Jeff Sessions confirmation watch 3


>Confirmation Hearing of Trump Attorney General Nominee Jeff Sessions

All liberals must hang.

first for "climate change is the most important issue" guy is a delusional faggot

Sup Forums what's his name again?

this guy is fucking boring
he should have his mic cut so we can all go to lunch


Jeff "KKK Killer" Sessions

Jeff"if its black they go back" Sessions

>libshits actually believed they could stop Sessions from being confirmed

They don't realize that they have no power in current year.

Jeff "Beck" Sessions

When can we expect a confirmation?
Do you guys really think they'll get 3 republican defectors to shut it down?

Jeff "nigger dispossession" sessions.

Oy, so what ARE the chances that he actually gets confirmed? Will (((they))) allow it to happen?

more protesters

When he was first announced I thought he was a KKK member the way the media covered him. Then I find out how's prosecuted KKK members, sued them to bankruptcy in at least one state, and has fought for black voting rights.

How the FUCK did the media brand this man a racist.

low energy protesters

nah hes got it
republicans are happy to get ready to go after the dems , less blame game because there wining now

near 100%
thanks Harry Reid!

I don't think so, are all the Dems united against this appointment so they only need 3?

Republican majority, so pretty good.

>Sex and five

trump is literally hitler and sessions told a racist joke in the 80s

>I don't think so, are all the Dems united against this appointment so they only need 3?
what do you think?

>all the Dems
how does that work anyways? are you allowed to cross the aisle? do you get uninvited to birthday parties if you do that?

he didnt let her cut him off

they make it known whats their policy
like dems will never get ted cruz on their team and vice versa

>gives Klan leader death penalty, bankrupts them into failure in his state
>fights to desegregate schools
>told a racist joke so he's a RACIST

to be fair he's an old white man and Trump is Hitler after all

I guess I don't need to ask

Republicans are allowed to cross the isle because they don't police themselves. But the Dems like to keep their niggers in line.

How many hours has this been going on? Four? Not one single time has the word marijuana been said. I think that's a good sign for us pot heads.

What was the joke?

do they seriously think the united states coast guard did an indepth analysis?

Literally got the head of state KKK executed

>Sessions prosecuted the head of the state Klan, Henry Francis Hays, for abducting and killing Michael Donald, a black teenager selected at random. Sessions insisted on the death penalty for Hays. When he was later elected the state Attorney General, Sessions followed through and made sure Hays was executed.

>muh 17 agencies
Stupid is as stupid does.

You just know Sessions is a closet faggot

>tfw you have to listen to a pro-immigration rant

Jeff "I ain't messing with constitutional protections" sessions

i think just the general tone that the dems are giving of

Over 30 years ago he made a joke that the KKK wouldn't be so bad if they didn't like weed or something like that.

Liberal media ignores all facts about his life and uses that one quote to try and brand him.

>why do you hate immigrants
Illegal immigrants.

The hallmark of a good president or congressman is one that builds bipartisan support for legistlation. If a Democrat drafts a bill that's likely to be popular in a red state, and that state's republican republican votes against it because muh party, that could hurt them in the election... generally popular, inoffensively centrist bills get passed all the time.

Remind me why every Democrat politician shouldn't be tried for treason?


I turned it off already, it's all the same shit

Jeff "I got the lords blessins" sessions


This guy was too racist for Alabama in the '80's

Turn all potheads into potDEADS

Here we go again.

Jeff "keep your guns and shoot your munitions" sessions

from a CNN article:
>Thomas Figures, a black assistant US attorney who worked for Sessions, testified that Sessions called him "boy" on multiple occasions and joked about the Ku Klux Klan, saying that he thought Klan members were "OK, until he learned that they smoked marijuana."

pretty tame


>we are a country of immigrants.
this meme will never die

Do these morons understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration

>insane yelling person going on about hate groups

HAHA is this faggot serious?

fucking wew lads

we are people of america!
you are anti immigrant !
you are supported by hate groups !

Rude and ignorant

Alcohol is very fucking deadly on many levels


Do these morons not understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration

lmao that beta faggot getting dragged out by those two fine black officers.

hilarious, the first thing I see when I start the steam, is some cucks screaming.


What's his name?

how the fuck does a guy like that even get into the hearing?

Thank you

I could hardly understand a word from that mudslime

Jeff "voter ID laws are not oppression" sessions

>OK, until he learned that they smoked marijuana
That's literally so stupidly partisan and inflammatory it has to be made up

every Hispanic is a noble illegal just looking for a better life!

Yes, they just don't care because the whole purpose of conflating the two is so they can cast the GOP as being anti-immigrant in general.

A nu-male and a dyed hair fem, what a surprise.

Is he a roach?

>Sup Forums is considered a hate group


How are you guys this fucking quick holy shit

Wtf is the nigger in the back doing with his head?

Itz Steinberg

Does it matter what this subhuman is called? He is just another cuck, cucks don't deserve to be called anything but as "cucks".


They understand. They just will not acknowledge the difference.


It's always one with crazy blue hair

>not the unbiased media we see today
Did we make a mistake?

Jeff "you can't stop my confirmations" sessions

>Senator Sass


Are they goner? Did the libcucks finally leave back to their Meryl Streep shrine?

it sounds like a dumb joke to me, true or not

It baffles me how someone can fight for civil rights and prosecute Klan members and still be a racist because of a silly joke

Someone has to look out for Soviet submarines captained by Sean Connery.

This, his name is not Robert Paulson

I'm having flashbacks of John Leibowitz telling me it's not my country.

was this the insane heckler?

>Sen. Sass

He has a nice speaking voice.

What's her tumblr?

>"We are people of America!"
>"you want to deport my family!" Or some shit like that
Really? You jump the border and then you're people of that country?

>our kids don't know basic civics.

No fucking shit!

why is pedophile sass still allowed in congress?


young dem senator- talks forever about nothing
young rep senator-well spoken cares about kids knowing their history

>school house rock

Good God these people are old.

He's a little too old don't you think?
The way that cunt talked over him, and how sometimes he loses his words?

>school house rock being mentioned in confirmation hearing