Why do japanese men want (((their))) women be impregnated by immigrants?

Why do japanese men want (((their))) women be impregnated by immigrants?

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hand is shopped

OP sucks


That is hilarious because the girl in the OP is dating an Asian guy

Guess you're pretty well trained to tell from the real ones don't you, bone apple tit

>That is hilarious because the girl in the OP is dating an Asian guy

>>That is hilarious because the girl in the OP is dating an Asian guy

never get a crush on a weeb girl Sup Forums
they'll eventually fine asian boyfriends

Anzu is not a dirty jap
Anzu is pure
delete this burrito nigger

>>>That is hilarious because the girl in the OP is dating an Asian guy
It is hilarious how White male user love to attack Asian men but then reality hits them in the face.

being this new

I think you have some problems


You fucked up lad.

>>>>That is hilarious because the girl in the OP is dating an Asian guy

The biggest news today in the US is the Jeff Sessions confirmation and him holding his Asian granddaughter on his lap. His White daughter is married to an Asian guy.

But continue doing more memes about 'how Asian guys cant get White girls" while this is the reality ...

>implying Anzu is a biological girl

>>>>>That is hilarious because the girl in the OP is dating an Asian guy

Jerk off to nigger-on-white porn made by JEWS while this is the reality of Asian guys do thier things with White girls.

she fucks anyone that pays
even all of them at the same time

This is a boy?

sauce on pic?
that isnt anzu that girl is much cuter

Not even asians want asians

No! She is a cute girl!

That's a Turk.
You know that.
I know that.
Here's your (you)


>Implying that is the real problem
The real question is why do Japanese women want their men to Impregnate foreigners?

Japanese love germany

Transgender. Anzu had the procedure early on. No uterus, and takes controlled amounts of estrogen.

dropped and unfollowed from twitter just now
should lrn2market herself better

The appeal of dating out, at least from what my asian friends say is that Asian girls don't put out much and increasingly are joining the side of the SJW white girls who are incredibly racist towards Asian Dudes. All they want is a grill who isn't an SJW cunt and who puts out alot and their only options are more rural white girls.


>Why do japanese men want (((their))) women be impregnated by immigrants?

- Don't have to deal with bitchy hormonal preggos.

- Not automatically financially responsible for 18 years of child support.

- Japanese culture so all-encompassing that children will be "Japanese" no matter what their skin color is.

- Can still choose to marry a single mother after they've already dealt with the messy first five years of child care.

- Population no longer stagnant.