I'm not talking abuse, I mean taking the occasional 20mg XR. Anons(and Hyde) say it affect your neural pathways when you take it, and I'm sure its true to a degree, but is it that big of a concern? How does it affect the brain? Is it really ((BAD)) for you?
Is adderall BAD for you?
Other urls found in this thread:
>be me
>be /RacistSlightlyHomoSexualWhiteBoy/
>be political science
>be in library, preparing for my politics midterm
>bunch of womyn near me start going on about how they are stressed out by uni, how they couldn't get enough sleep on the weekend
>mfw they both do Electrical Engineering and Pre-Med Nursing double majors
If you are not in an political science or the sociology field you are human garbage. You are literally nigger tier trash because any other subjects in college are not real subjects
Adderall is like a lot of medications in the fact that it can be useful if used properly. It is a schedule 2 drug meaning it has a high potential for abuse and yes it does effect the brain. It works on the reward pathways of the brain and increase dopamine and other neurotransmitters in the brain. Imo Adderall and other ADD drugs are only helpful for certain "redpilled" activities like studying, working out, socialization. The potential for abuse is high as well as the potential for withdrawal/addiction when trying to quit.
Tldr:do it pussy
I agree, I'm just wondering if the neuro /chemical effects when you take it are of concern, damaging the brain in a given way, etc
Well if you stay within the recommended prescribing guidlines, ( 5mg-60mg/perday) there is no evidence to suggest any long-term damage or cell death (apoptosis) will occur. Like I said above dependancy/withdrawal is generally practioners biggest concern.
You have to be careful with it's use. It's a powerful drug and deserves respect but can be used to your advantage with relatively little downside...just be prepared for the downside. Again...respect the shit or it will fuck you up.
Working out? You're fucking retarded...
And no OP, there are healthier ways to motivate yourself than eating Amphetamine. Eventually, literally everyone I know who takes ADHD mess slowly becomes a degenerate as they realize they have to have it to perform certain activities... It by default is no good..
True, I had been abusing it (max 60mg a day) with lots of caffeine, shitty sleep, bad nutrition, combined with weed i just ended up looking at porn for hours. It was a fucking waste. I dont like the come down, but after misusing it these past months, ive come to respect it.
depends what u do
if you do useful things on it, it effects them in a good way
if you masturbate on it, you will adversely effect the neural path ways.
Haha many body builders use amphetamine to lift more and increase endurance. It was banned from the NFL for this very reason. But I wouldn't expect a fat ads NEET to know anything about personal fitness. The only concern is elevated bp which can be countered very easily.
Adderall works very well. It will make reading and school a lot easier to manage, especially if you actually have ADHD but physically the effects aren't worth it at least not for me.
It fucks your soul, m8.
Look at the faces of meth.
It's fucking meth bro. It's for white niggers.
Oxycontin is also hillbilly heroin.
Yawn. Taking amphetamine to workout is degenerate.. I hear smoking methmakes makes you eat less! Doesn't mean everyone should take it faggot
>be a fucking retard degenerate
>be awful at life
kill yourself you subhuman scum
Weak b8 m8. Poli sci is court reporter tier.
its cheating. use it like you would any other cheat
Idk, I'm on it right now though. Been using it on/off for about 15 years, AMA. Only recently got a script for it. Corepharma IR master race.
what the fuck does this have to do with the topic of discussion?
I see you are well versed in politics and sociology, you have no problem ethically calling random people garbage or nigger tier for studying something different than you.
consider the following, you fuck.
if the world all studied political science (lol @ calling politics science) I have a hypothesis: that man is a liar! our post mortem examination revealed that the exit wound shows no signs of foul play!
have fun being a slave to a godless and gutless system. and don't tell me i'm in one too, I know. I'm just not a dipshit.
HEY OP as a utilitarian I use amphetamines as a tool, and they are going to have side effects. Good and bad. You have to weigh the pros with the cons. Bad heart problems? Probably not good for you.
I would like to see a source that says it negatively effects neural pathways other than "anons" and especially Hyde are you fucking kidding me right now?! Come on OP, Hyde is a fucking meme
>>be /RacistSlightlyHomoSexualWhiteBoy/
lel for a pol. science major you'd think these things are so contradictory but the reality is that most politicians are a club of racisthomosexwhiteboiz
Found the degenerate
Those digits though, hm.
Great rebuttal mate your knowledge of pharmacology/life is immense
you're the nigger
This. If you take it habitually and then stop it makes normally easy, mundane tasks much more difficult.
Generally speaking, amphetamines that also trigger seretonin activity are grossly more toxic (MDMA or Meth)
Vanilla amphetamines negligibly trigger seretonin, which is a low risk of toxicity
It's so degenerate that some of the only deaths in the tour de France are from athletes using amphetamines and doing hard cardiovascular work. Kill yourself
adderall is a combination of four things, all called meth; what do you think, sally?
>Falling for pasta bait this hard
Yes its horrible for you
heed this warning OP. It can grab you by the shirt collar and drag you the fuck back to the bottle or stash or whatever. Redosing for people who are moreish with their druggos should stay far away from amphetamines. It is better to not have known that to have known and then never have it again. Reason I have never done heroin, even though I would really like to.
Since they are literally the same thing, here's a diagram
This is the same logic as calling morphine LITERALLY heroin (diamorphine)
Close enough to generally accept they will both ruin your life and stop your heart
All stimulants have similar effects, but not the same toxicity
is morphine bad for you? that was the question, >what do you think sally?
20 mg a day is nothing, no worse than beig a heavy coffee drinker. The same problems arise: when you don't get it, you'll feel sluggish by comparison.
The other problem is, soon you'll develop a tolerance and 20 mgs won't cut it any more...
best option is to use it for projects , like cramming or finishing a tough project or spring cleanig or painting your place. Avoid daily useage.
Lets not get into the philosophy of drug use, but chemists would laugh at you.
Yes, it's bad for you. It's what meth addicts take when they're out of jail because they're allowed amphetamines (adhd meda) if they have a prescription--then they go to a dealer and but 500 pills.
What amphetamines do essentially is torch your dopamine and serotonin receptors--they flood them, make you feel great, and then overwhelm them so that the receptor literally dies. That's why if you take them and come off of them you feel like shit, you're literally incapable of feeling joy because your receptors are dead.
Stimulants are no joke and people shouldn't mess with them unless they have legitimate adhd
>If you are not in an political science or the sociology field you are human garbage.
Nice job falling for the humanities meme.
Why don't you stick a handful up your ass and find out user? you fucking degenerate
Nope. It's in the opiate drug family. The opiate drug family has drugs like morphine, codeine, heroin, fentanyl, and even some forms 500,000x stronger than morphine to tranquilize elephants and whales
i love it when you fucks fall for my reverse bait
You read like a public information pamphlet, legal amphetamines never trigger seretonin - try epinephrine
Don't give a fuck what the chemists think lol. We're talking about what drugs do to anons life, not the similarity of chemicals you inane faggot.
Increases blood pressure.
Easy to abuse.
>let's not get into the philosophy
proceeds to argue philosophy
stop calling everything degenerate, you look like a tool whos trying too hard to fit in here
I'll do as I please
isnt that the mindset of a degenerate?
I agree with 2233, it is so fucking played out.
2330, you will not do as you please. this is an official order to stop that at once or I'll take some amphetamines.
Please don't
Amphetamines have a studied, detailed mechanism for neurotoxicity
If you want to do recreational stims you're probably better off with Ritalin, which is methylphenidate
This is incorrect, different stimulants work through different mechanisms. With methamphetamine and amphetamine, they act similarly because of their molecular structure, but broadly saying "all stimulants act the same" is very uninformed.
this. After a long day of taking my prescribed dosage i can almost feel my nervous system ache (base of skull/spine) as if i had spent all day inside reading.
but instead of reading i was meming/making money
what are you on about dumbfuck?
>adderall is bad, m'kay?
Medfag here.
All stimulants carry the risk of:
Growth stunting
Malnutrition (they generally decrease appetite)
Insomnia (duh)
Concentration difficulties upon quitting them/coming down (part of the addiction but also occurs sometimes with occasional use)
Some are neurotoxic and quite a few of them also give you an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
If you're willing to deal with these drawbacks, go ahead.
This is what always happens... It starts off as 10mg here or there for studying... And slowly over time it devolves into insufflation of days worth of IR to stay up all night beating off and memeing.... This is the ultimatum of amphetamine use
For future purposes this chart is a good reference (taken off wikipedia)
im taking 7.5mg 2 times a day, but sometimes i only take one. The goal being raising the base level of stimulation and keeping a stable dopamine balance, but i mainly take it for depression so take that with a grain of salt.
Make sure you are getting good fresh airflow and are taking a good multivitamin, adderall is a stimulant so your body will basically consume more of everything. High protein diet helps with body aches.
I have adderall prescribed for my ADD, without it I'm a fucking basket case that can't focus on anything.
Adderall, like all psych drugs, are meant to be taken on a regular basis, not occasionally or when you think you need it. Taking it occasionally instead of daily as prescribed is abusing it.
got a script when I was 16, took everyday until 21-22. Now 26. Really regret getting a prescription.
I have trouble learning new things nowadays.
My eating habits are terrible.
I have terrible sleeping habits.
Shit sucks.
sorry you started so young, i hate to see that despite evidence that it hinders growth. I started taking it at 23 and I have accomplished more in 1 year than the past 4, and as an added bonus i dont think about killing myself every hour. Plus it melted off the bitch titties the antidepressants gave me lmao
burger pls
Weed should be smoked daily too, anything less would be abuse.