What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Russel is a jew, right?
>Nazi occupied russian territory formerly knowm as america
>Nazi occupied Russian territory
Make up your mind, Schlomo
Holy shit what a fucking little bitch.
Haha that little faggot is so mad. We are in the best timeline.
if you get that joke you either are a degenerate or live with a degenerate.
America is rightful russian territory
Pay up burgers
Just throw every accusation you can and maybe something will stick
Why do you post random sperger's tweets?
Can't you post anything original of your own?
That's really poor, OP.
>le tilted head with raised eyebrows profile pic
How can Trump simultaneously be both the Russians and the Nazis?
Because he's a white male and all the city folk voted for Hillary, apparently.
Is he so bluepilled at this point that he's rapidly turning redpilled?
Tomi Lahren is such a perfect little qt
I want to marry her
There's more trigger words in that tweet than a suicidal teenager with an eating disorder
Yes hello
We are Nazi occupied Russian Territory
What you want???
This would be a pretty based dimension to live in
Oh, it's a random nobody says something on twitter episode.
>nazi occupied
>russian territory
are libs retarded?
>he's not quirky
She's brave as fuck. She goes into liberal shitholes like Daily Shows and defies them.
Unlike like Meryl (((Streep))) who says liberal things to a liberal crowd.
Seeing as you need all the WWII knowledge of 'played an hour of Call of Duty 2' to know that Russia wasn't allied to the Nazis (in the end), yes, they are.
Black penis is infinitely better at stimulating vaginas.
>10/10 women are not having sex in droves with me, a 2/10 feminist, pro lgbt, antifa, antiracist, progressive, gender studies educated young man
>they must b nazis
The only reason all this bullshit is happenning is because of sexual frustration. Fucking cucks
stealing this rare pepe, will look great in my collection
>rhyming "Aryan" with "marrying"
>Nazi-Occupied Russian Territory Formerly Known as America
kek what the fuck does that even mean
Look, I knew Russell once upon a time. We experimented sexually with one another. I'm not proud of it but we took turns sucking each other's cocks. I guess it wasn't abnormal but I knew it wasn't right. I wanted to stop but he said he'd tell my parents. I wouldn't do it any more but he demanded I let him do it. Eventually, we moved away... but I can't help thinking I wasn't the only one and maybe it's turned him into what he is today.
someone got their jimmies Russelled.
>tfw all Soviet territory that Wehrmacht occupied by 1942 was actually known as America.
>tfw i've actually read that Stalingrad was called "Soviet Chicago" back in the 1930's
Mindblowing, almost 2deep4me
>If he's not Aryan, we're not marryin'"
I can dig this
You can't tell just by looking at him?
>pic of coal burner unrelated
He looks like a cuck more than anything else
Y'all do know she's been blacked right? She admitted on camera.
>mfw I would watch that
Bullshit. Please tell me this is a lie. Please.
Daily reminder Sup Forums is always right
Well, I didn't hear any admission of coal burning. She was hanging out with that nigger, not banging him, they both said they are friends.
Go to 1:20
What is this gay *twirl* shit?
>have you slept with a black guy
>I'm not going to rule it out
I thought Tomi was pure. I can't believe this. I weep for our future.
What he meant by this:
>"I'm a flopdick faggot. I sure wish I could get women who look like this to look at me."
Wait, BRAVO's making a High Castle spinoff?
Sorry homie. The allure of black dick is too strong.
>tfw I had planned out our entire lives in my head
I just can't get past coalburning. It sickens me. Any woman who accepts affection from a black is not worth even speaking to.
>mtf transexuals identify as female
Just saying.
BRAVO The real shitposters of Sup Forums occupied territory formerly known as the Internet. Also check these numerals
she's just saying that to avoid being called racist.
>Implying Tomi was pure
>From Las Vegas
>Arrested for Shoplifting
>Arrested for Prostitution
Of course she burned coal.
she cant say no and keep her job. She clearly said "im not gunna rule it out" meaning she hasnt.
God damn Sup Forums is autistic
> if he's not Aryan we're not marryin
Pretty solid bantz desu, 7/10
You are surprised by pol autism ? You must be new
The only source for her being a prostitute and shoplifter is a blog post by a nigger that claimed she started prostituting herself at age 9 and shop lifted when she was 16.
its obviously bullshit and you clearly are retarded.
She literally slipped out a quick "No" right after the question and proceeded to get the fuck out of there asap being as neutral as she can.
She has not and will not.
(Also who is this cumbucket?)
>Being this nieve
>No knowing when a woman is obviously lying
>Admitting you haven't slept with someone of a specific race makes you racist.
Bullshit. She could have said, "no i haven't, but that's doesn't mean i wouldn't". But instead she couldn't help but remember Tyrone's dick tickling her womb. Anyone could tell she's lying in the video.
sounds nice desu
Should I be surprised that anyone here actually watches enough "Real Housewives" to get the reference?
A show of (yous) for any "Dog The Bounty Hunter" fans, please.