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I'm getting fucking sick of Canada. They seriously need to be stopped.

How is this a problem again? Mr. Hussein is well qualified for the job.

I want to get off Mr Bones wild ride

Get the fuck out of my country you traitorous piece of shit

Two types of leafs

Wow, I told you that all Refugees are lawyers and doctors

t. Merkel


but your the traitorous piece of shit you drooling fucking retard lol, canadians dont hate people just for being from other countries


If you have a problem with immigration then you have a problem with the Liberal Party not Mr. Hussein. Please stop being a blind racist, it does you no favors.

We'll outnumber them in a decade and then sell you fucking leaf tacos with spicy mapple syrup.


>receding hairline

what is this shenanigans

Normal people please vacate forum

so are you guys going to articulate any real issues with this guy or just cry and tantrum over the fact that he's brown and not from here?


>How is this a problem
It's not for you Muhammad. I'm sure he'll implement a strict mudslime only policy.

still waiting for a single actual point to be made, do you have any or just dank memes?

I'm actually pretty excited there is literally no Mexican food up here it's all mediterranean and snackbar shit. I have never even had a street burrito

that seems like a good enough reason, you degenerate nigger

We need to be saved!!
Think of your white brethren who are becoming a minority in their own land.

a fucking somaleaf

If skilled Muslims wish to immigrate why not. They will have to pass the stringent points system proving they can contribute to the Canadian economy

There will be lots of points once Mr Hussan opens the borders.

>he's brown and not from here?
pretty good reason to not want him anywhere near immigration

I don't hate people for being from other countries, I don't want a Somali Muslim to be our Minister of Immigration, I want an actual Canadian to do that.
Immigration is great if the immigrants are White people, we need more of those. Personally, I'd rather retain my racial majority and not have my grand-children grow up as hated minorities in the country that my ancestors built, fought and died for. Thanks

Again, normies please gtfo, you people are turning Sup Forums to shit and Canada into the Sweden of the New World.

Why are Canadians allowing this? they are turning into fucking Sweden, what the fuck.

Give me one good reason why Canada should become Greater Somalia.

prepare for refugees from the north

This is worse than sweden!


You must be new here.

ah so we have our first entry into actual issues people are taking with this guy: unfounded assumptions of islamophobic nonsense, we're off to a great start lol
poor idiots, you're still mistaking trump's victory for the starting pistol for a race war lol
yeah, it's not like there are lots of immigrants here right now. surely this change will be unprecedented lol
what is it you people always say? "not an argument"?

no its not, don't worry you're by far no 1

There are NO jobs.
Why are we bringing in more people?


A fucking LEAF!

nope, just like to constantly remind people here that they have no real legs to stand on in threads like this. i'm already getting the usual "REEEEEE GTFO MUH RACIST SAEF SPACE" routine


t. jamal mohammad abdeen bakr

get out of this country along with your mudshit brethren you fucking nigger

>Immigration is great if the immigrants are White people, we need more of those.

Why? Why do we NEED more of those? Your line of reasoning doesn't even make sense since those white immigrants will have nothing to do with "building and fighting" for Canada since they... y'know, just arrived?

We need skilled people of any race to come here. This is Canadian policy. Not even the Conservative party veers from this standard. This is the key to a healthy economy

stop trying that hard

This is where your credibility officially evaporated.

Sweden 2.0

do you even need immigrants from shithole countries like Somalia though?

Get out of Canada you shitskin scum

There are jobs. You have to look in the right places.

Well you see, YOU'RE the one who has a problem with how the country is run so it would be better for YOU to leave since if I left, immigration will still continue and you'll still be angry

Keep importing these people and after a few months you'll wake up in a pile of dust and rubble and find that you literally have no legs to stand on.

woah, foreign names! you have totally dismantled my post!
or maybe you could try harder
>pfft how is it islamophobic to say "he's muslim" like that's an inherently bad thing? why do libruls think words have definitions? don't they know i'm such a speshul snowflaek that no words apply to my worldview
speaking of try harder lol

>Importing only well-educated shitskins to compete with the jobs white people want
>This is the key to a healthy economy

Enjoy the migrant crisis, canada

Canadians should officialy shut the fuck up for good now. Too bad Mook doesn't want to rangeban them

nigger jej

If the Somalis are skilled, I have no problem with that. But the majority of the Somalis in Canada are refugees, not immigrants. We take them in out of humanitarian policy




We're going to make trolling great again, we don't troll like we used to. Canadians, they beat us a troll. Big league. Our trolling is a disaster. No one trolls like me. When elected I'll make trolling great again.

It's not inherently a bad thing.
It's just (statistically) very likely that it's a bad thing.

>I'm actually pretty excited there is literally no Mexican food up here it's all mediterranean and snackbar shit. I have never even had a street burrito

Fuck you. It was people like you said 40 years ago, I'm actually pretty excited there is literally no Mediterranean food up here.

bye Canada

Stringent? Get the fuck out of here. A country that annually allows 300,000 (1% of our total population) a year, that imports masses of unskilled labour on temporary work visas, that allows foreign students fast track to citizenship and reunification with their families DOES NOT have STRIGENT immigration policies.

1 out of 3 canadians AT THIS MOMENT is foreign born. That is beyond fucked. And it's all in the name of continuing the ponzi scheme of government spending and welfare programs.

This country drowned under immigration a long time ago. We're just witnessing the dead man's bubble breaking the surface.


it's very simple retard : i against immigration and it extremely unlikely that a brown dude combined with the fact that he's a liberal will do anything but open the flood gates at max capacity

If you can't compete, get better. White people are supposed to be better innately, aren't they? At least, that is what you people believe

Remove leaf, when?

If he emigrated in the early 90's, his family could have been part of Siad Barre's elite circle. They were quite different from the niggers that emigrated later.

He's a retard who will change the law to allow favour Somalis, and you will be to cucked to do anything about it.

You need to do some research on this country. Up until the late 60s, we did not allow non-European immigrants to become citizens. Why is that? Right, because Canada is a European colony and people at the time were rational enough to realize that homogeneous societies are the most functional and cohesive. More so, I'd rather have my country be filled with members of the race that have time and time again proven themselves to be the builders of great civilizations, rather than niggers, 75% of which have double digit IQs.

How about Somalis; why do you NEED more of THOSE?

>We need skilled people of any race to come here.
No you don't. Unless you want to undercut skilled Canadians. You Jew.


So did Trudeau's corruption shit not go anywhere?

What's next?
>Uneducated incharge of education
>Fat person incharge of health

>Chrystia Freeland will be appointed Canada's new minister of foreign affairs
>Freeland banned from Russia

You know what to do, America. Just ban the shit out of those leftards. They should travel to United European Emirates and Somalia as much as they want, but never put a soil on the land of freedom and democracy.

The fact he's a nigger aside, why would you ever put an immigrant in control of immigration?
That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
May aswell put a mexican in charge of the DEA.

>How is this a problem again? Mr. Hussein is well qualified for the job.

Les anglos Canadiens, tout le monde...


why are Somalis so cute?

>a few months
lol i think you need to learn a bit about immigration in canada, we've been at it for a lot longer than "a few months"
damn, every post you write is more scathing and articulate than the last!
what's with this @ meme all of a sudden?
it's a thread about canada you fucking inbred lol
how does being an immigrant make you less qualified though?

>If the Somalis are skilled, I have no problem with that.
Why are you ok with being replaced in your own country?


Only on Sup Forums

Dont worry the pendulum is swinging back hard throughout the world, the age of 'tolerance' and multiculti is slowly grinding to a halt. Historical is cyclical and we're entering the 'dark' phase now, I suggest you learn how to survive innawoods just in case my somalishit friend.











I think you need to learn more about Islam.

Look at how many second generation, Western educated, "assimilated" immigrants have turned to terror.

You're playing Russian roulette with every person that you let in.

Of having the US build a norther border wall, definitely.

We need fewer immigrants and especially highly skilled ones as those steal the jobs our own workers need and paid far out the ass for in the ridiculous education racket we have

>why would you ever put an immigrant in control of immigration?
probably because they aren't scared triggered racists like everyone in this thread is
wow yeah, now the government will only be like 98% run by native canadians, how can we swallow this oppression?!?!?

We didn't put him in charge, master-cuck Trudeau did. Have you never heard of him?

The standards are stringent, it's just that the world is full-up with highly skilled people hungry to taste success within a first world economy such as the one Canada has to offer. And so what if 1/3 Canadians are foreigners, all Canadians except for the Natives are foreigners. I don't see any problem and Canada is still and will continue to be one of the best countries in the world

He will have to pass that through the government which will be shot down. By the way, Somalis are refugees not immigrants anyways.

Europe is not a homogeneous entity. It is full of different groups with different cultures who hated each other for the majority of history. How did that perfect white society work out when we had terrorist Quebecers sending mail bombs wanting to separate from our country? We are now a post-national country. I don't care about what racist people did in racist times.

We don't. As I said, Somalis are refugees mostly. The skilled ones come in through the immigration system

>Look at how many second generation, Western educated, "assimilated" immigrants have turned to terror.
... not very many? where are all these canadian terrorist attacks if there's such a problem?


>how does being an immigrant make you less qualified though
No, and being a criminal doesn't make you less qualified to be the chief of police

>being this much of a retarded shitskin

>Canada puts a Somalinigger in charge of letting people into the country

I will now proceed to laugh at the faggotry of our dog-fucking northern neighbors.


Leaf with the shitty posts can't understand the reason why it's bad. Many such cases. Sad!


Simple economics degree shows people make jobs. You need people to make jobs dumb dumb

that's some suprisingly clean water all things considered

>how does being an immigrant make you less qualified though?
It's not about paper qualifications. The hard reality is that complete open borders don't work, and that if you want to have a successful immigration policy, you need to be very picky about who you let in. Do you think a refugee will be more likely to make policy regarding refugees with their mind, and thus develop a strict policy, or with their hearts, and thus a very open policy?

He might be a decent minister, but he's got the background for a 'Think of MY people', just like that Haitian governors general who threw a gorillion dollars at the Haiti relief fund and called Haitians her people, when her only responsibility as HEAD OF STATE OF CANADA is THE CANADIAN PEOPLE

i didnt ask for another hacky comparison, i'm asking you to explain the logic behind it. what about immigrating makes you less qualified to be in charge of immigration?
more of the best and the brightest of Sup Forums coming out to whine at me

what a cuck

Have you tried having a non-retarded president/prime minister?
When's your election up anyway? And what're the chances he gets another term?

at least we have never elected a nigger to run our country (yet)