Gay marriage is ok

Gay marriage between two non degenerate men who pay their taxes and leave others alone is perfectly ok.

The pope himself said the same thing.

However, strait marriage between a jobless coledgless loser is laughable.

Gay marriage ruins the concept of marriage.

>Gay marriage between two non degenerate men

You can not be both non degenerate and gay.


>your marriage is so weak it is ruined by what other people outside the marriage do


The Prophet of Kek has spoken.

Jordan B. Peterson, the hero Canada doesn't deserve.

There was no law saying "homos can't marry" the law for marriage is that it is between a man and a woman. They just weren't eligible to get married. BUT MUH OPPRESSION

Its illegal, the bible says so, no matter what the "pope" says
>You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus Chapter 18 verse 22)
>If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus Chapter 20 verse 13)

>Gay marriage between two non degenerate men is ok

Sure, but it's a contradiction in terms.

>the government should tell me what I can and can not do

Nice appeal to authority statist cuck.

Why do you care that two non criminal men with jobs who don't effect you in any way get married? Meanwhile you are a jobless loser who deserves that right?

Marriage used to be about procreation. The fact that this has been corrupted does not make it an argument for gay marriage.


>who don't effect you in any way get married
But that's wrong. Marriage has an effect on taxation, which homofags want to take advantage of.

Taxes go back to the citizens (sometimes), so it does affect me. :^)

Horsey is redpilled Darko.

>sweden thinks this is redpilled

The purpose of marriage is procreation. Gays can not procreate.

Everyone knew the DNC were out to fuck Bernie, then came the leaks and nobody could deny it.

This is Horsey voicing other concerns that one day will be adressed.

>implying homos are "non degenerate"

Marriage is a subsidy to produce children, revolving around the fact that taking care of a pregnant woman, and children, is an expensive and time consuming process.

Marriage is supposed to extend the benefits of the husband to the wife and children, and provide tax breaks in order to promote procreation.

Fags have to rely on adoption or the state. Both of which are not the cost of pregnancy and raising a child. You could make an argument for lesbos, but how many actually get knocked up?

What if two straight men want to get married?

Marriage will RAISE YOUR TAXES.

but like said you're a jobless loser so why would you know that.

>Marriage is a subsidy to produce children,

That's a thing off he past and you know it.

Want to have 10+ children you can't take care of? Then go move to a South America hellhole

>>Marriage is a subsidy to produce children,
>That's a thing off he past and you know it.

Because of fuckers like you that want to ruin marriage.

Keep marriage subsidies, remove welfare.

> Gay marriage
Call it "fag-partnership" or something, then it will be just a medical condition, to which we need to find cure. Now it`s pure leftism.

state licensed marriage is not ok

They can't get a piece of paper from the state itself that calls them "officially married". It's not illegal for them to have a ceremony or call themselves married though.

If they want the benefits of marriage all they need is a few other pieces of paper that provide joint power of attorney in certain circumstances.

>The purpose of marriage is procreation.

Nope. It was historically a business contract. Also, if you want to go that logic, then we should not allow people to remain married if they do not have children.

Straight couples don't spread AIDS

Thank you for putting that idiot in his place


How are there still people who believe the government should have anything to do with marriage?

There should be no state-recognized marriage at all. Marriage should be a wholly private institution.

>the pope is sanctioning gay marriage
what has this world come to

>we should not allow people to remain married if they do not have children

I agree with this.
Also, people who have already been divorced 2 times should be barred from marrying again, as well as people who are too poor to raise a child properly.

OP why do you think a child doesn't deserve have a father and mother?

why not actually separate state and religion then?
a marriage is a religious bond between a man and a woman, that's it.
all the additional jazz like tax cuts or being allowed to pull the plug of your partner are issued by the government.

I don't mind giving gays the same rights as a married couple, but stop calling it marriage

>the pope is infallible when interpreting the scripture
welp, roman catholics had it coming

Fuck off kike. Most of the problems with modernity are the result of the destruction of the nuclear family, we should not do anything to undermine it further.
Allowing gay marriage starts the slippery slope to redefine marriage away from being about two people binding themselves together to create children and carry on the nation.

We need benefits to married couples to encourage children unless you think we should just replace the population with all immigrants

>benefits to married couples to encourage children
This should be changed so that the benefits only apply if both the wife and husband are citizens, and both wife and husband's parents are citizens as well.

Otherwise, immigrants would take advantage of this policy (as they do today)


FYI first isn't legal.

(((gay marriage))) is great!

Marriage is defined as a bond between men and women with the main purpose being raising offspring, or at least it was that way here a couple of years ago. The way it is, gay marriage wouldn't really be marriage as defined by law. I mean fuck we have civil unions doing pretty much the same shit anyway so who the fuck cares.


>implying the other two should be legal

How old is that comic?
Did anyone tell Horsey that gay marriage has been legal for years?

Marriage needs to return to being only a religious sacrament. I guess civil unions might also be needed for things such as taxes, insurance, and visitation right in hospitals and such but that should be separate from marriage.

Have you ever worn clothing of more than one fabric?

>X is legal therefore Y should be legal too

PROTIP: All three are wrong, regardless of legality.

Why can't two men be a good father and mother?

No. How the fuck can a dude be a mother?

Faggot marriage undermines the tradition of marrige and the traditional family.
It doesn't take long before the faggots also start wanting to adopt little kids. And for feeling like special snowflakes who are under attack, they feel the need to defend trans people in their causes as well.
It's just one big marxist slippery slope to destroy the traditional family and sexual restriction.

Now hang yourself.

You are absolutely correct.
People should not get married unless they're planning to start a family.

Of course, there's no way of actually monitoring which couples want to start a family and which ones don't, but that's no excuse for letting gays get married, especially when they've got civil unions, which legally speaking do the exact same thing anyhow, so at this point, people who want to push for gays to have the right to get married are literally just arguing for semantics.

Perfectly acceptable.

All 3 should be illegal


latching onto "tradition" is why neanderthals died out.

either get with the times or you hang yourself, faggot.

This is ahistorical nonsense. Say what you actually mean.

That's exactly what was said over and over again, but with a different wording, a few decades before the collapse of many empires.

Go beg for forgiveness to your weak parents and terminate your failed existence already.

keke this nigga wrote his thesis on faggotry, I uess I can tell who pretends to suck cock while jerking off

This. Admit your book is outdated or that you're going to hell. You can only pick one.


No it's not.
Marriage is explicitly between a man and woman.
Men can never be married in the eyes of God.
The pope is a heretic and the Catholic church is not the church of God and Christ.
You are human trash.

neanderthals generally stayed in their own habitat as hunter-gatherers.
it was a tradition for them.

look it up, leaf.

imperialism was a mistake

Fuck Horsey, what a faggot

There is no value in homosexuality.

only if you're hetero there isn't

They should all be illegal, but especially the race-mixing couple on the left.

Your country wouldn't exist without it. Well aren't you just one big self-hating little faggot?

You are of no value to society.
You create nothing of worth.
You promote nothing constructive.
You leave no family line.
You are as worthless as a sandcastle.

Shut the fuck up, I like building sandcastles with my kids.

Sorry that I insulted sandcastles.

>Faggot marriage undermines the tradition of marrige and the traditional family.
So does a whole variety of other things straight people do, why allow them to get married then?

Here a theory for you: marriage is an outdated custom that only had merit for its financial applications.

and you're posting in a vietnamese weaving basket board.
why don't you go make use of your own life before trying to talk about how 'worthless' i am

hahahaha freedom hating loser detected

I say let faggot believe the can get "married"
Do it by law(or whatever its called), not by church,don't force the religious to commit to their disgusting wants
That will shut them up

Take it to the Church then. Straight couples don't change the traditional family, they are the traditional family on which a healthy society is based upon.
If the father turns out to be a cunt or the mother turns out to be a whore, that's their problem for not getting the divorce that they should get.

marriage is for straight people. they can do whatever they want but no marriage. it's supposed to be a holy union based around reproduction of the two's genes. fags and lesbos always have to depend on others for spawn. it's degenerate and there's probably some macro evolutionary reason it has been that way for thousands of years.

My words are still true.
Nothing you create will be of any value to anyone beyond a few years.
All you've done is attacked the foundations of humanity.
Like a illness afflicting the mass consciousness.

Also, your sexuality is completely up to you.
You choose to be a faggot.
You should choose not to be one.

>non degenerate

also, there should be a two marriage limit, not providing death of spouses. you get two shots at it or fuck you no tax breaks.

it doesn't shut them up. they want to intrude into actual normal society, that's the whole point. they get off on burning down tradition. they don't even like sex as much as pissing off decent people.

>Gay marriage ruins the concept of marriage.
There is no fucking concept left since there is no loyality, responsibility or duty on the part of the woman in the relationship.

So you can get married while having the responsibility to support a wife but the wife is not responsible for shit in the marriage as she is not even required to do the dishes none the less fuck you.

And she can leave with your shit at any time even if she is the cheater.

So fuck marriage and fuck the concept of it since marriage is dead.

I have never heard a faggot complain ever again after we have them thier fucking life-ruining over glorified contract

Then agian,American/European faggots are more cancerous and more numerous than our faggots



literally no such thing. even the most repressed homo can't go 2 minutes without engaging in innuendo

No, it's not.

It's fucked up.

If two faggots want to live together, that's fine, but a marriage is between a man and a woman, not two faggots, and not two dikes.

Considering the sheer amount of failed marriages as well as the number of broken families and divorces in the next year alone, it seems foolish to restrict the union to heteros only

Respectable, employed gay couple >>>>>> emotionally unstable straight

>muh foundations
i assume this means the arbitrary and inane rule set from a fairy tale sky creature?

>falling for the slippery slope meme
>implying people won't fuck without the government's recognition

No, it means the clear cut laws that bring out the best in society allowing us to rise above animals.

Slippery slope has been being proven right for decades now.
You're being dishonest to yourself.

>humans aren't animals
>biology is a false science

Humans are better than animals.
Way to reduce everything down to pure shit.

You got the racist edit, pure shit op!

Gay marriage is legal. Fuck off faggot.

Makes sense. The pope is Satan's emisarry to earth and leads the world's largest cult.

Meh... get over it cuz gay marriage passed last two years.


great argument

Darwin didnt set those rules though. Or are you referring to Sky Wizard #2 Stephen Hawking?

>Thinks humans are better or worse than animies
>Thinks two committed, respectable gays being married is somehow comparable to the degeneracy and evil our species every day causes

Holy shit

>be boy and girl
>get married to start a family with kids
>in the eye of the government you're a family unit
Gays can't have kids, and they already have the exact same rights as everyone else.