Rather he do the actual job

Does he literally have to respond to every single joke/criticism/negative thing etc. said about him?
I feel like the only way to get him busy to do his real job now which is kind of important is to have a time where basically everybody does it at the same time in one way or another so that he's so overwhelmed with trying respond to it all he finally gives up and learns to ignore it.

Other urls found in this thread:


He's the god emperor of the man children.

Of course he has to respond.

One minute of writing a tweet in exchange for eternal liberal asspain.

Worth it.

seems as though you follow his every move, and were triggered enough to make a thread about it....

Time to move on...

Answering to every criticism makes retards like you make threads on Sup Forums, """journalists""" make their breaking stories giving Trump literally free advertising.

I dunno if it's really asspain they just think it's silly
I honestly don't even have a twitter so I just occasionally see stories with his response screenshots.

We literally just had a thread where you puling manchildren wanted to make it illegal to criticize the president.

You have absolutely no business talking about other people being triggered you pathetic faggot.

you've got to remember this is a man who has had his days and weeks completely planned out for decades, because that's what happens when you have your fingers in dozens of pies. the average president is not used to this since they're usually politicans or lawyers who do work hard but don't have their lives micromanaged. so while being president is obviously a stressful job, trump is used to having his life micromanaged and this is why he finds the time to shitpost. he is still "doing his job".

So they spend hours to write rants about how silly it is.

Sounds pretty asspained to me.

This was actually embarrasing. Lost the tiny bit of respect I had for Americans. All countries have a president that reflects the kind of people that he or she leads.



When someone is standing at a platform that is delivering a message to.litterally HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of PEOPLE around the GLOBE I would respond too you fucking shit cunt.

you can criticize him or anyone all you want...

Just don't try to play it off like you're not triggered

Well I hate to even bring this up but to be fair it wasn't by popular vote, more voted for him in total but there's reasons the electoral college system is there so we don't really got to get into that. I don't think it reflects "everyone" maybe only half of us, but it's been this way for a decade or more now.

Liberal projection at its finest.

You monkeys are truly pathetic.

Typing a tweet takes 5 seconds FAGGOT


projecting what exactly?

You're triggered about trump being criticized, so you accused me of being triggered about something.

I doubt you even know what it is you think I'm triggered about, because projection is a purely reflexive emotional response common to brain dead liberals.

She is a..... (ACTING)

either she is being paid to do it or has been brain washed to where she actually believes this shit. In order to convey the message and pull the heartstrings, she decide to "produce" this little moment. Script and all. Starts with light hearted jokes, quickly moves in for the kill. wouldn't expect less from someone who is paid to professionally convey emotions by playing a character especially living in (((hollywood))) for all this time.

>Falling for the shills
>Being a shill

Why don't you stop following social media like some kind of pleb loser

You'll be happier without tweets and instagrams I promise

Of course. Our team is beating the other team and we're winning the arguments online. That's all that matters.

Because retards like you keep talking about his tweets besides what is happening in current events.

>15 seconds to write a tweet
>15 days of reaction

I love that he continues to tweet about everything...he refuses to lose control of his own narrative. It's endearing. Also as long as he does what he said he will do- keep the Clinton's out of power and put America's interests above globalist goals- he can otherwise do as he damn well pleases...the last thing I want is for him to morph into someone who plays by the media's rules.

How those emus doing mate

you should think that 1 minute (although i doubt its just that) of POTUS time is worth more than 1 day normalfag time.

Just by you know, how much good he could do for the world within that time once hes sworn in

Yeah, I'd rather he do the job of President-elect, too. What is that job, exactly?

Trump says autism rates are through the roof.
Seems like he was just projecting

he doesnt start his new job until the 20th. lots of time to shitpost.

>extremely credible source
my sides!

>I feel like
Go kill yourself faggot

Preparing everything? Hiring all the various staff?

I'd rather he tweet than spend taxpayer dollars to fly to New York or LA, disrupt traffic and business so he can do some jokes on late night tv.

>Rather he do the actual job

But he is not even in the office yet. And he has already handed over responsibility for his company to his kids.

Basically he is a NEET right now. NEETs don't have anything better to do than to shitpost, user.

He's nominated everyone. Not fucking much he can do other than waiting for Congress to do what they need to at this point

>muh taxpayer dollars

you know what would save a lot of them?
why press conferences?
>use twitter
why have a communications staff?
>use twitter
why negotiations with other heads of state that you would have to invite and pay breakfast for?
>use twitter
why laws?

Im sure all this would help your country and especially your wallet a great deal

>Does he literally have to respond to every single joke/criticism/negative thing etc. said about him?

Yeah. He's a gamecock, [ut somethingin front of him and he slashes at it.

If the left were clever, they could keep him completely distracted and occupied for four years.

why does it trigger people when he goes off on a rant when people attack him? Is it wrong to defend one's self now? Or is it that he doesn't go along with certain narratives?

Why does it send a lot of people into orbit when he is petty & spiteful? Why does it not bother me at all. Why do I care more about when it really matters that he is competent and a fighter?

Does no one see there is a way about a powerful leader that is not normal? They march to the beat of a different drum...

All I know is that making America Great again and Trump personally triggers the shit out of persons who have weak spirits....I have noticed anyone with white guilt, anyone overly puritanical, any one considering themselves to be SJW's seem to abhor the man...I love it. Him getting elected was cool, but to see all the liberal tears has just been an incredible bonus.....

>Rather he do the actual job

Funny how Obama was never held to the same standards when he was always on golf vacations on taxpayer dime...

>seems as though you follow his every move, and were triggered enough to make a thread about it....

This raises a point -- why do so many leftists and SJWs follow the man? All they are doing is giving his tweets attention and helping make his follower numbers look yuge. Are they, and I am asking htis literally, retarded?

There's that crazy liberal woman producer who literally responds to every tweet he makes.

Right? It's not like this strategy won him the Presidency or anything. He really should start taking advice from the losing side, huh?

lmao how can anyone defend him?

Big fucking deal he has time on his hands and pisses off most of hollyjew at the same time.

If it was the other way around and streep attacked clinton my god she would get hammered for it

Trump's a fucking puppet YOU FUCKING TEENAGERS




>He thinks Trump himself, a billionaire with an SEO staff of 50 people, sits down at a computer all day writing tweets PERSONALLY!

Maybe him shitposting is the same for us. He does it to relax and end a day. Would explain why he posts in the middle of the night sometimes.

He's human too and has to rest just like everyone else. And this is his way of doing it.

Which was done in such a timely manner that Democrats in Congress complained he was rushing his nominations. After claiming the transition was in disarray of course.

>constantly being attacked by false narratives
>defending yourself makes you a baby
wew you're a faggot. If you respond to this, you're a baby.

All of the time taken to write his tweets from 2010 to now pale in comparison to the amount of golf Obama played.

No they weren't complaining about that. They were complaining that the nominations weren't put through the ethics office which every nominee on both sides goes through first.

Lmao trump went full SJW here

Holy shit guys. you just voted an SJW for the position of presidency


What did his ID mean by this?

The dude isn't even sworn in yet, where the fuck where you whiners when Obama was golfing for months at a time?

>Does he literally have to respond to every single joke/criticism/negative thing etc. said about him?
That's how he kept himself as the focus during the entire election cycle. The strategy games the desperation of the media to sell sensationalism, and it paid off in limitless dividends.

You're over a year late on this topic.

>get him busy to do his real job
Like which President exactly?


You losers can't finish what you started.

Look at it this way: if he spent more time working and less time on twitter, he'd have smashed Bongo's precious Jobs Created figure already. Even so, he's on track to get it done before he officially takes office, and several pieces of legislation he wants are already being introduced to Congress. Do you really WANT him to be more effective?

>liberals and retarded media keep discussing his tweets
>meanwhile he makes America great again

It costs around 15 seconds to tweet this but saves years in fighting Democrats.

He's turning the left against their own, dummy. The have to either attack ABC and fight amongst themselves or risk shattering the conditioning trying to explain why they won't.



>I dunno if it's really asspain
are you sure about that?

1. He's not president yet
2. Leadership. He's fitting the role of figurehead for a nation, unlike most recent world leaders. He's engaging with the populace, and isn't a snivelling sycophant who backs down and apologises any time he upsets some worthless bitch.

>you should think that 1 minute (although i doubt its just that) of POTUS time is worth more than 1 day normalfag time.
he wanted the jewish media to put her on the spotlight.

they have now, but they soon realized shes also anti-semite against israel so it backfired.

I dont get, theres only 9 days left, and they are still looking for singers for his inauguration, i know theres plenty of BANDS out there that are happy to play for Trump, but whats with all these liberal yuppie singers saying no and being all "edgy" and mocking trump, fucking sluts.


better to nip it in the bud before she goes of trying to brainwash more retards

I was talking about this issue specifically not the election results.

I dont get it, where is the problem? Just mind your own buisness if you dont like it.

>asspain of this magnitude isn't fueling libshits' reactions to Trump today.


>What do you think people (including youth, school staff, community leaders and politicians) could do to stop bullying, hate messages and harassment from happening in your community?

Israel can't take the bantz. SAD!

>dunno if its really asspain

He takes less than 5 minutes to write that tweet.

MSNBC runs HOURS of programming segments on it. Bloggers spend time writing rebuttals / disapprovals.

They definitely don't think it's "silly". It's anywhere from "unPresidential" to "misogyny" to "unfactual pfftbrabrlgarbl".

Trump's the best worker in any business. He's got his supporter marks and his heel marks worked into shoots. It's a wonderful thing to watch.

Can't wait to hear the news about something bad happening to mery streep. They never learn. all the signs are here.


Shadilay brother, eagerly awaiting the good news....