What would 9/11 be like if it happened in 2017?
What would 9/11 be like if it happened in 2017?
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I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.
live steams from in the towers
Young adults with neon hair taking selfies in the dust clouds as debris crushes them
"Not all Muslims" "We apologise to any muslims we may offend by showing this" "Who is really to blame here? White men" "Is Donald Trump to blame?" "10 reasons why white cis men caused the accident"
That's an interesting post
>tfw everything is in HD
Just imagine the habbening. It's still being being memed irl 16 years later
Well, look at what would have to happen to lead up to it in 2017.
>No war for oil
>Bush probably one term
>Gore gets elected
>Liberalism is taking an earlier rise
>Refugees from Iraq(as a result of Saddam)
>Refugees from Afghanistan(as a result of China)
>They blame us for not helping
>Bomb world trade center
>Life wouldn't be much different
The Iraq war really kickstarted the 'new era' in terrorism.
Libs would instantly blame trump for creating Islamaphobia. Impeachment hearings would start the next day. pic related.
people would fly hundreds of drones with cameras all around the building
people inside the building would live stream it
it would be glorious. coincidentally I just recently wondered about exactly this and concluded that it is a shame 9/11 happened too early
"The world today baka, 1 like = 1 prayer"
Hard to tell as 9/11 contributed to the state of society now
>not all Muslims 24/7
>it's Donald trumps fault and whitey is blamed
>live streams from inside as it's happening showing the horror
>Muslims are absolved for all crime and wrong doings for the rest of time
>world wide shria law by 2020
I hate to admit it but I would literally go on Sup Forums immediately despite having lower Manhattan in my view clearly through my apartment
We'd hear "Oh those silly terrorists! They aren't even proper muslims!" on the news and everywhere else for a couple of weeks and then everyone would forget about it.
yes. it made the muricans eternally butthurt
Putin hacked the plane!!!
Sup Forums would crash Sup Forums from the amount of habbenig shitposting
>8 Saudi men die in plane accidents
crashing this site ... WITH NO SURVIVORS
Will no one check this meaty get?
Also, you are correct.
It'd happen in Germany.
nuke saudi arabia
God it would be glorious. But I'm militaryfag so would't be here to enjoy it.
its still being memed because youre still butthurt about it
just like the holocaust will be memed as long as jews are butthurt about it, meaning for as long as humans keep existing
Misconception, we have had terrorism much before the Hwhite man step foot in the Middle East. We bombed no one, took no ones land Islam is the problem
We would have HD livestreams as the buildings collapsed from inside. It would be pretty horrific. And thousands and thousands of different videos of both planes impacting. We would be going through footage and conspiracy theories for decades.
Adult Chicken and electrolytes for farm crops
I think the opposite would be the case
due to the amount of evidence retarded conspiracy theories would never flourish
Sympathy for misunderstood pilots
Stop blaming the Saudi Pilots. They were just trying to get equality. There is a lack of diversity among pilots that is problematic. And no they were not really Muslims, and this was not Islam Islam is a religion of peace.
Mass red pilling
except 9/11 actually happened
Streets filled with people filming on their phones instead of running or helping
The lefty apologists would also find a way to spin it as a righteous attack on Wall Street bankers.
prove that 9/11 happened
OMG jews arabs blah blah white power blah blah our distressed muslim friendos religion of peace leaves you in pieces but no seriously let them rape your 8 year old daughter it's totally ok
We have to step back and realize the blame falls on airplanes and air plane enablers, not the poor Muslims who were forced to play their hand by oppression.
they'd say it was a mental health issue and most probably workplace related violence, nothing to do with islam or immigrants
Gore was vs Bush before 9/11. John Kerry ran against him in 2004. Jesus christ.
The real tragedy is that Islamophobia is so strong that these poor men felt compelled to crash these planes. I think it's time that we look inwardly at all the hate generated towards minorities and only then will we put a stop to tragic events like these.
>prove that 9/11 happened
I have a piece of rock with explosive residue and a film of me collecting it next to a judge and a notary
thread 404
who cares they all smell like faggot balls
I dont see the evidence
Prove that you exist.
clean your mind degenerate
News Headlines:
>Peacefull muslims accidentally bump into building
>Islamaphobe wave all over america for no apparent reason
>LIVE HD fotage from inside twin tower
>Here is ten reasons for #notallmuslims
>Proff found that 9/11 was an inside job and not done by muslims
>Rich white men did 9/11 and tried to blame it on muslims
>White supremacists tries to use "facts" to blame 9/11 on muslims
>The country is outraged.
>The world is outraged.
>Everybody starts hating on Muslims.
>LBTQ people enlist.
>Social Justice Warriors enlist.
>A Beta army rises.
>Emo-warriors across the globe pick up arms.
>Trump/Putin declare war on black people.
>Blackened gets droned.
>Saudi Arabia gets nuked.
>8 years later the soldiers return from the war.
>Trump destroyed the enviorment.
>Irradiated, mutated, tatooed and faggy PTSS victims everywhere.
>Society collapses under the victimhood.
>Mad Max: Fury Road all over again.
Don't forget
>Muslims killed in broad daylight in NYC terror attack
Pic related, this was the BBC headline after a Muslim suicide bomber tried to attack a festival in Germany this summer.
What if Hiroshima and Nagasaki happened in 2017?
your flag is a square
and seflies
Don't man, the thought of watching people dying via periscope streams and vines makes me hard as fuck. We need a new happening on this scale so damn bad.
This site is 18+
Were you even born on 9/11?
yeah I was comfy as fuck watching the Madrid train bombings.
>See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss?
Made me spit my rola cola out.
The hi-jackers would have been (((white nationalists))) or ((BLM))).
The Paris attack had some fantastic videos posted online as well. so damn good watching frogs getting btfo'd in the streets.
Please just kill yourself Abdul.
damn, they would have caught all the bombs going off super close.
>attack happens
>everyone pretends to be sad and changes their facebook profile picture in the biggest display of faux-sympathie ever
>let more immigrants in
>rinse and repeat
Is the only real answer.
Imagine the Sup Forums sticky
>d-dont blame muh muslims, theyre a religion of peace!
Sure thing Mohammed, just let me eat my bacon sand.... oh wait. sorry, don't mean to offend you lad.
This one of the things I hate most about today, the need to record everything for likes and social media status.
Glad I don't have a phone.
jesus, man
How would you like to be 1500ft up taking a dump when suddenly the floor and walls crumble away?
all symbolic monuments from europe would be lit up in america's flag and #notallmuslims would be first in twitter trends
Having a phone is cool, Sup Forums and porno on the go. Just steer clear of social media. You may go deaf or blind, dumb is guaranteed.
I now like to see a live stream of it
>The point
>Your head
Gore would have ran again, and became the candidate.
>implying they won't jam signals to be sure that it doesn't look like an inside job
Meh thanks but not thanks, I like my PC better plus I don't get out much.
Muslims would go in the oven.
There would be several shots of a Spanish man with a shitty ass clutching a toilet bowl as he plummets towards the ground.
Took a class on your country, can confirm Muslims are the problem
They'd try to pin it on Russians
not to mention livestreams from the cockpits
iktf, my family basically signed me up to normiebook whilst I was drunk and now I'm stuck with it because I'll look like an asshole if I delete it.
Women only like it because of the male attention if gives them on tap. They can't seem to grasp that for some social media is a bad experience.
dude, it's a pocket computer
literally just a pocket computer
Not trying to sell you anything, but stop getting paranoid, just don't download instagram
Otherwise, why do you use a computer if you can get on facebook in it?
with a phone you can take down notes, browse the tubes, and GPS saves your ass
also make calls
What would pic related be like if it happened in 2017?
>butthurt murican
what a surprise
Obama would blame the guns the terrorists had to hijack the planes, then try to pass strict gun laws.
same thing, only with more selfies
>"This has absolutely nothing to do with Islam"