>what it's like to live outside of America
Looks like I won the nationality lottery.
>what it's like to live outside of America
Looks like I won the nationality lottery.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's like living in the middle east, except wet, windy, cold and grey and fucking shit
>not living on england's very own subtropical island
More vids pls
It's kind of like America but colder and the guns don't have as many bullets and the alcohol is too expensive
and apparently the ground is too slippery to properly defend yourself against knife attacks
>live in France
>can get sued if I defend myself
>can go to jail
Do you have a preference?
By that I mean the one from the other thread. Owners protecting their stores.
Replace niggers with chinks and natives and make things a bit colder: you got canada. My few jaunts to the states have been borderline boring because the differences between us are pretty few and far between
if it weren't for the logo I'd think this was the US
>>what it's like to live outside of America
My country goes through a cycle of
>get fucked up, and elites murdered
>get slowly back up
>your elites are being murdered/removed/hidden
>get fucked up with whatever that can be considered an elite, emigrating or dying
>rinse and repeat
bonus points for CURRENT YEAR
>government is building socialism, with an astonishing applause from the public
>Opposition is half-retarded EU's 5th columnist, guy who stole money from soros and didn't pay child support
Your handgun murders happen like 9001 times more often than that you idiot.
Also, he has a gun
always Brazil..
>been listening to police radio frequencies for past few months
>there never was a situation where they'd have to use a gun
good thing that those idiots stealing from stores don't have guns around here.
I respect them for the shit they have to go through, anyway
story please
you must let the Muslim kill you or go to jail for life
Did he dieded?
Frexit when=
Right because murder doesn't happen in your country you utterly brain-dead stupid piece of fucking moronic shit.
How can anybody defend this fucking nigger?
What was the cop supposed to do wait to be potentially shot before defending himself?
some people hate winning lotteries
Should have the gun ready instead of being a victim
Nice dictator country you got there ...
>rushing towards a cop and reaching behind your belt
If no one knows who the fuck they even are, why report it when you murder one?
>Gets stabbed in the neck.
>Then gets stabbed MOAR times. Like 100 more times.
Gee Ivan i dunno.
Is it Finland?
No. Winning the lottery is being born into a wealthy family.
Looks like south africa
A lot of people thing that "unarmed" = "does not deserve to be shot under any circumstance"
>living in my own fantasy world
He looks like senator jeff sessions
I dunno. Its unreal how people seem to think police officers deserve no respect. It's like the referee in a sports match, yeah, sometimes they make a bad call and you, some teammates, and your manager agree it was bad.
do you:
a. challenge the play
b. physically get in the ref's face and shove him around
generally only one of these answers result in an immediate and unquestionable eviction from the game
I am a Jew and I live in the real Jewish land with blackjack and hookers.
>finding hard cover and calmly plinking away with one hand because you don't want to drop your cigarette
ground control to my sides give this man a medal
Are chinks violent criminals who constantly carry a chip on their shoulder against white people and live in a perpetual state of victimhood in Canada? I heard as much about your Natives, but not your East Asian immigrants.
Nice Sultanate you got there ...
We may live in a police state, but we still have the means to easily overpower the police if we feel like it.
I like how niggers think they can do whatever they want until they get shot.
>that clandestine crouch around that woman
Fuck, my sides.
>Smoke a sig, smoke a nig.
What a fucking legend! He even puffed between shots goddamnit!
How used to shooting robbers must you even be to reach this level?
Thread needs more feel good
>smoking in store
>doesn't drop his cigarette
>takes a drag while shooting
1.3 billion of people living in a great country : USA, Canada, Argentina, UK, France, Germoney, Scandinavia, Spain, Italy, JAPAAAAAAN !, South Korea, Switzerland, Hungary...
So like 1/5 chance.
Pretty high desu.
First time I saw this the webm was called "oops I forgot to shoot you" or something along those lines.
That's a retarded post m8
Hey, it got me the first time around.
I was about to post the webm
hope you don't live anywhere near there Huebro
>you'll never know that feel
t. police officer
well, he picked the wrong guy, didnt he
gun grabbers B T F O
what did the nig do?
newfag detected
The man is waiting in line at a bank machine with his wallet out, I think the guy flashed a pistol at him and told him to put the money on the ground
It's retarded because of your logic.
> it's a police state but it's cool because we can overthrow it if we want
You don't even have to report it, they just find you, there was a story back in 2013 if I remember well
>the punisher
Can anybody convert this into a Webm please?
no you don't and no you won't
you didn't rise up when they shot the president
you didn't rise up when they downed the towers
you didn't rise up when they started an illegal war
Americans are too fat, politically retarded and complacent to do anything with guns but target practice and shooting eat others
I love when fatmericans go full muh guns but don't actually use them for their intended purpose.
We that is cool? Is it not?
you don't have to worry about being shot by the police unless you're a criminal or hang around criminals though
Lol, "America: the .webm"
Guy in Dallas TX killed 5 cops for #BLM
It's not bad enough in America for people to disrupt their daily lives. Yet.
Kek, never die with a full bladder
Don't worry, I live in a much worse area :^)
Socialism and justice
French touch
>intended purpose.
I love when people try to tell me the intended purpose of my guns.
Is that Jerry Miculek
Source. At 3:25 his girlfriend says the famous 3 words.
>act like a lunatic
>hide your hand behind your back
>do a handgun stance directly at an armed figure
natural selection at its finest
Wait, did this nig try to dual wield?
is that george lucas?
Revolutions only happen when the majority of the population agree that an injustice has occured and justice should be served. That's why it's important to control the information war.
That's what separates the terrorists from the freedom fighters
I don't know who to feel bad for, it sucks the cop was wounded, but they don't show any proof that guy was a drug dealer, so I don't really have a problem that he opened up on someone knocking his door in without giving him a proper warrant.
>tfw yuropoor police
>I have no mouth and I must sceam.
you have guns to protect the constitution against a tyrannical government, you didn't do shit when your own president told you your country was co-opted by the military industrial complex
you're not a free man, you're an enslaved child who's allowed to play with toys as a mean to distract him from his condition