>oh no, islam would require my slutty cheating wife to behave like a human being instead of acting like a brainless sex addicted animal
Can you extreme cucks just admit that you're feminist trash?
>oh no, islam would require my slutty cheating wife to behave like a human being instead of acting like a brainless sex addicted animal
Can you extreme cucks just admit that you're feminist trash?
Other urls found in this thread:
None of us unironically hate Muslims.
Nobody defends Miley Cyrus.
Though, enjoy this bit of wisdom from a drunk.
Miley Cyrus would have been an icon of freedom forty years back.
You're fighting against yourself.
A cause that has no goal is doomed to invert.
Fuck off Ahmed, Islam is a disease that needs to be purged
>Implying I can't just be an Orthodox Christian and achieve the same effects without the rampant paedophilia and closet homosexuality that infests Islam.
The thing is that I don't hate Islam but I fucking hate Arab culture.
Most Muslims mix shitty Arab culture up with Islam while in fact it's alot older and has nothing to do with it.
Same with Western Christianity which is deeply rooted in pagan traditions like Christmas which has nothing to do with Christianity.
Speak for yourself, faggot.
Meanwhile the rest of us are ready to remove kebab
islam is the ultimate redpill desu.
by definition, if you're a decent human being you're muslim, and you're not muslim if you follow and act upon hate.
spread love
> pure aryan girl
> degenerated whore
OP, please.
this guy gets it