Nationalist Protest In Chicongo
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They will all be killed.
What a bunch of fools
yeah man, all the blacks will be hunted and killed.
hardcore stuff.
is this what pol looks live?
im just here for the happenings
can shitskins blow themselfs up more often?!
am i asking for too much
Is that guy even white?
They all look like intelligence assets.
This is the dumb shit that makes the rest of us enthic nationalists look bad. Also,
>national socialim
>da joooooooosssss
>white lives matter
>HAIL *insert anything*!
a fucking cringefest
heimbach's crew won the first battle in the race war
F- wait, what?
No, this is pretty sad.
This is more like, Put the Fash out of his misery.
someone message these faggots that random fuckers (mostly nonwhite) on the internet are already on the case and to not fuck our shit up since we have momentum going for ourselves
Fucking LARPers
White supremacists are walking contradictions. Hitler would've gassed them too since he hated commies.
Literal untermensch
At least white pride is rising.
I like white nationalism, I hate socialism.
Talk shit all you like but Heimbach is a pretty swell dude. He's working on his physical fitness, he owns land for his party, they're recognized and running in elections this year, and he's been helping other organizations via conferences and private meetings.
>They all look like intelligence assets.
I never understood those claims when these people are out in the open and can easily be identified.
i like him other than being a christcuck
Criticize them all you want, Sup Forums. For every time you post these guys get stronger. They literally are claiming to be you personified.
If you don't like it, get off your fucking computer and do something about it.
Illinois Nazis.
t.Magomet Islamov
hi are you spaniard mummy poster
Peaceful demonstrations are allowed because they can be safely ignored and accomplish nothing of substance.
t.dirty commie
We're the true master race these untermenschen can only shallowly repeat half ass slogans and limit themselves to within earshot in scope.
This is just damaging for the cause.
I want to kiss mummy on the lips.
a few years ago i talked to the dude
he and his wife or gf i dont remember were orthodox christians
and basically the only reason they were that is because they wanted to be christian but picked the least cucked version of it
I'm fine with it, but they need to change their fucking slogans. The cringe is too real. The Nazi Germany larping needs to stop as well, we aren't Germans (most of us at least).
good stuff
general heimbach is unstopable
>Fat autist is a bit cringe but at least he is standing up for what he believes in.
There's no such thing as "white nationalism".
It's just communism with a white coat of paint. When you start making "communities" based on color (ie: Black Community), that's Marxist thinking.
I was surprised how well they spoke even though they look like total autists. Rofling at the matrix coat.
I can't take anyone that uses the word Aryan or Sieg Heil seriously
Leftist trying to discourage Right Wing demonstrations detected.
You can be safely ignored, as can anyone who discourages such behavior. You were probably sniveling about how impossible it was for Trump to win and how "cringe" we all were for supporting him. Then you got your teeth bashed out so you've retreated another step to fight your losing battle there. I hope you like losing, because the momentum is strong and we're not going to stop advancing.
>Actual Nazis
Holy fuck, I thought you guys were joking. This is getting scary.
>When you start making "communities" based on color (ie: Black Community), that's Marxist thinking.
good thing you have diversity.
that dude is controlled oposition
he did some interview with vice when he was in college search for someting like white supremacist college vice and you will find the video
they are doing more than you
They are downtown
No real risk
Diversity is also Marxist thinking when forcing it.
You should be more scared of marxism than national socialism, Ivan.
Holy fucking cringe. JUST Stormfront my shit up. This isn't how to get people on your side.
me to
>nationalist front
>a literal copy of the National Front logo
haha yeah not like that failed miserably in the 70's, right lads?
I assume everyone up North dresses like that. Their coats at least are mostly black. Makes sense.
>I can't take
Weird, the Left takes it extremely seriously.
>Quick cuck out and be a whipped basic bitch republic
Why did we fight, you faggot?
I support Heimbach and his group I just don't like the Stormfront tier slogans
Sponsored by Nightforce
>National Socialism
>Country founded by foreign immigrants
USA is idiot
0/10 would not smash
How come they look so unhealthy?
Tell me you guys don't all look like this
whats with the logo? day of the rake?
its random aspies having fun
>black hair
this guy is mexican.
>Commenting on National Socialism
>Country betrayed the white race and began the destruction of Europe
You murdered Europe for the Jews, Nigel.
Literally fed psyop bullshit.
>look at this try hard faggot
>They all look like intelligence assets.
It's because they are.
Agreed. It's why I prefer people like Richard Spencer. I may not agree 100% with his methods and presentation but at least he doesn't look like an excon or a loser.
Based White Nationalists!
they're called colonists you fucking dunce
>dat menorah in the back ground
Oyy Gevalt!
Theres a photo of Heimbach wearing a Hezbollah tshirt online, he could easily pass as Lebanese in the photo
Now Marxism has an upper hand but both of them are cancer and need to be eliminated.
No one is going to take Stormfront larping seriously. Despite what you believe a bunch of fat, sweaty neets shuffling around doesn't make an appealing political party.
looks like real life autism
Spencer at least dresses well and doesn't sperg out like a shitlord. This has been the issue with any right wing 'movement' is that it has rightly been associated with ex cons and untermenschen with low IQs. I hate to use leftist language here but they often are too stupid to come to their own conclusions and scapegoat hard. The reason I like the modern incarnation of right wing politics is its insistence on a measured, intelligent argument rather than sperging out and shouting"joooooos"
>low skilled
>thuggish demeanor
>not sophisticated or educated
>not even charismatic
>them, themselves being the top enemy against advancing their own cause
>nobody wants to identify with them even if they secretly agree
>can't even do anything intelligently and promote conservative and right wing values on the sly
>just go full 1488 XD DVES VVLT XDDD [latin slogan] cringefest shit
Will they ever learn?
>literally italians, slavs and mexibros and gay bikers
>flag is literally a jewish menorah
lol ok kid
Notice how organized and professional it is, compared to the BLM chimpout.
Why is that Sup Forums?
funny marx said that because now his followers are a farce too
>these leftists prey on the disabled!
>HE himself inspired by hitler
he's an aryan warrior
Not really, they're hurting the cause more than helping it.
this is the political equivalent of little kids in their backyard trying to shoot a movie with camcorders
also intelligence agencies trying to discredit right wing extremists
>tfw you want to join them in their protest
>but you are shitskin
(((Civic Nationalists)))
Get gased Jew
>hail comrades
Wow, look at all these paid actors.
All the shills ITT. Only "comrade" and weakly "hail victory" were cringe. They were well spoken enough for protestors.
>also intelligence agencies trying to discredit right wing extremists
It doesn't take much at all to discredit them, but they are monitoring them. How do they really think the average person is going to listen to the political opinions of some tatted up skinhead looking thug who'd never had a job before?
Well, besides some fuckery with agriculture, and proxy wars, tragedy has been mostly averted, considering the potential, anyway.
By standing up to niggers they're hurting us huh?
White supremacy is not communism you fucking burgur.
Hitler was for the nationalism of every nation to hold their ideals and values up to highest standard in the face of Jewish communism. There's a reason Hitler had one of the most diverse armies to ever be seen or recorded in all of human history. He had muslims in the SS and a bunch of other Europeans came to join the SS that were suppose to be fighting for the (((Allies))). Do some research before you sperg out and make a fool of yourself.
Its painfully obvious they're trying to imitate National Action.
I think the TWP serves a purpose and they were responsible for the battle in Sacramento however them associating with the NSM who are a bunch of pathetic LARPing faggots is annoying.
Holy kek
>if you go out and do something you must have been paid all true believers stay at home and sit on their ass
You should take note from the European nationalist movements. Our events looked like that during the 90s.
Main event:
>Perfect presentation.
>Sharp, good looking individuals on the front, rest in the crowd.
>100% regular, usual civilian clothing.
>No retarded Thor hammers, skinheads, heavy boots and other intellectual repellents.
Death squads:
>Sport wear brands, sharp and clean with a touch of military clothing there and there.
>No fat or very short people.
>Matching balaclavas. Without them, crowd looks relatively normal to the common eye.
Pic related.
Oh fuck, also I forgot, p. sure he converted to Eastern Orthodox
they are buddies with the now defunct national action.
so duh.
naw we dont , I am more fascist than nationa socialist but I believe in absolute peak fitness as part of daily regiment as well as helping out fellow brothers for the cause.
I recognize one of those guys from a talk Jared Taylor held at a college filled with blacks. Don't remember which one, though.
>Muh LARPing
They were protesting cuz that White kid got kidnapped and tortured.
Heimbech is a walking meme that refuses to take Nationalism away from its skinhead days.
The trend here in the US seems to be similar, the one in the OP is probably controlled opposition/informants. The National Alliance was a big part of the WN/Nationalist movement in the US for a while but when WLP died it all went to shit. Thankfully we still have intellectuals like Kevin MacDonald and friends.