The MGTOW dudes have a pretty good understanding of a lot of aspects of women. Though, hey do completely the wrong thing with that info, and choose to be bitter crybabies.
Instead of using those infos at their advantage to seduce a girl, marry and breed her, thus accomplishing the primal goal of men that is ensuring a descent to its lineage, they become disgusting manwhores who cries like leftists that they should have the right of being hedonistic cunts, just like the womens they hate.
I think that it is inherently a leftist mindset. See, for the russian christian existentialist Berdaiev, there are two main point of view you can take in front of existence, the aristocratic or the plebeian one. The plebeian approach consist to always ask for more rights, wether it is in term of social or economic life. It is mainly a parasitic view, who consider the external world as a stockpile of various pleasures that should be at his own fingertips. While the plebeian ask for rights, the aristocratic view always ask for more duties. Because duties is what define freedom, it is the affirmation of the individual subject in front of the rest of the world, who screams to express his individuality through the duties he respect and defend. It is mainly a creative approach, because the subject in front of the world, always work on his own individuality and chose what he should respect and what he should not, he isn't tied to the world and don't depend on it for his own happiness. Rather, the source of his happiness is the own individual code he try to respect and share with the world. While the patricians always ask for more duties, the plebs always ask for more rights.
Instead of taking those infos as a way to better accomplish their duty to be a husband and a father and to maintain the name they receive, they cry because they see that womens have more rights and that they should have them too, just in the same way transgenders cry for having all the rights healthy people have.
Nathan Walker
Chase Brown
Yes, more than that I can also smell in that " just go to some bars and fuck girls, don't marry, don't have shild " the eternal nose.
Leo Perez
>marry and breed her, thus accomplishing the primal goal of men that is ensuring a descent to its lineage, they become disgusting manwhores who cries like leftists that they should have the right of being hedonistic cunts, just like the womens they hate.
Or perhaps they simply don't want to be another statistic, a victim of the divorce court meatgrinder and slave market. Shit, their have been soldiers gone off to defend the west, only to be killed by it when they return, driven to suicide by poverty and debtors prison. Labelled a deadbeat because they decided his payments should be based on "earning potential" rather than how much he actually earns.
Perhaps they hope that dwindling birthrates, leaving less people to take on debt, will force a change.
>Instead of taking those infos as a way to better accomplish their duty to be a husband and a father The implication here is that men get to be fathers. The state is the father. Men merely provide.
The entirety of you post boils down to; >If you ask for freedom from this system, you are a pleb. >If you encourage it, work hard, take on more and do more, that is true aristocracy.
You find yourself calling those who will not work for you, freely, selfish, and fail to see the irony.
The simply fact is that rights and responsibilities come hand in hand. Without one, there should be no other. As you have no rights as fathers.Husbands. Why are we held to any responsibilities or as you like to put it "duty"?
Oliver Ramirez
>Shit, their have been soldiers gone off to defend the west, only to be killed by it when they return, driven to suicide by poverty and debtors prison. Labelled a deadbeat because they decided his payments should be based on "earning potential" rather than how much he actually earns.
But do you think this is new ? Do you think this is only the modern mindset of women ? Sure, the divorces rates are higher because now society allows it. But, if you know some litterature, you can see that the immorality of women towards their husbands isn't a modern phenomenon. Just read Anna Karenina from Tolstoi for instance, it is the most accurate psychological description of both men and women mindset towards the other and give perfect clues on how to handle it.
See, womens function mainly on emotion and feeling, while men are more prone to act according to abstract, moral idea. If a women became slowly disgusted by her husband, chances are that if it is possible for her to do, she will cheat on her, for the simple reason that she mainly rely on her feelings rather than moral imperatives. Good. Then it's up to the man to constantly show his interest and to understand her bride, in order to ensure the stability of his couples. It's also up to you to chose the good girl by studying her before attempting anything, and undestand how she works. Then, you can consider marrying her, and then act with intelligence, but not with cruelty, to keep her. But of course, you can cry like a disgusting subhuman that it is " unfair " that it doesn't satisfy you, that it shouldn't be like that. Well, it is. Now it's up to you to decide to give up, thus putting an end in your lineage, restricting yourself with the main goal of life, that is, to perpetuate it, and chose to live according to degenerate hedonism because " I want to have more pleasures muh ".
Anthony Smith
>Instead of using those infos at their advantage to seduce a girl, marry and breed her,
and pay alimony, child support and also half of the property when the divorce happens? No, thanks.
If you want to ensure that your 'lineage' continues, donate sperm at multiple places.
Levi Murphy
And yes, living according to duties is being aristocratic and truly free. But not in the sense that your disgusting anglo-saxon mind can understand it. The real aristocratic isn't define by the faggotry that consist at playing jockey, drink tea and having good manners. Sure, it could have been the external aspect of it. But inherently, an aristocrat is someone that manage to follow Christ's path, and indeed the Lord ask for nothing, give everything. He is free, by doing so, because he lives tottaly by his love and isn't a slave to his pleasures. What you call being free, the man that cowardly flee from the imperative of marriage and reproduction, is in fact a slavery, because he decide that to have more pleasures, and his slave to his instincts, instead of being subject to morality and to the real spiritual law.
Giving up on the main aspect of life because you want to have more pleasures and you find it too difficult is a criminal and plebeian attitude.
Andrew Kelly
If you think assuring your lineage is only giving sperm to a bank, then you're a retarded materialist and I can do nothing for you. You're exactly the incarnation of why Europe, due to its horrible betrayal of its core value, put a death to itself. That text was for alive mens, not zombies, you shouldn't feel concerned.
Charles Diaz
MGTOW will just end up old and horribly alone and pathetic
modern marriage is a flaming minefield filled with bear traps and poisonous snakes but it is still worth the risk, better than the alternative i.e. ending up dying alone in a home and being buried by the state at a funeral attended by nobody
you know im right
Nathaniel Reyes
> Subscribe to more duties, because responsibility = freedom.
> The length of my chains has been lengthened a little, for I have been a good and obedient citizen.
You are basically just dressing your cuck shed up like a real house so that you can pretend you're anything more than a massive cuck. Sad.
Cameron Thompson
>ending up dying alone We all die alone user.
Except for suicide bombers, they die with others.
Owen Thomas
>The MGTOW dudes have a pretty good understanding of a lot of aspects of women.
That's like saying you're a master mechanic when you've never even been in a fucking car.
They know fuck all.
Easton Lopez
We don't talk about having duties towards the state, it's what you and your retarded anglo-saxon friend, with your childish understanding of human life and liberty, who you associate with the right to do a thing without the bad and evil state prevents you from doing so.
The real duties at towards yourself and the moral law, towards God and towards love. And following those duties makes you free, while fleeing away from it makes you enslaved to useless pleasures.
William Evans
>Marrying in this system is stupid and good luck when you lose 1/2 of your stuff in 2-4 years >Having a GF in this system is stupid because eventually she will want marriage and will most likely end up cheating on you because "its your fault" >Bars sluts are degenerate, and hookers will eventually demand hush money and need to be buried in the desert if you become at all noteworthy >Surrogate mothers is the only way to go. Make sure you do it in the right place, and stay anonymous until you have the child in your custody. You may lose a child or two, but you will never be "caught" with a mother who decides to keep the child and demand child support
Austin Foster
Adrian Russell
> Implying that not being chained down to some dumb woman and her brood means that you must indulge in superficial pleasures.
I can't argue with this logic for the same reason I can't tame and ride a unicorn. It doesn't fucking exist.
Camden Parker
Says the frenchman who's done nothing but aid to the fucking up of europe. Disbanding the templars, doing nothing but get invaded in ww2, foreign minister in 2016 instead of going for peace talks in russia go to UK instead to bitch about russia and so on. No need to talk about core values when a majority of your people are disgusted by english and insist that your culture is superior. As a chinese english is my lingua franca, and upon arrival in france whomever I spoke english to gave me a condescending look. Among those there were blacks selling fake designer goods on the streets. I hope france gets holocausted, but then you're already being outbred by muslims. Your army has long been outsourced to other countries anyway probably by promising them citizenship.
Dylan Reyes
Chances of successful marriage that doesn't end in male being completely fucked and having no future are so slim that even if you have "pretty good understanding of women" you still shouldn't play this russian roulette.
Pay for surrogate mother if you want to have child and propagate your genes, its muuuuch more sane, cheap and safe option.
William Myers
>dying a virgin
Hudson Thomas
I agree that white people should have more children but leave it to the low IQ plebs, fuck if I'm doing it myself.
Aiden Ward
>Not allowing any human instinct to influence my desicions Thanks.
Andrew Torres
Sebastian Taylor
Holy hell you are not special, you pathetic cunt
Isaiah Butler
First, the contempt you have towards womens is the better proof of your faggotry and resentment. Your " dumb women " sounds like some transfaggot horror " fucking cis male ". Just understand that they works according to their nature and that they have their own qualities. The world doesn't consist in dumb womens and poor man, they consist in a humanity more and more prone to immorality and evil, in which you should trace your path, which must consist of the essential act of marriage.
Which is, yes, mandatory. Except if you chose the path of giving yourself entirely to love and charity, through a monastic life for instance. But I doubt it is the case.
I hate as much modern France as modern England, don't bother. I hate English materialism and empirism though, which I think is the main source of our fall. And the templars were heretics practicing kabbalah, good riddance.
A child needs a mother and a father. Stop with your modern horrors.
Ethan Young
> Feminist detected
Kayden Nelson
Threadly reminder:
Sup Forums is a traditionalist board that supports marriage and the nuclear family continuing the white race. MGTOW are as bad as niggers and SJWs because both promote the destruction of civilization and the genocide of the white people. If you are not actively trying to raise the next generation of whites properly you are a part of the problem. Fuck off.
Matthew Fisher
>defending christian existentialism and mariage. >defenting the way our ancestors lives. >defending traditional patriarchy. >Defending the duties of men.
Fucking retard.
Cameron Cox
whatever (mother)fucker
Lucas Diaz
Funny thing is the reproduction rate of Sup Forums is way below that of normies.
Brayden Russell
Have you been in anti-spanking threads? They +300 replies and are filled with anons that have at least 2 kids each. Stop projecting, not everyone here is a basement dwelling NEET. A lot of us actually practice what we preach.
Carson Scott
Oh come on, pol is 90% introverts. For most people on here having a house full of kids would be absolute hell.
Gabriel Turner
this. since coming to this board I have cancelled my visectomy appointment and my partner and I are working to be structured enough that we can have a good, stable structure to raise a family.
Landon Barnes
your statement is contrary to the facts. most on Sup Forums when surveys consider themselves extroverts. probably about a 60/40 extro/intro ratio.
Nolan Kelly
Jesus christ we're just memeing don't be so impressionable.
Jayden Gomez
No look at the Myers briggs threads. I don't put much weight into it but it's 90% INTJ.
Angel Gomez
>see a rational truth. >act according to that rational truth. >being impressionable.
It's not only memes, dude, stop with that nonsense.
Matthew Baker
Making a 20 - 40 year and $100,000+ commitment based on what a bunch of kids on Sup Forums say
Connor Green
>OP is not MGTOW.
>Lures in men to her thread
Juan Adams
MGTOWs are simply men who can't get attention from women, so they pretend that they don't want their attention anyway.
Jason Lewis
Problem is that Myer Briggs tests only concern people that answer those tests, which means that they are interested in it. Definitly not the majority of Sup Forums.
Ayden Harris
>Instead of using those infos at their advantage to seduce a girl, marry and breed her I stopped reading here.
Half the issue is that marrying a woman is likely to fuck you out of a shitload of finances, whether liquid or nonliquid like a car/house.
Not to mention the possibility of alimony.
Fucking baguetteniggers.
Easton Garcia
Go away Shlomo, go count your precious shekels.
Mason Reed
Based on what our culture, our traditional theology and philosophy, and our ancestors said, reported maybe by a bunch of kids, but that doesn't prevent it from being truth neither that it prevent it from being the fruit of the traditional way of life, and not some memeing autism.
Cooper James
>If there's any possibility of failure, it's not worth doing! Guess how I know you'll never do anything with your life. Go on. Guess.
Mason Hernandez
If MGTOW are sick of degeneracy, divorce and shallow society, then why don't they just join a religious community and marry a girl there?
I mean, religious women are more likely to be virgins and less likely to divorce you. More so than the typical club sluts most MGTOW hang out with.
I mean, it would mean that these men would have to give up one night stands, pornography, drinking and drugs. But if these people are really lamenting the breakdown of family relationships as much as they say, wouldn't it be worth it?
What is the reason behind doubling down on the degeneracy by shunning relationships and sleeping around? Why do they admonish the culture they are in and continue to willfully be a part of it?
Angel Allen
2/3rds of marriages end in divorce if 2/3rds of parachutes failed and people die from the chute not opening NOBODY would say "worth the risk"
Aiden Jackson
You should have read then. I precisely said that refusing the most sacred and important step of life because you think it is too hard is, instead of using those infos to fulfill that imperative without the necessecary sufferings you evoke, is a coward, useless and plebeian attitude
Gavin Bailey
The Russians are always on their own, just can't get along with any one. There have a worst rep than the Nazis. They like to shit where they sleep, so they sleep in their crappy country, sad really, Putin could care less. Sad place.
Wyatt Walker
don't believe the girls are truly was we idealize
myself i was in love once...
Andrew Stewart
Who are you quoting?
The divorce rate is somewhere in the neighborhood of 50%.
I'm not gambling a potentially life-fucking event on a coin flip.
>Bro, gamble half or more of your shit on this coin flip. Everyone's doing it. If you lose, you lose half your shit but you get easy access to pussy for like 20 years. If you win, you keep your shit, still get easy access to pussy for like 20 years, but that pussy is really old and wrinkly later and you're stuck with it.
>If you don't do this, you're a faggot/coward/plebian, and all sorts of other names I'm going to call you.
Daniel Gomez
> Letting Sup Forums's opinion determine your reproductive status.
Luis Diaz
First, you suppose that all the parachutes have the same qualities and that you have the same risks with all the womens, as if they were an organic structure that act the same. By chosing the good girl and studying her before attempting anything, by ajusting your behaviour with your understanding of women nature, you chose a good parachute, and limit the risk of dying to, what, 1/20rds of accidents.
Just study the 1/3rd that worked and you will see that strangly, they share the same traits. Find those traits in your future bride. Problem solved.
Second,even if all the parachutes were fucked, as you seem to think, it would still worth the risk, for the only reason perpetuaing life and having a lineage and a wife, is the most important goal of your life.
Zachary Richardson
"Marriage is worth the risk" No, fuck you, it's not worth the risk for men.
and I understand all these "Defend traditional patriarchy, and duties of men", it's like trying to win the lottory. You guys that don't believe in MGTOW go ahead and take those risks, and pay your exwife all the alimony you want.
Ethan Foster
Maybe in your shit country. The rate of divorce in most other developed countries is under %40. Which means the majority of marriages are successful. Stop promoting progressive lies and get a wife you loser.
Logan Roberts
Same argument as the parachutes, flawless. Read this :
Elijah Scott
or, you can take the risk and fuck off about telling me what to do.
Eli Sanders
when was a parachute anaology a progressive lie? and calling me a loser? are you sure you aren't a single woman? because you sound like a fucking lady
Luke Ross
Don't tell me what to do even if I'm what i'm doing is retarded.
Are you 16 ? Is this an emo convention ? You sound like those disgusting transgenders that think that because they chosed to be she-males monsters, then it is ok and nobody should have the right to tell them it is not.
You are submitted to truth. Your subjectivity isn't absolute. If what you do is retarded and the doctrine you preach is dangerous, moreso given our birthrates, I have the right to tell you what to do. You have to prove me that I'm wrong or submit to truth. Your little "I think that" isn't sacred. Only truth is sacred.
Jonathan Thompson
" Don't tell me what to do even if What I'm doing is wrong " is retarded.
Jacob Cox
Maybe if women didn't cheat after getting married, until then...
Dominic Wright
I like this French guy, he is correct.
Brody Perez
Funny enough, but you preach the same stuff kabbalists preach.
Austin Evans
only idiots marry. It may seem fun at 25.. check back with me at 45 :)
Christopher Adams
Chances of Trump winning the election were about 10%
Hudson Richardson
mgtow is a jewish plot. women may be awful but a real man can deal with them.
Leo Ortiz
>Marry her.
Are you stupid?
Don't EVER marry a woman.
Just bone her and move on.
The moment you marry a woman, it's over.
Open your eyes, faggot.
Women are literally parasites that are unfaithful to their husbands.
They will cheat on their husbands, and not feel any remorse about it.
MGTOW is essentially the way for the happy and free alpha male.
Evolve, cuck.
Gavin Bell
What do you mean ?
I think that hate of mariage, and sexuality in general was more common in Manichean/Gnosticics who see the world as the work of the bad demiurge, and thus reproduction as an evil act.
Christian kabbalah, heavily influenced by catharism and gnostic thought, had the same view.
But I admit that my knoweldge on the subject is limited, it was mostly an answer to troll him and I waited the " they were not GUILTY, good innocent templars ".
If my infos are wrong, you're free to correct bruh.
Jaxon Walker
Real men stick with their woman, and they can deal with them.
When she starts fucking chad, or tyrone, just gotta man up and deal with it, cause real men do that.
Benjamin Price
Who cares i ll be dead , i will not know nobody came to my funeral . I don t give a shit !
It s you Sup Forums who says that womyn after their 30 only seek beta providers . So i m 22 single , lost my chance to catch one good womyn in my teens , what s the point?
James Smith
I mean real jewish kabbalists, not christian cosplayers. And keep in mind that those gnostic circles were always surrounded by bluepilled idiots, while only high degrees were into real stuff. Coz higher degrees understand that there is no evil demiurge.
Hunter Ortiz
>Instead of using those infos at their advantage to seduce a girl, marry and breed her, thus accomplishing the primal goal of men that is ensuring a descent to its lineage
Ok Pierre, give me just one reason why would any man need to marry and settle down in order to have children, please just give me a solid argument.
Allow me to show you another viewpoint, more clever of course.
DO NOT FALL INTO THE MARRIAGE SCAM, I'm more than convinced that the primal goal of a man is to have children and rise them, but YOU DO NOT NEED to sign a paper and basically expose your anus to be ready for a divorce rape, a very wretched and painful rape.
Jordan Baker
Well I'm tired of answering the same bad arguments. Hope my thread helped the guys that still lives according to truth and not according to " muh I have the right to be more happy ". Good night. Christ be with all of us.
Charles Peterson
Yeah watch that movie Fireproof.. it will show you how to guide your little lady and keep her in the flock!
Connor Rogers
The fact people were lashing out with character insults means you were making them question themselves. Your analysis of mgtow is very close to my own conclusions, and long term it is a doomed ideology. Good job based French bro.
Aiden Nelson
>Yes, good boyim! >Continue defending (((us))) and you will find a lucky woman someday! >Not me, mind you, another lucky woman.
Gabriel Baker
You don't have to marry in a civil way if you're afraid of that. Though, beggining your relationship with an act of distrust is already fucked up. You have all the time before the marriage to see if that you can give her your trust or not.
Anyway, in all cases, religious marriage is mandatory, you wouldn't want your kids to be bastards and your union to be illegitime.
I must admit that I'm kind of mistrustful of " initiatic truth " and the need to have " high degrees ". Truth doesn't need to be hidden.
The simplicity of The Gospels or the brilliant work of Thomas Aquinas never needed any " initiatic circles " to be understand, even by the most destitute. If a God speak, he must speak to all, his truth isn't only reserved to an educated elite.
Thanks for the info, though.
Gavin Moore
The funny part is that there is such thing as a law of attraction. If men always meet ballbreakers, it means it's something wrong with him, not with women. I never met ballbreakers, even though I smear stories about them and mainstream culture is degenerate.
Oliver Hughes
>Instead of using those infos at their advantage to seduce a girl, marry and breed her And eventually get cucked by them. Face it, if you think you are going to find the one girl that isn't going to cheat/divorce/sue/and over all fuck your life then you are delusional. While those women exist, they are an statistical anomaly.
Tyler James
It's, in fact, an initiation procedure, one have to understand first, kinda complete quest IRL, see Ninth Gate or Angels Heart, for example. Gospels are not that simple at all, but this kind of superficial reading of them does not bring you to any understanding, it's like watching walkthroughs vs actual finishing of the game on hard mode.
So god actually speaks to everyone, but not everyone wants to listen, that's the point. And this elite is those who understood what God is saying. If you simply explain that to someone, this guy won't get anything, you cannot transfer your "solution" to another. So, because of that, world is divided between those who understand, pneumatics-tzaddikim, followers, physics-beinoni and literal animals hylics-goym
Jordan Jones
It's funny how upset MGTOW makes cucks. The idea of men rejecting the system and refusing to participate in it genuinely frightens libcucks and feminists. Scared their meal tickets won't subsidize their lifestyles anymore.
Pussy's nice, but it ain't worth a lifetime of misery.
Gavin Davis
Fuck both sides of this argument I am not interested in pursing romantical relationship with some girl just for the sake of it/procreation and I am not interested in adding some tag to myself that will identify me as MGTOW or attack helicopter or whatever
Joseph Baker
AI GFs in Waifubot body not soon enough
Dominic Anderson
postan comment for content
Juan Stewart
It's actually the same as money wealth. You can not make people rich by giving them money, because wealth is not money, but a byproduct of your mindset and skills. You cannot transfer mindset and skills.
And here is the trick - by giving more, you will get more, exactly because of that.
MGTOW essentially think like those non-initiated Gnostics, who think that evil archon-women control the world. They don't get that it's you and your mindset control women
Chase Garcia
cucks are cucks, women are women, roasties are roasties, man are man, MGTOW are MGTOW things are as they are and sometimes they overlap but rarely
Alexander Thomas
>Fireproof link?
Jordan Thomas
my mindset made me alone oh my, better change it where is nearest jewish psychologist to tell me about beaty in every size and benefits of diversity?
Jacob Garcia
Hudson Moore
source: /r9k/
Blake Sanders
if anybody have some Feminism In Action pls post, I want to have entire set
Dominic Roberts
Adam Cruz
i love mgtow
Joseph Martinez
Degenerate you say?
Luis Turner
French guy, you see, they don't get it. I simply cannot explain this to them unless they understand it themselves.
Adam Rivera
I cannot see their tits because they are covered in paint, and it works because they have matching set it is more funny than it is degenerate
Andrew Bennett
>thus accomplishing the primal goal of men that is ensuring a descent to its lineage
This is the primal goal of **my genes**.
This is **not** my goal. My genes can get fucked.
Isaac Gutierrez
MGTOW should get the Darwin award.
Evan Williams
remind yourself that most women have rape fantasies an yet they oppose it as most evil thing ever while having abortions over 1 night stands in club wih somali gentleman
Xavier Nelson
I love you too goyim
Aiden Morales
Hey frog, you should know from experience since your country is under siege by rapefugees and the native men are treated like literally hitler but not all men were meant to leave a genetic legacy.