what happened here?
What happened here?
nigga nogged
nigger burger becomes furious after police take his nigger burger
stole his chicukun
Das a bigga nigga
4 yuz
like from what i recall, appearently all this guy was doing was something related to cigarettes and then they jumped on him with this big chokehold which killed him and the officers didnt get punished. is that all true?
one of the few cases where police actually goes too far, however nigga didn't cooperate. both sides were guilty.
Dindu with a mile long rap sheet got caught selling loose untaxed cigarettes for the umpteenth time. He of course resisted arrest, and due to his morbid obesity, bronchial asthma, and hypertensive cardiovascular disease ended up going into cardiac arrest.
if you resist arrest the police are authorized to use whatever force necessary to detain you, nothing to see here
No according to the investigation the choking had nothing to do with his death. His heart gave out because he was a fat ass and it was the most movement he had engaged in for years
Anyone who tells you Eric Garner was handled properly by the police is a fucking liar. They straight up murdered the guy.
Sup Forums needs to stop pretending police is their friend - they're not. They'll come for us all as soon as we do something the government doesn't want us to. So keep tapdancing while you can you fucking monkeys.
detained, not choked down to the ground wtf.
he looks detained to me
>both sides were guilty.
NYPD is shit. But so are the criminals they have to interact with.
if they were to jump that hard onto me i'd have troubles to breath aswell, just look at everyone soffocating the big nigga.
tattoed cop with glasses omfg jajajajaja.
They should have stopped and look for another way
fat nigger was selling loose cigarettes
stores call police (multiple times)
fat nigger will not listen to police
fat nigger taken down for not listening
fat nigger has a heart attack because they're a fat nigger
fat nigger dies in ambulance on way to hospital
fat nigger "dindu nuffin"
His heart could not support his fat ass.
literally Sup Forums
Fat man resisted arrest, died from the physical strain, libcucks blamed the cop
The /fa/shion police did what needed to be done.
>They straight up murdered the guy.
He died from a heart attack.
Unless the officers gave him an intravenous inject of potassium chloride while they tried to subdue him, his death was the result of poor lifestyle choices.
The lib/cuck logic is that accidentally causing the fat nigger's death from being a fat nigger means they should be trialed for murder which is not true. Tasers can also cause cardiac arrest.
what happened to your leaf?
Well, maybe he should have cooperated instead of resisting to the point where they had to tackle him on the ground.
yeah that makes the most sense, around the time all i saw were liberal arguments for it and pro-BLM shit but i knew there had to be more to it. didnt lurk Sup Forums at the time
>the police force fed him cheeseburgers and soda throughout his entire life while also forcing him to be completely sedentary at gunpoint
Sure, bro. Sure. "Murder".
The cop fed him pizza and burgers and encouraged him to lead a sedentary lifestyle so that eventually any level of physical effort would cause him to die
come on pol u can't be this stupid to blame it on the poor nigga lifestyle, these cops were fucking retardwed and they had to pay for their retarded action just as any black lives matter nigger.
the officer who put garner in a chokehold was fired i believe. using moves such as a chokehold are banned by the NYPD, but in this case it was not murder of course. all in all that particular officer was still a piece of shit who could have done a much better job handling that situation, fuck all of you retards saying otherwise
t. son of a former detective
Fucking hivemind. Time to take a break from this place.
Nothing happened, it's just another nigger dead
It wasn't a banned chokehold. It was a chokehold intended to force compliance, not to incapacitate.
There's not much else a manlet can do to subdue a resisting 6'3", 400lb man.
And the DR should be sunk beneath the waves along with Haiti. Sometimes things don't work out as they should.
god fuck im out, too many underages on pol.
I'm 32 m8
How are you getting internet out in the jungle, Shining Path monkey?
Everyone that says the cops were racists or overreacted should watch this.
>neo Sup Forums support the cops
How sad...
>nignog is selling cigarettes without Big Brother's permission
>cops show up and begin to choke him
>nignog says "I can't breathe"
>cops continue to choke him
>nignog dies
>cops: "we acted reasonably and had no way to know that he would die as a result of us following procedure"
>no repercussions for cops
>he was resisting
They only "choked" him after he started to actively resist arrest.
most of the scenes on that video are okay, u anarcy faggot.
Checked and rekt
That was not cool shitskin.
>Be morbidly obese
>Have 31 prior arrests in NY
>Decide to sell single cigs
>Resist the police when they correctly tell you for the 3rd or 4th time that selling single cigs is illegal
>Die of a heart attack while trying to fend off a half dozen cops on a hot day
Yet somehow this is the fault of the police.
our cops do go too far in lots of cases.
Oh, please reconsider. Please.
Don't let the door hit your dumb ass on the way out, fuckboy.
wow , this is beautiful.
NYPD decided to treat selling cigarettes like heroin.
This is probably the one time I'm on the side of BLM.
You should hear the version with sound.
And then he died. Which is prima fascia evidence that he was abused.
He was also morbidly obese. Should have cooperated with the police, he had been arrested lots of times before.
Dude gets choked out while resisting. Arrested for trying to sell loose cigarettes even after he knew the cops would be looking..
terribly unhealthy man tried to fight the police and ended up dying
>I cant breathe
If you can breathe you cannot talk god dammit.
He died of fat.
yeah , I know , its a music video , seen it.
Bye bye nigger lover.
If you are being choked you cannot talk. If you are making noise air is passing through. He died of fat.
5 cops (one tattoed degenerate) literally killed the nigga for this.
This. There are alot of shit cops but mostly its a human being trying to cope with a fucked up job. There is a reason all this shit happens when fucked up communities are being policed.
The cops should be held responsible but if you are blaming them and not trying to address the fucking war zone they work in you are just making shit worse not helping.
nothing, fat guy stroked out cause he was a fat drug addict.
Something about a straw...
and the back of a camel...
expensive fucking cigarette. That thing better be dipped in formaldehyde for that price.
Then he should have not broken the law if he was literally on death's doorstep.
This song is great even if hes a whiny liberal shit.
The majority of people who use Sup Forums seem to distrust the government, but absolutely work the shaft and balls of the police...the armed part of the government. I don't quite understand it.
Garner was arrested because he smarted off to a cop, which is not a crime. He should've have of gotten a ticket at the very worst.
If he was selling squares for a dollar each he deserves to be dead.
Didnt the guy who did the choke hold get fired?
I mean its not illegal but the department had official procedures out there saying no choke holds.
Not that I blame the guy if the perp is talling then you how else you going to grab.
We would be more against police if they weren't under attack for just doing their job by a concerted liberal effort. The attitude is just do to last years shit.
He was suspended for two days for a different matter.
You miss the point. The cops pushed him too far with too many arrests.
Shouldn't have broken the law if he didn't want to get arrested.
But he makes the arrests happen by breaking the law.
Liberals can be a little less racist by just admitting that black people have agency.
A bunch of fucking dumbass cops chimped out and murdered a black man for allegedly selling cigarettes which is comparable to jay walking.
The best part? He didn't even have fucking cigarettes on them.
Amerifats think they're free
>The best part? He didn't even have fucking cigarettes on them.
So he did sell them.
We are free and want to stay that way which is why we keep some basic law and order leaf.
Jesus, even illegally buying loose cigarettes here is more expensive. A dollar is pretty normal for one smoke. This is just asking a random dude if he'll give you one from his pack. Wonder if it's illegal?
he dindu nuffin, y u aksin crackah???
Police aren't under attack. They're simply afraid of being accountable for their actions.
>can't sell cigarettes
You let white collar criminals commit far worse crimes, get away with them, and then be celebrated for being "smart", like some Randian super hero.
Nig selling a smoke? Deserves to die.
The law is retarded, even leftists admit this.
How's that officer semen tasting?
We jumped on him and choked him until his heart stopped... We totally dindu nuffin
Canadian dollars are worth 50 cents.
So selling a couple smokes is punishable by death?
We got us a government regulation of the market man here.
They are being targeted because people think they can exploit them. Months of lies and protests just to hear that yes once again this person did attack police before he was shot.
he should have tapped.
He had been arrested 30 times previously for things such as assault and larceny, was out on parole for false impersonation and other things. He was standing outside a store allegedly selling loose cigarettes, the store clerk/owner called the cops to remove a loiterer from their property. He then refused to comply and the cops were forced to make him comply.
They tried to detain him calmly. He resisted. Do you want cops to be like
>be detained
>lol ok go about your business then
Holy shit, that's an obscene amount of nigger.
>this thread
NO ONE deserves to die for illegally selling cigarettes, end of fucking story
If he wasn't black you'd all be defending him
He was choked to death for resisting arrest for "selling cigs" he had no fucking cigs
>mfw americans are this fucking retarded.
>mfw I have no face
>land of the free, yet we have the highest % of our population in prison on earth