Holy shit guys. you just voted an SJW for the position of presidency
Trump literally becomes an SJW
We already knew he was a shitposter but holy fuck this is great
stay mad, schlomo. You might actually take the time to notice that what he's saying (1) is actually true, and (2) shows the hypocrisy of SJWs.
>It's actually true XD
Wait, you actually think it's "racism at highest level" to call a show blackish?
>what is hyperbole
Ironically schlomo I agree with you, but autism like reading things at face value is why you'll never have a qt JIDF gf
So it's true Israelis are retarded
If he manages to turn the SJWs against the networks that direct them, the fireworks are gonna be GREAT.
Please explain to me how calling a show "blackish" is even remotely racist.
It's a comedy show about a black family, the name of show literally just says they are black. what the fuck is racist about this?
Also there was a show called "Whites" in BBC and no one was outraged that the show is called whites. just saying
No, we elected a man that understands the best way to dismantle the left is to use their own weapons against them. Force them to fight each other.