookies?

Team up with Cuba to fight my bro Mexico?

Fuck that I would rather team up with Mexico and split the Caribbean

Fuck island spics


Evo Morales is the smartest nigger in the neighborhood.

Keep his mouth shut and do what USA says, that's why he still in power.

Equador is the same.

>entire cities with no water thanks to his indio stupidity
haha i hope he dies

>Symbolic gesture
Not happening
wtf hue ? I thought he was out

We should have outright annexed Cuba and Hispaniola when we had the chance in the 1800's

what would be the next step?

Kennedy was a mistake

If bay of pigs worked we wouldn't have these problems today

Nip the evil in the bud and fuck the Castros Trump, please, now that you're buddies with Russia they might not pull shit

Don't elect podemos, that'd be retarded

Seriously we already have Guantanamo and Puerto Rico
We could just level the entire government of Cuba by air and run that little nation out of the base

The war would last 30 minutes

>state capitalism
Pick one

Agree, this one is politically smartest.
I don't want to say Bolivians people are comparatively more stupid because that sounds rude.

Even he is losing power tho. Voters didn't accept to let him run a third time

Who comes after Morales?

With the amount of balkanization going on lately, I guess we'll hit Shadowrun levels by 2030.

>When the best communist intellectuals get outsmarted by a FUCKING INDIO

PP won last time so no Venezuela tier country yet, still in bad shape tho

Cuba is rightfull Mexican clay.

Goes to show that you don't need to be smart to be succesful. You just need to submit to the Gran Gringo Polla

care to elaborate?

>implying nationalist liberalism is impossible
>implying neolibs are any better than neocons, stalinists and other assorted parasites

He's a mexican intellectual. I.E. delusions of grandeur.

>communist intellectuals
Never saw one

they can't win, we got 3'5 millions retirees that will vote PSOE 4ever

Castro was schooled here and got weapons and all to storm cuba, they also get most of their gibs from here.

The whole Cuban situation is ridiculous when you think about it.

An island without a productive economy, that can only survive thanks to foreign help, be it Soviet cash or Venezuelan oil, has spent the entire money building an intelligence service that has planted agents and persons of influence in every Latin American country, so these agents can gain power using old populist demagoguery and send money to Cuba.

Venezuela is basically a Cuban-occupied country at this point. The government doesn't care about Venezuelans at all, their only purpose is sending money to Cuba (and Hezbollah, lol), either through corruption or through drug trafficking.

Left-wing politics in Latin America should just be banned for a few years until all the Cuban agents can be purged. As of now, almost all left-wing parties in the region are just criminal enterprises funded and directed by Cuban intelligence.

You balseros hate us because we sponsored Castro.

Fuck off. The only true progressive in that picture is Mujica

You guys could Mmga and reclaim the old Spanish dominions of gran Columbia and Peru

>supporting a deluded pinko
Yeah, no surprise there.


Shit, that's the immortal cuban granny?

Venezuela is pretty much controlled by Syria at this point, their recently chosen VP is Syrian and the country itself is a narco state at this point.
Fags found oil like half a century before us and we already beat the shit out of them.

Actually, Evo Morales is more likely a figurehead for the indios to vote over. The real brains behind the operation is the Vice-President, Alvaro Garcia Linera, who may be his successor too.

But then again, at least Evo Morales was smart enough to just listen to the white man and do what he is told to, while talking though with the indios. The Cuban agent handling Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro probably didn't want them to fuck up the entire economy, but those Venezuelans were too dumb to listen and they probably believed their own bullshit rhetoric about socialism and Bolivarianism.

C'mon gurlzzzz.


Who can make Venezuela great again, what about Argieland, Urugay and Bolivia?

Anyone based there?

Maduro is a good cuban foreign minister but bad venezuelan president.

Why is there no any UKIP, FN or similar nationalist party anywhere in Latin America? Even the right-winger there are cucks.

Jesus Christ, do you only produce mountain trolls in your continent? They look like they're related to the Guac Goblin Jeb married.

Do Latin American women age like milk?

>B-but it wuz not real socialism !

top fucking kek,commies btfo again

Venezuela is a lost cause, frankly. Even the opposition is socialist.

Bachelet needs to go too.
Chile was doing well without socialism.

like spoiled milk that was sat in by a troll.

Nationalists or patriots in Latin America tend to be leftwing. Rightwingers in Latin America tend to be linked to the USA, so are not patriotic because they are puppet movements.

they also fought a fuckload of subversive wars, yet "muh americans are ebil cause foreign wars" leftists don't give a shit and never ever mention it

Although how much I would wish is otherwise, but it seems you are right.

Chile has UDI which is pretty right-wing populist, Brazil has Bolsonaro and Colombia has Uribe who are like soft Dutertes on crime.

But overall, Latin American politics is more "progressive". It has been so since the XIXth century, when the Freemasonry achieved total victory over the Catholic Church in most of the region. Ironically, the country where the Freemasonry has achieved the greater victory, and at an earlier date, is exactly Venezuela, so you can see that their attachment to "progressive" politics goes back a long time.

Also, in Latin America the logic is inverted in relation to Europe, so the right-wing is globalist, while the left-wing is more nationalist.

According to the article the opposition in parliament just suggested he'd better fuck off but the supreme court acted against that resolution

Or is it different? He's still in power right?

You talk as Merkel or Hillary is any better.
Commie women are all old and ugly.
It's like a essential skill or something.

Venezuela needs a purge at this point, we need a commander to contact a country like the States and be given a 2 month period to kill every single corrupt piece of shit and later be given an easy go judgment to live outside the country.
The country is corrupt to the root and not a single peace talk/National Assembly will remove these fags from power.

Why do we give a fuck for Bolivia, besides, of imigrating Paco fabric?

the congress has no power in venezuela, the government has free reign to ignore and punish the congress anytime they want.

I don't know what do you mean Latin, but they are of European origin (Spanish, French, Bulgarian), not mestizos. Living here easily makes you retard, however.

Chile is usually out of sync. Their political cycle is quite opposite to ours, so this is their turn to be "progressive".

our politics are more fragmented (Brazil is the worst case with over 35 parties in congress, but other countries tend to have 7 or 9 or 15 parties anyway), so any party getting stronger is harder and doesn't happen so easily. Leftist bolivarians had years of planning and cooperation between them and Cuba (with their spies) through Foro de São Paulo to rise to power.

We do have nationalist parties in BR (dunno about others) but they're small or fragmented.

PRONA was an example of something pol might like, but after a law creating an electoral threshold passed and Eneas died they never recovered

We don't have thousands of immigrants to mobilize the masses against something either.

He was chile. Perhaps too much.

With Latin America I meant the continent of South America.

Yeah, people like Chomsky love to criticize U.S. presidents for their support of foreign dictators, but everyone forgot when Castro died how he supported some of the worst tyrants of Africa, like Francisco Macias Nguema (killed 80,000 in Equatorial Guinea) and Mengistu Haile Mariam (killed 500,000 in Ethiopia, at least).

But it is how I've said. Cuba doesn't have a productive economy, so they spend their whole money funding intelligence operations in foreign countries. Many Latin American journalists, intellectuals and activists since the 60s had their activities coordinated by organizations like OLAS and the Foro de São Paulo, which are fronts for Cuban intelligence, so everyone's perception of Cuba is directed according to their own interests.

>women get to power because "muh vajaina"
>proceed to lie, cheat & steal to fatten their families, friends and own pockets

Current south american socialists are just formerly exiled faggots that returned to steal all the shit they can before retiring to Europe or the US

The Latin American right wing just mirrors itself to the neocons from the US, right?

And who precisely are the Latin American freemasons? Are they powerful? How popular is cultural marxism in Latin America?

Likely the same reason we don't invade Mexico, because we would have to keep it and its ignorant voters who will undoubtedly vote for the next hand out promising socialist. Let them rot in their own nation without infecting ours/theirs with their ignorant votes.

Why do you think the DNC wants to ensure Mexicans can vote in the US?

Brazil nigger

So he will stay in power until further notice?