Stop worshipping the dead kike on a stick.
Fedora tipper detected! lololol
Not an argument.
I am fine with Atheism as long as its followers don't try shoveling shit down my throat. Same with all the other religions.
Islam must be banned since it is a cultist political.movement and not a religion.
There is no difference between an atheist and a cultural Christian faggot like Molyjew
Christianity is a celebration of weakness. Our societies were doomed the minute we accepted it.
Stefan's video is about the west's need to fill the spiritual void left in our souls when reason beat religion - not an endorsment *of religeon itself.
He's not a cultural Christian, he just acknowledges that the loss of religiosity led to degeneracy and leftism.
not an argument.
i fucking hate most atheist and im an atheist my self
they are just self entitled narcisistic little bitches especially if they are young
Are Cernovich and Molly still good friends?
>Christianity is a celebration of weakness.
>I know nothing about history, from Constantine to the dark ages to the Salem witch trials and so forth: the post
Sadly, the fedora meme is real: I remember being a bitchy self-centered atheist.
Ignore the retards. Christians aren't called to behave like that.
Truthfully I give zero fucks about converting you. The initial reason of conversion was to spread the word of God for all to see and choose to accept or deny.
With the internet it's a moot point. Do as you wish but don't expect us to keel over and die.
Reason never beat religion, it became a fad to deny "evil racist homophobic Christianity"
Why is it the only religion shrinking while the others grow?
Because the left is afraid of it.
About time he made more of these. Atheism is the most powerful tool of the Jew.
Sadly most athiests I encounter try to, though less than mormons or jahovas witnesses, and muslims whine a lot. Christians just celebrate christmas/easter publically but otherwise leave me alone.
Molymeme is an atheist himself.
He gets more click baity every podcast.
Can someone provide the cliff's I find Molyneaux videos way too drawn-out and boring.
Atheist cucks BTFO!
Did you even see the video? His argument is that atheism usually leads to leftism, which leads to societal decay.
He clearly knows that it's not all atheists.
One thing I noticed about atheists is that they are all self-absorbed, narcissistic degenerates which hate religion because religion opposes their shitty worldview, it's the antithesis of their degeneracy.
Not an argument.
Pointing out the degenerate behavior of many atheists and the overwhelming connection between judaism and atheism is not arguing against atheism.
What you need to understand about Molyneux is that he isn't an ideologue. He won't avoid making negative videos about some atheists solely because he is an atheist himself.
The left is afraid of anything that could be used as a unifying flag for whites to rally around.
Christianity's "turn the other cheek" mindset is partly to blame for allowing the cancer of cultural Marxism to spread.
Around the 24th minute onward, he kind of makes the point.
>Thinks there is a difference between atheism and religion
except all marxist states aggressively tried to stamp out Christianity and many anti-communist states aggressively endorsed Christianity.
See Bolsheviks and Chinese Communist Party as opposed to Iron Guard and Rexists.
There is literally nothing more in the world that marxists hate more than Christianity.
>Christianity's "turn the other cheek" mindset is partly to blame for allowing the cancer of cultural Marxism to spread.
Honestly just kill yourself, or at the very least go back r/atheism you stupid redditor faggot.
>Christianity's "turn the other cheek" mindset is partly to blame for allowing the cancer of cultural Marxism to spread.
Are you trolling? AFAIK, communists were expelled from the church. Unless you're referring to Vatican II and the new (((pope))), Christianity has always been the enemy of Marxism.
All you niggers responding to only the second part of my post.
Read it again. S L O W L Y.
If Christianity was to blame for the spread of Marxism then marxists wouldn't try to exterminate Christianity you absolute fucking retard.
Fair enough Kek.
..and without Christianity's "be nice to people at all cost" bullshit, Marxism would have been nipped in the bud, you fucking cuck.
Christianity could've been an organizing movement a century ago. Today it's dying, and it's weak-willed, compassion-centric doctrine is killing it.
People have forgotten that the first half of the Bible are stories about tribal conflict. They've focused entirely on the teachings of a socialist, pacifist Jew, even though they show that socialism requires magic to work (the feeding of the 5000).
That's true.
However, drastic times call for drastic measures.
If Jesus can kick out the (((moneychangers))), why can't we do it now?
>Christianity's "be nice to people at all cost" bullshit,
Ok, now you lost me here. I don't know what kind of Christianity you grew up in (implying ofc), but I received nothing but tough love from my parents. They have clear red lines and would wipe the floor with me if I ever crossed them.
Again, this nu-Christianity is not representative of most christians, who live in the third world and are not kind to degeneracy (and Marxism is inherently degenerate to them).
And to add to my point, the "martyr" Christianity was replaced with the Christianity of kings and tough love and acting against heretics. We need to go back to this even if just for a bit, so that the slime invasion can be thwarted.
Except your retarded opinion is inconsistent with the fact that the most rabid anti-marxists were Christian and all marxists were anti-Christian.
Today it's been cucked to all hell, that's definitely true. We need some serious reforms in all areas of society, including religion, to reverse the damage communists have done over the past century.
I think you for your reasonable input.
I was raised with (and am more familiar with) the hippy-dippy "we're all God's children, maaaan" variety, which marxist love to beat whites over the head with when they tell us we need to accept 100,000 somali muslims.
We might not believe in the supernatural, but most nationalists hold "Christian" values. So we're not at all diametrically opposed
I won't argue with a child.
>I won't argue with a child.
Literally not an argument
I am becoming more interested in Christianity, but I fear I'll never be able to truly believe, is it possible to be a Christian without being 100% certain in your beliefs? What inspired me was Jordan Peterson and seeing just how weak the West is against the invasion of Islam.
>Cult Leader Hates Atheists
In other news, Dog Bites Man, and Retard Elected President.
one of the apostles who literally walked with Jesus was uncertain in his faith so its definitely possible.
I don't believe in God at all but I'm a Christian in my public life for the cultural and communal value.
>I'm a Christian in my public life for the cultural and communal value.
That's kind of what I want. I'm also worried I'm going to run into marxism which seems to be running amok in Christianity in general. Like I see the probability of finding a church and community that isn't pro open borders etc. is going to be hard.
I go to a sedevacantist church. they reject cucked "popes" totally and are pretty damn based about things like open borders.
I don't know if Slav diaspora in UK have their own churches but those might be a good option.
it's not easy to find uncucked churches but it's rewarding to do so.
Stop being immoral
The modern version of "turn your wife's cheeks for Tyrone" of Christianity is a modern perversion. Christians used to have no issue with segregation and apartheid. I ,don't care if your not a Christian, but neo pagans and atheist right wingers typically do leftist's job for them. They call Christianity a cuck religion, and that the only valid form of Christianity is the modern egalitarian nightmare of mainstream cuckianity. They attack the traditional religion of Europeans, for our (((enemies))). But this is a new and only recent phenomenon.