other goys are forbiden from posting, you can read but its way too smart for you.
how was your day chosen anons?
ITT chosen people only please
hot bushes all day long as usual
Finished work early so good
The Jews worship Moloch the God of this world, and the Black Cube of Saturn, aka Time or the mind.
The Jews, like financial elite Jew, believes he is one of gods chosen people, with god being saturn, or lucifer as you will. Another name for it is moloch which means "all consuming power" or is a word for ritual child sacrifices. their king is called melech, since in the very old times there were no vocals it was written mlch just like moloch would indicating it is the same thing, meaning lucifer. They the Jew in order to controll us and get the antichrist risen through filling a symbolic cup with sin which will trigger his rising.
Not far too long ago it was well known that Jew do commit sacrificial murders.
Moloch is the god of the guilty. All consuming power.
They are literally sacrificing children to the Saturn Cube Moloch who control Time.
The Owl is associated with Luciferianism because they are illuminated in their vision of the world covered in darkness. The light of Lucifer.
Fack off
we do not such things, the hell is wrong with you? your goy mommy dropped you on your head?
The thing is though that those who do worship Ba'al/ Molech are that of the synagogue of satan; they are the descendants of Esua, who is the father of Edomites. The problem is that they masquerade as faithful "Jews" to the Torah but are liars to the faith.
no (((you)))
"Our race is the Master Race. We Jews are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."
Israeli Prime Minister MENACHEM BEGIN (1977 - 1983) in a speech to the Knesset, Jerusalem.
Holocaust is a lie
If its a lie then how come I get a reparations cheque?
Ahah, check mate you filthy anti-semite!
ITT: canadian proxyfagging
that's ma boy
nigga you only chosen by Lucifer and you know it
fake news but you can keep spreading it if you believe in it lolol :)
When destroy arabs????
y'all a bunch of snakes anyways
Sup who /Slavic/ Jew?
My moms mom was Jewish and now I'm going on a free trip to isreal !
Smells like gas ITT
not a chance, kike
Sabbatai Zevi was a Sephardic ordained Rabbi, though of Romaniote origin and kabbalist, active throughout the Ottoman Empire, who claimed to be the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. He was the founder of the Sabbatean movement.
In February 1666, upon his arrival in Constantinople, Sabbatai was imprisoned following orders issued by the grand vizier Ahmed Köprülü; in September of that same year, after being moved from different prisons around the capital to Adrianople (the imperial court's seat) for judgement on accusations of fomenting sedition, Sabbatai was given by Köprülü, in the name of the Sultan Mehmed IV, the choice of either facing death by some type of ordeal, or of converting to Islam. Sabbatai seems to have chosen the latter by donning on his head from then on a Turkish turban. He was then also rewarded by the heads of the Ottoman state with a generous pension for his compliance with their political and religious plans. Some of his followers also converted to Islam—about 300 families who were known as the Dönmeh (converts).
you're unchosen for trying to bargain with the Almighty.
You "people" are the most vile, neurotic, and repulsive creatures on this planet. You crawl upon this Earth seeking the ruination of peoples and nations alike all for what? Personal benefit? Shekels? The day of retribution is nigh, Oh Synagogue of Satan. The Goyim are waking up, they are sick of the humiliation and decadency you have subject them to. So enjoy yourself for now, but know that your day of Reckoning is coming
Jew York City jewanon here. It feels good to be a shekelstein on this blessed day
Begin is my nig
60% slav jew
25% irish catholic
10% brit
5% frog
Hello brothr gayum are we starting a thread to discuss how best to screw gentiles out of their shackles while flooding their nations with brown people and cuck porn?