What is a good redpill movie for kids?
My young nephews wanna watch a movie
Lion king
Triumph of the will
Der ewige
The Number 23
That one with the rabbit.
Inglorious Basterds
Old Disney
Any of the old Disney movies. Anything before the mid-1990s will do; that is when Disney first got a Jewish CEO and their output changed from princes and princesses to stronk independent womyn.
There's an animated version of Watership Down, too. That's a real redpill on group identity, heroism, self-sacrifice, migration and resources.
South park
haha, for kids tho senpai? A good movie but not for kids desu
kike detekkkted
thats 3 Strikeouts
Animal Farm
No greater lesson for kids thannlearning that if you do drugs you will transform into an amorphous god being of infinte telekinetic potential
Also bikes are cool and go vroom vroom
Watership Down
>Oppressive oligarchy and entrenched power tries to sto,pp on the little guy, but Emmet Trump saves the fay with apopuloist message of individual power in the face of SHillary-style government evil.
>Girl really, really, really wants to be the hero and save the day, but does not get given that role just because she has a hole instead of a peg.
>Best film version of Batman ever, including ongoing dig at the whole "I'm so dark I shit angst" take that has ruined DC's movies.
is redpilled i guess but boring as fuck
Milo & Otis will make them love animals, like any white person should.