Does Sup Forums approve of Civ 6's leader choices?

Does Sup Forums approve of Civ 6's leader choices?

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They should have had Trump just to ruffle feathers

>no mongols/ghenghis khan
>no hitler
>no stalin
>no churchill

fucking dropped

>80% stronk indupendunt womyn who dont need nu man
>15% literal nobodys
>5% the same over used faggots like ghandi and montezuma
>only 1 leader for each nation instead of each one having a choice of 3
>all of them have that pixar shit eating grin and smug punchable look

I don't think they want to use alive people.

>ever being a leader

>no Maria Theresa

She's inevitable but they really need to start putting Austria in the original game as opposed to an x-pac

Seems like they chose a bunch of nobodies just for the sake of being different.

It's strange that they've only put Victoria as Queen of England, maybe there's Scottish/Irish/Welsh DLC coming or something?

Why did they make them look so Pixar?

Hey kuffar this street is a sharia zone m8. Please leave here with your whore clothes and unfit ways!

>chose the spanish leader of the short 60 years period of our 874 history when we were united

>two greek leaders and one litterally who from Kongo but no Portuguese

fuck this game.
Also, the graphics makes it look like it's some facebook game, like clash of clans or some shit.


They need to forget about the aztecs, they are just 1 page of any world history book. Ghandi was the only good leader of india, but honestly they need more than just one leader for each country/empire

Filipe is Portuguese. I don't care.


the fucking idiot who ended the Scandinavian / British isle sphere of influence.

They'll never include Axis leaders. The only one with even a minute prayer is Hirohito.

The japanese one is annoying. They wanted to make them a defensive nation this time so picked the guy who ruled during the Mongol invasions. Except if you know anything about history, and the people behind Civilization IV should, the Mongols lost because they took a typhoon to the face twice. The Japanese would have been fucked without divine intervention, it had nothing to do with the leader.

They should have chosen Tokugawa Iemitsu who enacted Sakoku and blocked off the country for 200 fucking years to keep the peace and preserve their traditions and culture. How the fuck they didn't choose that after deciding Japan was going to be a "defensive" nation this time is beyond me.


Cucked / cucked

Fucking Kongo and Poointheloo but no ancient states save for Rome, very few medieval states... I'll stick with EUIV.

Becuase Iemitsu represents a racist xenophobic closed-borders isolationist, goyim!

Jadwiga looks smug af

every game with the kongo in it i go out of my way to nuke those fucks

They probably will add Portugal as DLC or in an expansion pack. Same with Holland and Sweden and the other B-list European countries.

>Catherine de Medicis

An italian(not even french) regent who did nothing but killing protestants

they put her as the leader of France just because they needed some strong and independant womyns


I mean , Jadwiga? really? GIVE ME SOBIESKI REEEEEEEEEE

>not Casimir III
>not Jozef "the absolute madman" Pilsudski and his Miedzymorze

>Canada less important than the Congo

that's probably the reason actually, that's evil in their eyes because it's so nationalistic

also I have no fucking idea how people keep playing Civilization when we have the Total War series.

m-muh Husaria tho

Because they cater to different demographics

Total War requires different skills than Civilization games

How good is total war?

if you havent watched, you are not redpilled

Gotten pretty fucking arcade since RTW2.

They should've included Haile Selassie instead of some literally who from ooga booga land. I guess Ethiopia is no longer diverse enough for them.

Shit on release but gets patched to playability in about half a year

Ludicrous amounts of DLC

As far as gameplay goes it's improving but that's just my opinion and not many share it

Did Poland have any other female leaders?
France is important enough that it may get a second leader as DLC. I'm hoping for Louis XIV.

Because building your empire and expanding is much more fun in Civilization. Only thing Total War has is prettier battles.

They should've included Thomas Sankara if they wanted nignog representation but I guess cold war era leaders are for some reason taboo

I can see them doing a French Republic // French Empire split but they haven't done with mutliple leaders / country since CIV IV

CIV 7 will feature General Jaruzelski and Agent Bolek as 2 leaders you can choose from.

>Balcerowicz as a potential great merchant, who instead of giving money to Poland will give it to everyone else, along with improved tiles that aren't currently worked.

I like everything from Empire to Rome 2, everything else is either outdated or the new stuff is shitty.

> Implying Stalin was a good leader

>Queen of England

i wonder how hard they had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to get one good nigger leader


I largely skipped civ5. I enjoyed montezuma's crazy antics in civ4.. always starting wars with his wooden sword warriors.... crazy little bastard.

Why is Tomyrys so dark?

Why does Gilgamesh look like a black Castro?

Where are the blondes?

Yeah, no.

Why didn't they pick Carolus Rex or something instead of Harald. Feels bad desu

i don't get it some look like caricatures some look normal

also lmaoing at Huang

>not featuring him if only for his innovative ways of fighting obesity

>still no Hitler
I'll stick with he Civ 5 mod then.

They already have multiple leaders for Greece with Pericles and Gorgo (though Gorgo is a ridiculous choice anyway). They'll almost certainly add more alt leaders, just a question of who gets them.

Implying you're not RARE

>play America
>go for culture victory

Is this screenshot from total war?

Reported to Merkel

What would Hitler's ability even be? Reducing the population of every city you conquer?


Vikings is a popular series user and people fall for STRONK NORDICK BARBARIAN meme

Fair, didn't notice them. One of the respectable French Monarchs would do wonders for France

It's Wizard Kings: The Mananing

America's culture and tourism bonuses late-game are unmatchable now. The only faction that can maybe compete is Brazil by snagging more great artists and musicians.

also i don't think King Nigger, aka Alfonso 1 dressed like that i mean dude copied the portuguese as much as he could he even got a yuropeen style coat of arms for himself

>Peter the Great
I am okay with this.

10/10 post

Out of 10
Amazing, don't care about anyone else.
>Tfw you're a poor third world country that still is able to have red pilled FUCKING WHITE MALES as leaders without being called rayciss
Feels good, man. They can still fuck us over by putting Isabella as a leader in future games but whatever.

>de Medici
literally who? some roastie who served as a regent for just 10 years?



>Qin Shi Huang
the founder of the most tyrranical dynasty china ever saw. really makes me think.

>hojo tokimune
feudal lord. japan should always be represented by one of the great 3 unifiers or meji.



As in actual skill? I'm always amazed that people try to say the game is difficult. It's term based strategy with the depth of a checker board

Fucking amazing. Shogun 2, FotS, M2TW, and original Rome are the best of the series. Graphics are amazing pic related and the music (as long as it's made by Jeff Van Dyck) is legendary.

Also the fact that I can expand the Holy Roman Empire into the first reich and slaughter muslims on a fucking crusade is beautiful.

wtf has poland ever done

I play both of them, but the amount of DLC became too much, has been over a year break from EU.

There are barely any blonds outside of northern Europe
And northern Europe has had many leaders that aren't blond.
Your best bet is on secondary leaders for any civ north of Spain

>always gandhi

No, fuck off, give Ashoka or Shivaji

oh i almost forgot

>that art
i unironically thought that disney was making some historical movie when i saw some of those faces. jesus what a disaster.

Why is Teddy so fat?

The nigga was literally a skeleton thanks to his aids.

>Catherine di Medici
L A S A G N A D . C O M

Yeah I feel you. I hadn't played since Common Sense, I picked up all the current DLC in a wintersale combodeal, 70% off iirc?. I detest their business model.

oops pic

iirc she starts screaming in italian if you make her angry


Medivial Total war 2 and Rome Total war are best. Boatload of excellent mods. If you can stomach the graphics those should be your starting point

>feudal lord. japan should always be represented by one of the great 3 unifiers or meji.
I would love to see Hirohito as Japan's leader one day.

>If you can stomach the graphics those should be your starting point

Please tell me you knew how to unlock the hidden Crysis level graphics

>playing normie-tier strategy

Well there is Shaka but he was a genocidal maniac.

I think the package would have costed me something like 90€ on sale? Something ridiculous anyway. It's not worth it when you can buy 3 AAA games from sale for that price and get much more value for your shekels.

I guess they need him because of the famous gandhi bug running gag.

>not harald hårfagre


Can we get some one other than Ghandi for India's leader, it's been 6 games now.

> No Celts
> An Italian leading France instead of Napoleon
> Wu Zeitan not leading China
> No Mongols
> No Huns
> No Native Americans
> No Assyrian
> No Incans
> No Myanns
> No Ottomans
> No Bismark
> Fuck, even no Portugal
> No Mali
> No Songhai

But Fucking Brasil, that over grown drug cartel, gets into the fucking game?

What the fuck? Brasil? What shithole that's produced great football players and one great F1 Driver and fuck all else?

Oh a giant Jesus statue, how fucking impressive I guess. Fuck man

Roys Anciens BTFO. Serves them right an Italian represents them.

Reduce war weariness and more hammers for the first 10 turns after declaring war?

>Oh a giant Jesus statue, how fucking impressive I guess. Fuck man
To make matters worse, Poland built a bigger one.


Poos don't have anyone else relevant, also he's hero to the normies so he must be in every game.

Steam workshop soon? I cant wait to replace all this shit with actual good civs.

It's still the best high in town for me.

>no Harper


We have lots of other relevant leaders, that's why it's so fucking frustrating, they could go with Ashoka or Shivaji or even Nehru, but they go with Gandhi because of the stupid nuke joke

>catherine de medici
>pedro ii
>mvemba a nzinga
all "literally who" people whose civs either don't belong at all or have way fucking better options

why the fuck is brazil even an option? why the fuck are there two greeks, and why do GORGO and not leonidas himself?

Argentina being eternally cucked even in video games by Brazil.