>"celebrities should stay away from and not talk about politics!"
>meanwhile literally elect a celebrity as president
>"celebrities should stay away from and not talk about politics!"
>meanwhile literally elect a celebrity as president
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Wtf I hate Trump now.
>I know nothing about politics
>complains about politics
hahah epic meme bro you just totally rektd OP
I guess if you're qualified enough to be elected President, you're qualified enough to talk politics.
wtf i hate Trump now.
>i hate my celebrity president
>lets listen to what these celebrities have to say about fixing it
You just proved our point, you dumb kike.
Holy fuck you're fucking retarded.
>i hate celebrities thinking their opinions matter when it comes to politics, fucking hollywood kikes
>also btw my celebrity candidate's opinions matter so you guys need to respect them
Trump is not solely a celebrity.
Yeah he's a steak salesman and professional scammer too