How fucking cucked must society be by niggers so that if you aren't diverse, you are a fucking neo-nazi and if you don't apologize to a nigger for slavery you're also fucking racist.
How fucking cucked must society be by niggers so that if you aren't diverse...
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So everyone graduated except them?
ganz ruhig Sven-luca
Genocide looks bad on tv and you have to reconciliate the fact they are never going to leave your country somehow
Are those nigger inbreed? Or why are they so abnormal?
Ne ich war für ein Jahr in Amerika und die Neger sind schlimmer als die kanacken hier
What really perturbs me is the fact the blacks started the slave trade and the Arabs used them for hundreds of years before the white man.
In other words blacks enslaved themselves and we are expected to feel guilty and give them reparations?
Get to fuck
Kek, whenever I see pictures like this, for a brief second I empathize with the hatred blacks have for white people. This is the most condescending and humiliating thing I've ever seen.
Why do they look so retarded?
the right nigger looks like a sims
Probably inbred
>and we are expected to feel guilty and give them reparations?
I'm on mobile, I'm not able to view that post
In Africa and parts of the middle east and Asia it was normal to marry into 1st and 2nd generation cousins or even siblings, you need atleast 3-4 generations apart from each other to play it safe gene-wise speaking.
Malnurishment also plays a big part, underfed children have a learning disability, if the mother is malnurished while pregnant the energy goes not to the childs brain but to their body because evolution dictates that it's better to be dumb and alive then smart and dead.
Danisha did not immigrate from Denmark just so you guys know
almost nonhuman facial expression
holding thing in a awkward manner
probably also talks in some unintelligible language
Another thing that completely baffles me is why, wherever blacks in are in the west, the crime rate soars?
I have really tried to understand this, I have researched and researched and all I fundamentally find is "muh oppression" "muh racism". I live in Glasgow, but im from Ireland, The Irish suffered 980 years of invasions, slavery, oppression, racism and sectarianism and we're doing alright, I mean we're the 9th smartest country in the world for fuck sake, far from perfect, but doing ok. My point is that the racism and oppression argument is nonsense. I just can't fathom why the blacks are the way they are.
white guilt, post-modernism, political correctness, Alinskyism
the more your society qualifies for any of the above, the more cucked you are
Georgetown Professor Michael Eric Dyson is proposing the idea that white people should have an ‘Individual Reparations Account’ to make donations to black institutions and individuals.
You should use mimi
I do use mimi
>post pic in which clearly everyone is in on the joke = proof being diverse and integrated works
what the fuck does a german know about african americans?
I used to live in the states