The son of God himself was a mediterranean.
How can snowniggers ever compete with this? Mediterraneans are LITERALLY GODS!
The son of God himself was a mediterranean.
How can snowniggers ever compete with this? Mediterraneans are LITERALLY GODS!
Didn't we used to own you?
Actually he was black. This is why the angel told Joseph and Mary to hide him in Egypt. He is described as having wooly hair, which is only found in Africans
>being cucked by turks for 40 years
arab christian
One of the many reasons I don't worship the bearded sky Jew.
I'm pretty sure he was a Jew
isn't 30% of your country arab?
At least it's HIS country. Keep quiet before we give you to the turks
you silly anglo you can't even protect your own country from mujahedins and you gonna hold other countries?
>be snow nigger
>ooga booga all day and live in houses of straw and stone
>get enslaved by romans and used around the developed middle east/medi cities as sex slaves
>demand gibmedats and chimpout, destroying the finest civilization mankind has ever known
>harvey shekelstein comes through your shitty village one day
>"hey goyim, have you heard of this guy named jesus? i want you abandon your ancestors traditions and religions and start following the teachings of the one true god."
>"ooga booga, me trust you, ok"
never seen a jew? it's wooly not fucking brillo pad
>Mediterraneans are LITERALLY GODS!
Well, one of them is. Which would be all of them, I suppose, as there is only one.
>that face
Reconstructed from a random skull.
Imagine if researchers 2,000 years from now dug up your skull remodeled your face and said "though we can't be sure Donald Trump probably looked something like this".
Yeah, has nothing to do with Jesus fulfilling each and every messianic prophecy ever given, when ripe:
"When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son."
its hair white as wool not the texture is like wool you dumb fuck
>How can snowniggers ever compete with this?
By not being fucking Christians, lol.
he was in his 30s how could he have white hair?
>having a faithful representation of how people looked like over 2000 years ago
>said representation being presented by leftist "specialists"
Sounds legit.
what exactly is your problem with that face? is it because he is ugly or brown?