>Earlier today, Rutberg posted a series of tweets excoriating La La Land, Damien Chazelle’s new musical film starring Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling. (He has since deleted the tweets.) He called the movie “fascist,” explaining, “‘Fascism’ is a conspiracy of business and military elites to seize control, and use whatever means necessary to sedate its populace. Read: throw money at an empowered director (after an admittedly fantastic film), and enable him to use his sizable talent without the benefit of actually challenging him on his ideas. You have now used your money as a means to weaponize dangerous naïveté.”
La La Land is FASCIST!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Every fucking time
It's true tho
That (((name)))
These niggers think that they can keep pushing whites with no consequences. Even normies are sick of nigger shit.
Is it me, or have the jews intensified their attacks lately.
Ever since the livestream torture, they are on a roll.
well at some point the white shareholders are going to see that diversity doesn't sell in theatres and (((hollywood accounting))) does have it's limits
Streep's little tirade proved that not everyone is willing to just nod and smile when a celeb speaks. The power of (((hollywood))) is dwindling
They have to double down. It's always worked before and they're on the "right side of history."
>a happy go lucky 50 's style musical is fascist
>can only keep these tweets up for 5 mins
why do people do this?
The hollywood bubble is finally collapsing.
The freedom of mankind is coming soon.
Newton's third law. The institutionalized rape and murder of children by the elite has created a spiraling anti effect of good.
That's great.
Move to Canada, because your thread is leaf tier. Fuck you and your click bait thread.
oy vey
Remember the phrase cupcake fascism?
These pathetic fucks wouldn't know real fascism if it kicked their door in to arrest them for being decadent pieces of human filth
god willing, it will, one day, and then they can complain during their ten minute trial before being taken outside and shot.
I thought La La Land was a great movie. Nothing too subversive about it...r-right?
The jews are doubling down because China won't slow down and now they're getting nervous.
The whole le multicultrism and diversity is our strength meme doesn't exacatly wash when a homogeneous country full of a zillion gooks becomes number one in the world, the flames are burning the kikes asses because they know their bullshit is going to get called out on and even shitskins will turn on them once the West declines too far and the East rises up too much to keep bullshitting,
Did you actually see it? I planned on going out to see it in the next week or so, but wanted to know if it was actually good or if the trailers were showing the best parts.
This is wishful thinking. Never ever changes. The west will keep buying into the PC bullshit until we die.
Once a nation reaches its age of decadence there is no way to reverse it, or at least, it's never been reversed before.
It's worth seeing in theaters. It felt like a classic as I was watching it.
It was a great film. I saw it yesterday, very charming. If you like musicals you'll really enjoy it.
Thats a pretty rare merchant, mind if I keep it?
>my Belarusian friend
I don't really understand his """"logic"""".
>It's fascist
>No reasons provided
>Believe me, goys
I'm confused too. The movie looks like something a cuck would watch, not a fascist. I just think that (((they))) are freaking out right now. Their globalist power structure is crumbling. Nobody trusts the media or press anymore. Anti-globalist leaders are winning across the world. The migrant crisis is reaching a boiling point. They know their time is short.
> Shit (AND DANGEROUS) explanation of fascism
I wonder what he thinks of genuinely fascist groups like Drug cartels and gangs like "the bloods" who train young children for a specific purpose and wrap it all in a thin world view. They have no other concept of the world.
What would he say about that.
Idealizing the 50's era is fascist because it was only good for white men.
-From Jewgle Translate
La La Land was great and if you disagree you are uncultured.
>If you like old-fashioned, romantic movie musicals, go see it. La La Land actually features tap-dancing! It’s not high-budget, but it does a lot with what it’s got. Media fun: all the criticism of a movie about two good-looking, talented kids in Hollywood who concentrate on work and love and not cultural Marxism. How awful that they’re white and straight. Note: I didn’t like the ending, but then, I’m an old-fashioned guy.
waaaaaait a minute, this has got to be a new reverse serbian-jew triple bluff.
At first i thought ahh sappy cuck esque musical type chick flick movie. Said to wife nope. We aint watchin this shit. Now the jew is hating on the flick? is this real "hate" or marketing hate to get uncucked guys to watch this
>what did [[[they]]] mean by this
The soundtrack go la la land was goat also I love the goose and Emma stone is amazing too
Lalaland was great. Quality songs, superlative performance from The Goose, amazing sets + choreography. It's only a cuck film if you feel uncomfortable seeing a white musician play jazz, I suppose.
does anyone actually use lotion to masturbate?
Amerikikes have to use it because they mutilate their dicks
oh. that makes sense.
>I can only afford to keep these tweets up for five minutes
Wow, they really are careful with money
>child of Hollywood and Broadway Musicals