Such a good impressions! xD xD xD
Such a good impressions! xD xD xD
That's actuallly really funny lol
It had potential but it fell flat on its face
It is a hour long. so you only watched about 10 seconds of it. Watch more its horrible.
Yeah it could have been funny if cry baby libtards didnt ruin it. The part with Pepe.
"I am Pepe I am racist!" COMEDY GOLD.
That one guy keeps laughing what a sperg
MDE is tryhard faggot comedy
Good milo impression, bad Sam impression.
Go to bed, Tim.
At least Tim has a bed
Why are liberals so unfunny at comedy?
The second season of The Wire really is the best... Am I a racist?
>huehuehuehuehuhueheu in the background
shut the fuck up
Kikes are eating eachother now hahah. I'd say I'm confused, but I'm not. Homo Soros kikes truly are the final redpill .
where is the downvote button on this website?
The Hyde or Milo characters would be funny in 2 minute skits.......but the format of this is horrendous.
This is too gay to watch.
They aren't even funny. It's like watching some stupid highschool made skit.
Sam hyde is the only funny person on theinternet anymore.
man comedy is going to be so bad for the next 8 years, especially stand up, gunna be nothing but stupid shit like this with people losing their mind simply because the person on stage shares the same political opinion as them
Because they lack any real humanity.
Hyde was funny until he took the blackpill and went full noise depression about the kikes '''locking him out''' if we are to believe it. I'm getting tired of this alt-right (((e-celebrity))) jew cuckfest going on though generally.
I dislike Sam Hyde but even I have to admit that this is just autistic faggotry on a level I have really never experienced before
>The videos isnt even disponible
i want to watch it but they took it down.
Agreed! I cant believe more people dont see this. He can literally sit and do nothing and turn it into gold. He is a genuinly smart person especially when it comes to comedy. If you do not like his comedy it is because you are not capable of understanding or haven't yet been able to.
Better than hollywood.
The humiliation of hollywood should be great.
I actually somewhat liked John Stewart
Thank fuck he was smart enough to retire before the late night comedy shit turned into this cesspool of cancer.
>I actually somewhat liked John Stewart
you don't own NOTHIN, goyim!
That cesspool was designed by him.
Dude, Sam is sometimes funny, but most of the time he's just doing nothing. Sometimes he even blows his nose into the camera and similar filthyfrank tier crap.
>liking John "Dylan Roof shooting up a church is worse than ISIS raping and murdering millions" Jewart
>chuckling like a bunch of children
Hyde weirded me out by standing up for that kike-shill Richard Spencer though. Here Spencer is with his jew handler (((Paul Gottfried))).
Same hyde isnt funny and neither are these cunts, grow up
hey, sam hyde i watched him before knowing he was related to politics.
when the intro hit me like a train, i was like >woah this music he uses is so right it give me feels its the epitom of human civilization
then i saw how his comedy is, he was erratic and felt so relaxed with himself.
man and the humor reminds me of nights with my cousin when we talk about shit nonstop
he wasnt a lefty youtuber his age were, he wasnt organized. he didnt feel urbanite globalist cuck.
then i saw the yale lives matter and said could this be our guy.
then i saw the gun video and realized he was that meme i never understand, i thought it was a terrorist sperg with those thick glasses.
i rate sam hyde 6000000/6000000
Don't forget their portrayal of Barron Trump.
He was funny back when he would go after either side.
He burned out though and just lost all perspective near the end.
Trumps election may have begun to snap him out of it but hes got a ways to go.
>we're like the worst part of millennials but we're also like stuipid
HAHHAHA Top comedy goy!
the video is not availble. did you watch it.
Nothing wrong with ethnic nationalism.
People who backed away from Spencer are not serious about their convictions.
what the fuck is this shit?
>There's nothing wrong with neocon kikes destroying western civilization
Oh, so you're one of (((them))).
jesus christ the laughter is so fake
what were these people thinking?
Nice, I have watched little of Sam Hyde but I haven't had his comedy click with me yet. Anything that you or anyone else here recommend?
>neocon kikes
>ethnic nationalism
pick one faggot
You wanna know how I can tell you're not a regular here?
>I-I'm not a kike, t-trust mee
(((You))) are white noise.
I only watched the first two minutes and this is absolute cringe. The dumb fucking goof-ball that keeps laughing like Scottie from Austin Powers kept making me rage and their jokes werent even close to funny. Sad!
horrible photoshop
this man,
This is like something they made for the TV scenes of idiocracy.
I love how intimidated they must be by sam hyde.
and they believe it`s insulting ..
>hey go-uh-guys, I'm one of you. Look, I even said kike a bunch of times.
You have to go back.
Most people who have watched the show a few times will usually say the 2nd season was best.
First 2 were amazing. Whatever season mcnulty went on a drunken rampage was good. 5th season was meh
You know impressions are good if they have to start out by saying their name.
World Peace is a great show. It's comedy on the surface but every sketch is esoteric redpills to varying extent.
This is ridiculously unfunny and I think hyde, milo and that shrekelli kid that people gobble the dick of are cancer.
Like the user said above, this had some seriously good potential to tear into some culture hacking faggots but then I remember the left lost the power of comedy when it banned fun.
"Utopia" is one of his best videos
i love the episode where he act like a 80s nigger he says baby do you remeber when we used to sing a b c, a b c d e f g h ....
This is why I don't really like these alt right anime watching nerds. This was actually pretty funny, the sam hyde and milo impersonations were spot on. Then you read the comments, a bunch of virgins with pepe avatars and MAGA hats memeing and crying. Faggots honestly.
yeah i shat bricks, when women lost the war. MGTOW reffrence i think.
what kind of audience will unironically consume this?
i couldnt watch damn it.
the video says its not availble
Yeah it's like Johnathan Leibowitz's low energy humor that went stale 10 years ago, trying to be resurrected by a bunch of retarded children.
so much cringe with the mexican and pole
also 90% of it is boring air with them standing around awkwardly or a long boring ass skit like barron singing that sucks
It is tho
Yeah, that seemed more like an impression of one of his characters
It is. It's so bad it's really really funny.
There's a fortune to be made in making really god awful impressions of alt-right figures. It's like Springtime for Hitler.
Really picking on a ten year old boy who has made no public statements or interviews because you hate his dad?
The Sam Hyde bit had potential by the costume design but the impression was shit.
>don't make joke about the star
>implying these people use reddit and not TRS
I think a lot of people forget that half of the time he attacked all of the retards who supported the Iraq war.
This is just another red scare trying to reduce the damage the democrats have caused by being utter retards
I have to wonder if comedians and political humorists ignored Obama's faults because he's black or because he's a democrat. If Hillary had won in 2008 instead of Obama, would they have shit all over for her for Libya and Syria? Or would they have covered for her?
I guarantee they would have shit on McCain and Romney, and rightfully so. But they gave Obama a pass.
I want to bully these theatre fags.
Hooo boy here we go again
Next we're gonna find his house because he insulted Sup Forums right?
He lives in some small town in Montana. There's like 5 houses in that town, so it's not that hard to find. He doesn't hide it either.
I hope he has a bunch of guns and cameras then
>brits in charge of comedy
I guess he didn't wear enough dresses, tee hee!
I'm 10 minutes in and it's only literally
>uhhmm like we are so stupid right?
not even any character quirks mixed in. If they didn't outright tell you who they are supposed to be, you wouldn't even know who they are trying to parodize
they've been floored so soundly by the rise of resistance to their degenerate ideology they've resorted to acting like children because there is no plan in the commie playbook for them to use
Sup Forums is a board of peace :^)
I think this is made to kill your brain cells
Youre obviously missing his comedy nuances that are more important than the actual "jokes" or whatever he is producing in the scene. Let me guess, you also don't find almost every part of Nathan Fielders bits funny. (Even though that is a VERY pop parallel to make, and definitely not equivalent)
sorry you are just a faggot then
Richard Spencer has done far more for the movement than you, fuck off.
Also he doesnt work with Paul Gottfried anymore.
Where are they?
I'm watching it from the start and it's boring as shit
The impressions weren't bad but the humor was shit. They spell everything like a slow kid, removing any satire.
It's hilarious how you retards are getting so upset about this.
And why doesn't he work with him anymore? I though your line here was "he's been a white supremacist since 2006" or whatever the fuck you shills say. So did he just wake up to the fact the Holocaust was fake this year? Kek.
It's like bullshit, stacked.
>muh shills
back to antifachan faggot
This is the true shit, mane.
holy shit this is awful
>click on embed link
>pic is full of noses