The Women's March Against Trump scheduled for Inauguration Day and featuring Katy Perry and ScarJo is already collapsing into racial infighting because too many white women are attending it
The Women's March Against Trump scheduled for Inauguration Day and featuring Katy Perry and ScarJo is already collapsing into racial infighting because too many white women are attending it
>Stop being not racist white people, it doesn't fit our narrative!
This is tremendous news, I was in San Francisco for the day the God Emperor won and witnessed this first hand. Scary to say the least fellas, hope this cunt chokes on her chicken and waffles.
>white allies
Just cuckolds and racemixing white women that hate white men
> is already collapsing into racial infighting because too many white women are attending it
lol. just wait until the transwomen show up.
>they'll march
>act obnoxious
>then start a sit-in at the end
>get arrested
a lovely day to ring in the new presidency
I love this. I love the leftist infighting.
I'll never understand how anyone who is White can be leftist nowadays, let alone call themselves "an ally" I'd rather join some hate group than be a cuck like this.
It's just amazing because the loudest blacks broke up the Bernie Sanders and Occupy Wall Street movements too
BLM and social justice were designed to undermine Occupy Wall Street.
Holy shit that fucking rhetoric. You burgers are heading towards an inminent race war by the second. After the chicago thing all you need is another dylan roof to trigger balkanization. Good luck.
You have to be an extraordinarily foolish white chick to want to march with nuts like this black kweens. It's like you want to be the slave of a black momma bear.
If that's true it's pretty clever
It's Che Guevara who said "I'm gonna do for the blacks what they did for the revolution: Nothing."
>This brand of feminism — frequently referred to as “intersectionality” — asks white women to acknowledge that they have had it easier. It speaks candidly about the history of racism, even within the feminist movement itself. The organizers of the 1913 suffrage march on Washington asked black women to march at the back of the parade.
Holy fuck
How did she get packing peanuts in her hair?
She's honoring George Washington Carver
Ah yes, George Washington Carver, the inventor of packing peanuts.
thinking this many women can organize something with out it turning into dozens of petty cat fights and power struggles lol we should definitely egg them on
its not just true, its a science fact. thanks CIA
I always find it funny how American dindu leftists act like they fought for their rights and won, how they did all of the work, when it's in fact the Whites and Jews that accomplished that and they did basically nothing.
>Abolishment of slavery
>Women's suffrage
>Even the civil rights act was only signed by LBJ so his party could get tons of votes
>Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake
t. a certain manlet
I wonder how they would react if I told them that their movement is shit. It's not like they can tell me off because I am an under privileged Mexican intellectual and not a white boi.
Muslims will gain favor with the Emperor for their act of service. Be a real shame if something happened at that march, wouldn't it?
The instant you do you would magically become white
You probably already know Saint Zimzam so instead allow me to refer you to NYPD Office Peter Liang, who became an emblem of white supremacy after shooting an unarmed black man that confronted him in an unlit stairwell
Do you know what the progressive stack is? Basically, if you're a man you've more privilege than wymen, especially wymen of color and latinx peoples who aren't men
That's a funny way of saying "white ethnostate".
>Trump designates them a terrorist organization
>all tossed in prison