Found out I'm Ashkenazi pic related. What do now

Found out I'm Ashkenazi pic related. What do now

I had the same experience too, user. The first part of coping with it is to make sure you don't start having Jewish instincts. Keep away from shekels and you should be fine.

oy vey

Get rich by exploiting dumb goyim.

Welcome OP.

Your holocaust reparations cheque and guide to world domination should be arriving shortly.

circumcise yourself ofc

>keep away from shekels
So you can take them instead? Truly the chosen do not hesitate to jew each other.

Welcome to the master race

Oy Vey! I've been found out!

Become like Brother Nathaniel. Use it to your advantage and redpill people.


Gas yourself

Might as well start networking so you can benefit from some Jewish nepotism.

Go to your nearest pizza place and jump head first into the brick oven.

Enjoy your high IQ and shekels.

Bite off your foreskin and fight the goyim with gods chosen people

convert to Catholicism

It's the only known cure for Judaism

Best one so far
Think ing about it
Who do I contact?

>cure for Judaism

We already know where to find you, expect your Jewtechâ„¢ merchandise to arrive shortly.

Move to zion and purge mudshits is the best course for you now.

give me your gold


are jews redpilled?

Just the white ones. Look at Ben shapiro


Use your innate power of Jewing people by pointing out when the Jews are Jewing people

You mean to say that I can use my newly discovered Jew powers for good?

Oy vey Mr. Goldstein! It's getting hot in here!

Kek has spoken. Do it.

Gib shekals ploz

Gas yourself.

write a manifesto about how much you hate women and the feminized psychology of the jewish people and then shoot yourself in the chest at the age of 23


I'm pretty sure you can get a free vacation to Israel out of that.

Recently found out I'm 1/1024 sub-Saharan African. Should I just end it now?


Move to Palestine. Pretend you are native. Get free shit. Kill Palestinian children because God supposedly promised you the land.



We all have genes of every culture. If you go back far enough in genealogy everyone related.

hack the soros.

repent, forget, carry on


You're a nazi? Nice. Welcome on Sup Forums

Just infiltrate the (((MSM))) and eventually grow so powerfull that nothing can hurt you and then let all the jewish secrets out

Orthodox Jews are niggers, they claim benefits for "religious studies" and will not serve in the military. They are also violent like nogs.

Did the beard hat and hair not notify you? Are Jews too cheap for mirrors?

>Who do I contact?

Oh we'll be in touch, we know everything.

Good Goyim

youll fit right in

Start an advocacy foundation and get rich by enacting societal disruption that just happens to raise the value of your investments

has nothing to do with ashkenazi though
just means he is descendent from central or eastern europen jews

>Did the beard hat and hair not notify you? Are Jews too cheap for mirrors?
Imagine what their toenails look like.