Trumy is going to blow the lid on the vaccine jew

Trumy is going to blow the lid on the vaccine jew

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I hope he does. I got the flu shot a few months ago, but all of a sudden, as of last week, i fell ill to the flu.

That shit makes no sense to me, I just got the vaccine in August and now there's this "whoops lmao guess u got the flu" bullshit? Never again.

Following for the Jew Flu.

You realize you were pumped full of chemicals to make you more docile and susceptible to Jewry right?

enjoy getting diphtheria

>pussy numales getting shots to protect themselves from illness
why not just be strong?

I've only taken the flu shot once in my life, the time I took it I got horribly sick with it. Never took it again after that and never contracted the flu again.

Dangerous as fuck

the one year I didn't take a flu shot i caught it. I've taken it every year since

The vaccines only protects against the most active strains of the flu. You can still get the flu from one of the many other strains that may exist in or travel to your area. After getting the shot, the likelihood of you catching the flu significantly drops because you are virtually immune to the most active flu viruses.

It's also possibly you didn't have the flu. Remember that flu symptoms are symptoms your body creates to help protect itself. Other viral infections with similar symptoms can be misdiagnosed as the flu.

Thank God we finally have a president who understands. Vaccinations are just part of a Jewish conspiracy to kill white people. We need people to step up and stop getting vaccinated.

Even better if we can make it so that only niggers and spics have to get vaccinated.

Many such cases!

This is the horse shit they want you to believe, and they call it science. The reality is more people get sick if they get the flu shot than if they don't. Science that away, jew.

this happened to me this year, I never got the flu shot but the pharmacy I go to told me it was free, I got it in late august, I was sick for all of december/start of january with the worst flu I've ever had, before that I didn't get it for 5 years, and I don't avoid people or anything during flu season, I just never usually get it.

If Trump is doing this, then what're the odds of him showing the truth behind 9/11?

>Being this stupid

How the hell do you manage to find the floor each morning when you get out of bed?


best president ever

If you can find even one legitimate source on this, I will change my opinion and become an anti-vaxxer.

This is the story 10 times out of 10. My friends go and get the free flu shot, and they get sick. I stay home and I never get sick. Maybe the flu lives at wherever they're handing the shots out, but IMO that's wishful thinking.

>How the hell do you manage to find the floor each morning when you get out of bed?

typical cultural marxist response.

just call your opponent stupid with no counter evidence

>This is the horse shit they want you to believe, and they call it science. The reality is more people get sick if they get the flu shot than if they don't. Science that away, jew.

You are an idiot.

The body naturally reacts to anything foreign within it. Everyone who gets the flu shot gets a response to proteins injected into their body, some more than others. These including fever and fatigue.

Pretty much all of the symptoms you feel from a cold/flu is your own immune system wrecking everything up. They are ALL caused by cytokines released from the cells in your body.

That being said, you have zero statistics to back up this asinine comment of more people getting the flu after getting a flu shot.

It's utterly retarded and you should be ashamed of yourself.

I still want to see the bin laden pics

>I stay home and I never get sick
maybe because u are not exposed to bacteria in your cellar that your mom cleans everyday


Yeah hold on let me get the Medical Jew Committee to do a study that's going to prove they're fucking up peoples health.

Get real.

to be honest lad the weight of scientific evidence for vaccinations is almost american in scale

They inject the flu into you so your body knows how to react to it in the future.

It's not fucking rocket surgery.

If only there was a darwin award for every antivaxxer.

So why do people keep getting sick after they get the shots? Derp.

There is a figurative MOUNTAIN of evidence for the efficacy of vaccination and a near complete dearth of evidence that it has any negative effects.

But putting this evidence up won't matter, because anyone who is an anti-vaxxer has already gone through a crazy self-mental manipulation in order to explain away that evidence, see:

But without autists and spergs, who would meme for Trump?

do you know how vaccines work?
they inject you a weakened version of the virus that the vac is supposed to protect against.
so your body builds the antiviruses needed. these stay in your body for a while depending on the injection. getting sick shortly after the injection is a possible side effect

If you aren't trolling your IQ cannot possibly be above 85.

>Trump reopens a secret investigation into 9/11
>At first expects to find more Saudi sandnigger finger prints
>investigation finds Mossad cordinated infiltration and attack involvement financed by Saudi money
>Trump chimps out in the Oval Office declare's AIPAC and JINSA subversive foreign intelligence fronts
>Breaks diplomatic ties with Israel and closes down American embassy in Jerusalem.
>Tells Iran they have permission to build a nuke
>Trump has a press conference informing Israel did 9/11
>Iran and Israel nuke each other
>Thousands of kike leaders get gassed
>Trump crowned God emperor
>World peace during a 1000 year Reich

Just do some research, Flu shots are a fucking useless money making scheme. Some Vaccinations are just plain bullshit, some are even dangerous like vaccinations against certain types of hepatitis which don't even make you immune against hepatitis but repress the symptoms which means that you can still catch it and won't even know about it until it hits you hard.

>bobby kennedy jr

All the weak and prone tho diseases and weak immune system-cucks will die out, good news! Unless you're a bitter low-test cuck

I work at a hospital and these Jews make me get the vaccine every year.

That being said I've gotten the shot the past five years and have not gotten the flu.

>all these people who don't understand vaccination

>all these people without fucking sources

God anti-vaxxers have got to be the stupidest people alive.

Ffs man, I learned that in 4th grade. Inactive/weakened viruses injected to develop immunity.

Can confirm, I became autistic from my flushot.

Glassing the jews is a bad move. They control the best desalination plant in the world, we could turn the whole desert in to a wonderland of growth if we made the jews share their excess water. All the food and water should stop people killing out of desperation making isis easier to combat.

>get the jews to share


last year i got a flu shot and didnt get the flu
this year i didnt get a flu shot and got the flu

Do YOU know how vaccines work? Upon what do you base this certainty?

To get into the rabbit hole a little bit; we aren't capable of sticking a human under a microscope to hunt down an active virus in their system. This isn't how we test the efficacy of vaccines. So how do we test the efficacy of vaccines?

By examining what the autoimmune response is. We detect the antibodies present in their body, the patient gets better, so we observe. But what we don't observe? Lack of viruses inside their body. For all we really know, and this is the truth, we carry these viruses we are exposed to for the rest of our lives. We reach a balance of autoimmunity so we aren't sick all of the time, but we never really get rid of all of it.

How do we know that? Well, we have all kinds of recurrences of viruses that never go away. Chicken Pox becomes shingles, for example.

Additionally, the antibodies stay present in our bodies for the rest of our lives. Is that, perhaps, because the viruses do as well?

>Electing an anti vaccer
Reminder that vaccines are what helped stopping a contagious disease which causes childhood paralysis.

I know there's places that give out free flu shots but there are some stores GIVE you money to get one.

This isn't suspicious as fuck?

M8 I'm not a anti-vaxxer, I didn't say anything like that in my post My sources are all in german and I'm a lazy cunt.

Ask your doctor if he/she is getting flu or Hepatitis A shots, they most likely won't.

Vaccines are only effective if a large portion of the population has them


We aren't injected with live flu viruses. How fucking stupid are you?

You don't have a fucking clue what you're being injected with; you certainly didn't have a hand in helping prepare it.

Who's worse: Antivaxxerz or Flat Earthers?

JFK had a retarded sister too. Nothing to see here.

Lol ok. Maybe you don't know because you're a legit retard, but anyone with an education above the third grade level knows that vaccines are usually just trace amounts of dead or dormant RNA to achieve immune response and thus immunity.

>Additionally, the antibodies stay present in our bodies for the rest of our lives. Is that, perhaps, because the viruses do as well?

No you fucking idiot. Stop trying to preach about what you don't understand.

Antibodies to viruses are proteins, which are presented to your B-cells to produce antibodies. When the infection is around, the B-cell that matches the antigen proliferates. When the infection is gone, most of the B cells go through programmed suicide (apoptosis) except for memory B cells which stay around for a very, very long time. The worry is that they don't stay around for life, which is why it is recommended to get boosters. Vaccines need boosted every so often, depending on what you use for the vaccine, it could be protein, carbohydrate, fat, it depends on what the infectious thing uses.

Chicken pox and herpes insert their DNA into non dividing cells (neurons) and it stays there until for some reason the viral genes are expressed and the virus resurfaces, but this is unique to certain types of viruses. Other viruses might insert their DNA into a frequently dividing type of cell, but that lineage may end at some point and stem cells will fill in the gap.

The flu constantly changes its surface antigens. To give you a brief explanation, we have H1N1, but each of those numbers goes up to probably like 50. So we get combinations of H1N2, H1N3, H1N4, etc, and even these specific typed viruses can mutate further to have a number of mutations between H1N1 viruses.

You are absolutely correct... BUT did you notice that back then, there weren't so many leftist faggots back then also?

>Antibodies to viruses are proteins

Meant to say they are due to proteins of the virus. But that's not always what we use. That's just the most effective way to keep memory B cells around.

Considering that the CDC rates the hepatitis A vaccine as extremely safe, the only reason doctors wouldn't get the vaccine is because they know they aren't partaking in activities that increase risk of exposure to the virus.

Further, the CDC recommends that all doctors get flu shots each year:

And finally, hospitals require workers to get flu shots:

I call absolute bullshit on your anecdotal "evidence".

I call bullshit on your anecdote.

Anti-vaxxers, because flat earthers is mostly a meme and very few of them exist.

Fully 10% of the US population in some way falls into the anti-vaxxer crowd.

As someone who actually understands the science. Vaccines work. Period.

As to autism and other side effects I can't speak to but I 100% can say with 100% certainty that the principles of attenuated vaccines and live vaccines is sound .

>muh unscientific group herd myth

No it's not suspicious. It's a fucking advertising technique by the store during a time when vaccines mean they have a large audience. Its no different than coupons.

(((Flu shot)))

Is this why you fucking americans are so autistic? Who needs a fucking vaccine for a flu, like just stay and home and rest nigger, its not like tou get out of your basents anyways

I didn't have any problems when I was a child then got the vaccines as a teen and now I got full blown autism.

it really does make you think, trump was right.

I think even anti-vaxxers are willing to admit that the vaccines are effective at reducing the contagions they're meant to combat, but that's not where the questioning should end.

What about side effects? Just because it may be better to accept the side effects and use the vaccine anyway doesn't mean we should ignore them entirely, but that seems to be what the mainstream has opted for.

trusting humans to cure all ills is a foolish conception

people are not all that smart

>reddit spacing
wash your hands

read this twice and tell me this guy ISN'T a shill trying to discredit us.

>What about side effects? Just because it may be better to accept the side effects and use the vaccine anyway doesn't mean we should ignore them entirely, but that seems to be what the mainstream has opted for.

Probably because if the side effects were common enough, the risks would outweigh the benefits. But they don't.

The risks of getting the vaccines are often times associated with a disease that the virus/bacteria itself can cause.

For example, Guillain-Barre is a risk (supposedly) from influenza. It's really fucking rare. But the vaccine can also cause this issue.

We don't know why, but if we did, we wouldn't be giving people the ingredient that causes it.

It's worth noting that if you are really worried about vaccines causing issues, the live attenuated ones should be avoided, but they are more effective. For example, polio vaccine is not offered in the live form in the US anymore. Why? Because it can mutate and become infectious again. We use the dead form because polio isn't rampant enough anymore to warrant the need for absolute protection. The whole paralysis with polio thing only affected less than 1% of the population anyway. The flu vaccine is also offered in two forms.

for me it worked great. And it was 10 years ago when they really put mercury in this shit

This. I consider myself fairly smart, moreso than average. Tbh m8, I don't know shit.

And what if the same herd immunity effect could be gained without injecting every single infant with so much bullshit?

Additionally, what if the whole idea of herd immunity is actually a fallacy? I'm assuming you didn't bother clicking the video I linked, just as I'm sure no one else will.

She has a lot of interesting things to say about the efficacy of mass vaccination that I'm sure nobody will give a shit about.

And what if the side effects really are as serious as has been rumored? Absolutely no legitimate medical studies have been conducted on vaccinations vs no vaccinations. None.

>what if the whole idea of herd immunity is a fallacy?

Dude its literally just the concept "If a lot of people in a group can't get a disease then the disease can't spread easily through that group." That can't be a "fallacy" it's basically a tautology.

Dude just because it's a concept doesn't mean it exists in reality.

I'm glad the American Problem came with its own final solution, within 8 years they'll all be dying out, ironically enough because they picked an autist as president

I watched Vaxxed and it said niggers are more suspectible to getting autism from vaccines.

Are vaccine makers /ourguy/?

But this concept OBVIOUSLY does. If a lot of people in a group are immune to a disease, then it's unlikely that the disease will spread through the group.

>I'm assuming you didn't bother clicking the video I linked, just as I'm sure no one else will.

It's almost 2 hours long, and in the first 5 minutes she makes a comparison to how autism was so rare 4 years ago.

That's because we never recognized autism as an issue until recently. People were just different.

It's the same shit they did with ADHD.

But it really does exist in reality. That's why you haven't gotten polio or typhus nigger.

>rare 4 years ago.

40 I mean.

They're just more prone to autism because their mothers had a shitty diet full of processed food and there have fucked up gut flora.

Hmm, I wonder who Tetyana Obukhanch is...

>no longer on faculty at any school
>only mentioned in 8 papers, only the first author on one and never the corresponding author
>none of her published research is related to vaccines
>book is self published and only on kindle

Wow look, she's a fucking moron in the scientific community.


You guys all fail to realize what Trump is doing here

>Stir up controversy with medicinal companies
>Talk to them about pricing of medicine
>They will give in to lowering medicine prices
>Report of vaccines comes out in favor of vaccines

Something similar to this is sure to happen. Trump wants to use this as a bargaining chip in negotiations.

You guys can hold on to your fallacy and ignore the evidence, but you're simply uninformed. We do not have "herd immunity" to anything. The vaccines you assume are 100% effective are no longer present in the body after

>Trumy is going to
Drumpf is not going to do shit.
Somebody will put a bullet to his head.

I don't think you know what herd immunity is, it means if people around you don't have something you are not going to get it.

>The doctor in the video you all ignored also goes into things like natural immunity gained from antibodies from breastfeeding which do not transfer vaccination-based immunity but do transfer naturally produced antibodies.

Yeah... anyone who knows anything about antibodies knows that.

Pretty much only IgA is secreted into breast milk because it's the only antibody able to pass through mucous membranes. The only way you can get a robust response with IgA is to infect a mucous membrane, which is actually what the military does with adenovirus. They put it in your gut and since all of your mucous membranes act as one organ, the cells with memory migrate to different areas and confer immunity to respiratory illnesses (like that particular strain of adenovirus).

IgG is passed through the placenta though and does confer immunity, if they are BEING SECRETED!

Memory B cells do not actively secrete antibodies, they stick around and wait for the infection to come back, then those cells proliferate into cells that do actively secret antibodies. If they did constantly secret antibodies, your blood would be too viscous and your blood pressure would be through the roof. If the mother wasn't infected with measles when the antibodies were crossing the placenta, she won't pass on antibodies to measles.

Finally, that's not what herd immunity is. Herd immunity is not generation to generation, it's between populations. It's me getting the flu shot so I don't carry it in my body and give it to an elderly or immunocompromised person who could very well die.

I think everybody likes to use the definition that suits them the best, but it doesn't sound like herd immunity when the result is more sick infants.

>american education
that being said, whatever you said in the 2nd sentence is sorta applicable to basement autists

this though
i support vaccinations, but no industry should be allowed go run without checks

So we agree that vaccinations mean higher rate of sickness in infants, and lower rate of natural immunity in the herd.

No, we don't. A vaccine and an infection produce pretty much the same long lasting effect. You don't constantly have antibodies forming, regardless of how you originally were exposed to the antigens.

In some fucked up logic, I suppose you could say vaccines can lead to sick infants, but that's because the mothers are no longer being infected with disease while they are pregnant. But being infected while pregnant is what leads to fucked up babies, at least in the case of measles.

But vaccines absolutely, 100% do NOT lower the rate of herd immunity. That makes no sense in any logical aspect.

A vaccine and an infection do not produce pretty much the same long lasting effect you fucking nigger, try reading the thread.

This is important, vaccines cause autism and a high level CDC whistleblower came forward a few years back with all the data, Obama admin's been stumping him though.

>Read a thread from a bunch of people who barely understand immunology

Try fucking studying immunology you dumbfuck.

The only difference is that with an actual infection, you will produce antibodies to every part of the infectious organism, whereas with vaccines, you are immune to the part of the infectious organism that allows it to infect you, like it's pili or toxins.

Don't fucking talk to me like you have any clue what you are talking about because you watched a 2 hour video from some piece of shit who never even did research on vaccines.

This, and they push them so hard on the elderly. A way to murder them and save on gubbermint social security costs.

>what is a neutron bomb
we can leave their infrastructure intact

That's fine, I hope you sign your kids up for every injection they can get so my kids can be safe from the boogieman.

Daily reminder that smallpox was basically cured in Germany without any vaccination, the sanitation movement is what cured these diseases. Also look at Australia.

Read this guy's site:

>The doctor in the video you ignored

Nice argument from authority. Did you even look at my post which pretty much discredits all of her scientific credentials? She is essentially an unpublished, unemployed quack with no relevant research or experience in the field.

Try my Jewish science goy!