This Sup Forums book club better happen cause I just spent money on you fucks
This Sup Forums book club better happen cause I just spent money on you fucks
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Ya its happening.
Been waiting for a Sup Forums book club. Info?
wtf i love books now
Whats going on?
Yeah what's going on?
Degeneracy, only a monarchy is a country if you don't have a monarch you're not a country technically Canada is the only country in the whole of the Americas!
Sup Forums is going to read The Republic?
That's on my list of things to read
What date do we have to finish it by?
Or are we doing weekly chapters?
Is this the book of the month, im out of money on jan 10th so can we read Crawlspace by lieberman instead?
What's going on?
Why don't you fags have a fucking discord or something PolBookClub faggotry do it
They queen looks at canada in shame.
Bud, parliamentary system with a symbolic monarchy is way worse than a republic. We need to restore the power of the monarch.
They meet (make thread(s)) every Sunday at 2pm (Don't know what timezone but probably somewhere in America) and they are currently reading The Republic. That's all I know.
Good choice
(((Krugman))) literally the worst
Are we gonna read The Republic? I have that lying around collecting dust
The republic sucks dick. Plato calls for the death of the family in it. And everyone doing this is fucking RETARDED. What you want to read by Plato is rhetoric, or the symposium.
Apart from that, go for real history.
Inquiries, by Herodotus
History of the Peloponnesian War, by Thucydides
and Lives, by Plutarch
Trust me. Don't be a fucking communist faggot. I honestly am offended by your total ignorance.
Lives, by Plutarch
wtf give me the amazon link to that
If I remember correctly we are meeting here 2pm this Sunday or the next can't remember eastern time to discuss pic related. Hopefully someone else who was in that thread can refresh my memory
I guess as long as the King or Emperor doesn't have arbitrary power and is subject the laws of a legislative authority of some kind I'd be okay with it.
In other words, Absolute Monarchy a shit, but Constitutional Monarchy is alright.
>he doesn't even know what the Republic is about and assumes plato argues for a Republic
He doesn't. He argues for a natural aristocracy and is completely against democracy.
Right, Thucydides was redpilled.
Also read Diodorus Siculus
There's free versions of that book all over.
>posting a picture of the republic
Get that communist shit off of her.
I inherited these from my grandmother when she died, she must have had a reading club or something because she had the full set in this series
>Diodorus Siculus
Thanks for that, friend. I've never heard of this before. A quick google search shows this will be perfect for me to understand what happened before Herodotus time-frame. It might answer some questions that confused him.
Such as where the Egyptians came from- but probably not. That is probably lost to history.
>not having a fucked up ogre hand
are you even trying?
I did too I spent 100$ on books last night
I bet the FBI is real concerned why I bought mein kampf the Quran, communist manifesto and Plato all in the same purchase
Thanks bud.
We had a thread last sunday and agreed to read Platos Republic as our first book. Debate on that book this sunday 2pm EST I think was the time
The queen called Canada her home
>American retard calling everything muh gommunism
Wrong book
Recommended readings:
>Thus spoke Zarathustra
>Ride the tiger
>Atlas Shrugged
Plato calls for the state to take away every child and raise it in an organized fashion.
Read all this in the appropriate language.
BEWARE: Nietzsche's work is filled with linguistic traps and the meaning is not always on the surface but deeper in the text. He was a philologist. He wrote his works to punish lazy readers with misinterpretations of his works.
First official meeting is next Sunday 2pm est time to discuss. The meeting after that we should be Done with it
U do know plato ddnt aktually right dat, right?
Bought ride the tiger as well
We had to start somewhere, join us this sunday and suggest those books there please
Ohh okej, doesn't seem to be selling them any more
Thanks though, it looks sweet as fuck
I'm currently reading The Federalist Papers
Let me guess a Portuguese did
You would have gotten ripped pretty hard on here for recommending Atlas Shrugged three years ago
Sup Forums is changing, good or bad?
You shouldn't read Thus spake Zarathustra until you've read Beyond Good and Evil and The Genealogy of Morals.
Plato is a fucking bore.
Complete Marxist Totalitarian.
damn bro
you on a few watch lists now
read what you want and spit it on that nigger.
No u idiot, old romans ddnt hav books, they havd tu carve everting in papyrus. Hand it wooldnt even sarvive this long, papyrus is a soft rock
das rite
>buying books
Practically any worthwhile book of any ideology has been uploaded by Sup Forums on various Megas
Well I have started excersising and being healthier
I've always fancied myself an intellectual yet haven't actually read many classics
I want to be able to drop a liberal when they bring some shit up because I actually read the shit
>plus it's better than wasting away binge watching shows on Netflix and playing total war
I like physichal bookhate e-readers
>not buying mein kampf cash from a book store
Enjoy your list
>implying you can't buy mein kampf legally in the United States
We have freedom of speech you dumbass
get cancer from electronic devices, technocrat scum
I enjoy filling my one bookshelf with as many unique and interesting reads as possible
lel so you're saying Plato did not write the actual text in my Oxford edition of the Republic.
I was talking about Plato?
Suetonius is great, look for the The Twelve Caesars and also The Gallic Wars by Julius Caesar.
Is this a thread for pathetic, fat, old lonely losers who have no friends, and no life, so you spend all day reading books?
Fucking losers.
Books are for faggots.
Play video games.
Plato was a character made up by a strong black female shaman 4000 years ago named Shebunga mBotunga in Africa.
It is depicted in this photograph taken after she published her first copy.
Republic a shit.
Time to take the redpill.
>typical leaf pleb
>has no concept of art
Time to give back our land!
I bet you work at Best Buy sicko
Not every child. Just those who go down/up in class.
>"He didn't buy the Allan Bloom edition"
Here is some Renaissance art for you pleb. Often artists depict nudity to pay reference to the human form, which they studied in order to better their art.
why are you buying books you dumb faggot?
Yes we can, but, I prefer people not knowing that I did
>books are for losers
Jesus Christ one time I was fucking this girl from work and it was the first time she had been to my house
So we are like making out and getting frisky im(I have a few big bookshelves in my room and usually one or two on my bedside)
This fucking slut at some point look s over and, I shit you not:
>wait? You, read?
>me: yeah, see all those books, I read those
>her: oh my god that's sooooo funny
What the fuck? Yeah that was the last time we hung out
Do they have to print pictures on every page or else burgers won't read?
I didn't know that, but you can see how that's untenable.
sorry capslock
I kinda feel pity for such """"people""" they're damned to an existence barely removed from that of animals.
No dumbass it's the center piece of the book.
So we will discuss the book every Sunday. Next Sunday, the 15th, at 2PM EST we will discuss The Republic. The other Sunday,22th, we will finish discussing it and decide the next book.
It's sick porn