What will happen to this when Jeff Sessions is AG?
What will happen to this when Jeff Sessions is AG?
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I see red states. Right Pepe?
they are discussing this right now
what have they said about it? I mean I haven't been watching the stream
Probably not much. Sessions is personally anti-drug, but he's very pro states rights.
>but he's very pro states rights
I hope your 7s confirm. Especially such a get. If this is true (and the true reason Trump appointed this man) then praise be to kek.
which one of those red states is the most fun to live in?
It looks like a gangbang on idaho
None of them, I mean they're all flyover states that are boring as fuck and you can't even smoke weed in them.
Nebraska is the only state where weed is decriminalized? That means Nebraska will probably be the last state to legalize recreational marijuana.
I'd like to see Montana, Arizona, and New Mexico go full green in 2018. I could see Vermont, NH, Conn, and RI going green around there too.
But that is, if Sessions doesn't go full Chris Christie about it and actually values states rights.
>flyover states
Kill yourself.
No there are several other states that have it decriminalized on top of having medical or CBD laws.
Nebraska's just the only one that has it decriminalized but has no medical or CBD law.
>mfw one of the five red states
We gave you Mike pence.
We are the reason Cruz dropped out, we ultimately gave Trump his victory in the Primaries.
We don't tolerate degeneracy, even the Herbal Jew.
Our state pastime is pissing off libtards nationwide at least once a year (wedding cake, anybody?).
Bow down to your Hoosier masters, Sup Forums.
How do we have the same posting ID, wtf is this meme magic
cant be worse than weedman
All of them are flyover states though. If you took a list of the most boring as fuck states to visit or live in, I think WV, Indiana, Idaho, Kansas, and South Dakota would be near the top.
There's literally nothing worth visiting or doing in those states aside from Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.
Uh... we don't?
The war on drugs is pointless and gay
Legalize it and death penalty on cocaine.
Good. Keep thinking that, and tell all your friends so people stop moving here.
As is doing drugs
obama's legacy
>death penalty on coke
Will Sessions procecute Obama?
I don't think there's anything that can be done about marijuana. It's going to be legal nationwide in a few years; that's the way it's trending at least.
if Sessions sues the states in the Supreme Court he can shut down legal marijuana in states, including medical, for the next couple decades. States won't be able to legalize it on their own it'd have to be federal law through legislation that did anything.
It'd be so much for state's rights.
I doubt anything like that would happen though. The concept of legal marijuana is gaining in popularity, especially medical. It'd end up very bad for Trump's administration if they were to go hard line against marijuana.
Trump doesn't care about Marijuana, that's why he takes the "states rights" position on it, it's the "safest" way to placate the most people, without actually doing anything to give power to the states. The only way to actually give the states real power to make their own laws on marijuana is to remove it from the CSA schedules (so removed from federal law) If there is no federal law on it, states have their own laws that will take over.
But the current thing of it being federally illegal, but legal in states, doesn't really work, it only "works" because the federal law isn't being enforced. It just takes a hardass like Sessions to enforce the federal law and kill the state laws.
Sessions was saying in this hearing that he's going to enforce the federal laws... but it's going to come down to the limitation of federal law enforcement resources. If he prioritizes it, he's a fucking jackass, but he could do it.
based dakota reporting in