Ahmed Hussein. A fucking muslim somlian refugee. Kill me now.
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Be more tolerant, you represent Canada
cry harder lol
let's see how fast Canada becomes Germany
Finally Sweden and Canada can bond together
What's the problem? Our minister of immigration is a turk. Immigrants are well qualified for this job who would have thought, huh?
>Ahmed Hussein. A fucking muslim somlian refugee
Wew lad.
Bye Canada
we may need to invade our northern neighbors for their own good.
Did weedman apologize to him and suck his dick during the press conference?
Here in israel we have many muslims in the government and we are doing fine.
I don't see the problem
Israel is poorer than most post soviet countries despite having more foreign investment than spain and italy combined. Ridiculous corruption as well. Hardly a good model.
I'm so sorry, I still like my neighbors to the north though.
What the fuck Canada? What is your problem???
The hot topic in 2024 elections will be a wall on the northern border
>Ridiculous corruption as well.
Somehow that doesn't surprise me.
Fucking kek this country has been down the toilet since Harper and is in the sewer with Justina.
we need to build a northern wall
We don't tell them that though
Post your best Facebook BRAVO Hussein/Trudeau posts.
>comment section
We're not as bad as that, come on.
>female leader
Yes you are
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wew lad
Youre not a real country, just a collection of self-hating sjw faggots and immigrants
And you should be treated as an unfriendly nation
Okay Mohammed
trudeau is basically a female
I think Western civ is already dead. Probably died some generations ago.
You cant be this delusional in thinking all religions are the same when even people are not all the same, nothing is the same.
Trump is just a warning before the storm, like the Gracchi brothers were a warning during republican Roman times.
At least its not happening in my lifetime probably.
>minister of immigration
Do they actually do anything?
Merkel is more masculine than Tudeau is, indeed.
There is literally 0 reason to go to Canada. So thankful for trump, because we could have gotten a Trudeau... Holy fuck how terrible would that be
Yeah which makes the Germans as bad as that. I don't see the issue here. Are you implying a female leader is better than a leader that is almost a female?
fuck white people and fuck drumpf
You have to go back
I think it's safe to say that Angela is as male as Trudeau is a queer.
Trudeau let the muzzie fuck him in the ass and cum inside
Nah bro. Female leaders suck. They are the bottom of the food chain. Fags like Trudeau definitely scrape the bottom though.
Please annex us and teach the world what happens when you betray western civilization
Its all over.
wew he sounds so scary
Will Canadians be forced to lock their doors soon?
What about the British female leader?
And the queen?
Aren't those technically your leaders?
Fact: The only good thing to come out of Canada is Bran Van 3000
Well it's a start
That's actually a smart move. Who hates niggers and Muslims more than a nigger Muslim?
lets send him all our niggers
We're fucked beyond saving too f.a.m.
Man, what ever happened to Ricki Lake. She was hot.
looking at your racist comment it is clear that canada desperatley needs a minister with such ethnic background
trucks running everyone over, raping of your women, axe attacks, knife attacks. come on man, Merkel let your defenses down and let the enemy walk right in
the german one for example spoke out against the arrest of salafists and suggested to legalize child marriage
>only brown people are muslim
I mean besides suggestions everybody can ignore.
I like Somali women
wasnt there like a million person protest in Israel to lower the cost of living recently?
>shitskins in the 15th century could never have imagined that whites of the future would willingly spread their buttholes for the invaders, and even give them money for coming over
send these niggers to Auschwitz Birkenau / starvation dep.
Fuck off pajeet, go eat some curry in brampton you curry nigger
If he was Sikh I'd be extatic.
He's also not brown anyway, racist, he's black.
Take put Quebec into this.
Holy shit you weren't joking. And that's the fucking CBC.
Is Trudeau killing leftism for good in this country?
Go away subby
British women.
Pick one.
Margaret Thatcher had a bigger tallywhacker than Michael Obama.
Trudau and Merkel and the most evil leaders on the planet.
2 piece of shit that despise their own people, so seek to replace them with stupid browns that are easier to exploit.
The entire western civilization is fucked. Guess it is up to Russia to act as the last bastion against the Islamic subversion and Chinese domination.
Rise up Europe! Bring the best you can offer, come to Russia and we can prosper!
Daily reminder.
Canada is now a non-white country and when you see a typical leaf shit posting its most likely a Chink or a Arab.
Canada is the new Sweden.
Why does this cancer persist so well, leftism & islam.
They all suck as well but Canada is autonomous since the 60s. The monarchic relationship is purely symbolic.
Women leaders are crap no matter where they are. Ignore the other cucknadian posting about muh manly Thatcher.
Putin needs to arm resistance movements in Europe.
This is getting fucking ridiculous now. Our genocide taking place right in front of us.
I hate Thatcher but she was a swinging dick. Horrible decisions, emotional decisions, but hardly typical submissive female behaviour. Women that act like that are horrible and belong nowhere near power.
You have a fucking islamic caliphate inside your country
Sikhs are dirty ass scumbags that never integrate, won't hire or contract whites, and have killed more Canadians in terrorist attacks than all other groups combined. Sikhs and Muslims are far more similar than different, and they both need to go.
JUST western power rankings:
1. Canada
2. Germany
3. Sweden
4. France
5. Denmark
6. Belgium
7. Netherlands
8. New Zealand
9. Australia
10. England
11. Everyone else
12. Poland
13. United States of America
pls rate
He has accomplished more in life than you ever will you pathetic troll.
Russia in the least white country in Europe (not a meme about slavs it's a fact) and has more Muslims than almost every other European country combined. We're both fucked.
>A fucking muslim somlian refugee. Kill me now.
Your country is a fucking mess.
t.self hating cuck
The Canadians on that Air India jet were almost entirely subcontinent types.
Ideally basically no browns or Chinese though. They don't integrate. John A was right. We should have listened. We listened to the cultural marxists instead.
Canadia to become new sweden
You mean Chenchen? We dealt with it years ago.
He's another diversity hire. Diversity pushed him through university with a full scholarship, diversity put him before the bar, and diversity ensured he couldn't ever find a job in the private sector. Somalians have an average IQ in the down syndrome range. They're only beat out by aboriginal Australians.
t. asshurt leaf
He became an MP being a minority in a minority riding.
MosT to us do more for Canada than working against the government to get shitty immigrants into the country.
Ahmed Hussein, like Barack Hussein ?
Hi hi hi, I can not believe American people thought Obama was christian.
1. France
2. Germany
3. Sweden
4. Belgium
5. United Kingdom
6. Netherlands
7. Canada
8. United States
9. New Zealand
10. Australia
Just because you elected trump doesn't mean you aren't still cucked. you guys are moving in the right direction though.
Sikhs are dirty fuckers that pile 15 people in a house and never pay their fair share of property taxes. Not to mention they have bottom of the barrel genetics their most beautiful women wouldn't be touched by virtually any white man.
Are you retarded? He was an accomplished lawyer and has been here for 40 years. You're just trying to discredit him with baseless diversity quota claims but the fact is he worked hard to get where he is today.
Hindus do the same of course. East end Vancouver is loaded with those places. They fuck the school system.
Browns in general just don't belong in our society. They don't want to integrate.
He came here in 1993 you lying sack of shit. He's a genetic trashbag just like you. You're going back soon get ready.
Obama was Christian. He was raised by Christians.