Okay Sup Forums time to mark your card more about how badly the whole /fit/ bodybuilding shit is a Jew trick.
Why have there been a bunch of niggers, including the current one, as Mr Olympia? Let that sink in for a moment Sup Forums. Olympia. Yes, it is supposed to be about Mt Olympus and the home of the Gods. Those Jew Weider bastards wanted to Jew you into thinking that steroid bloated good for nothing niggers are the pinnacle of humanity.
And where have the Weider bodybuilding champions mostly done their lifting? Gold's gym. That's sure a gentile name... It's a fucking Jew gym.
Bodybuilding as you know it and everything that has spun off it is a Jew trick.
Nobody thinks of bodybuilders as the pinnacle of humanity outside of their community. Most people just consider them to be autistic freaks who take steroids and lift to make up for being short and having small genitalia.
Wyatt Smith
The most 'successful' Mr Oympia Ronnie Coleman.
Hmmm, that's sure some nice gut pushing out his six pack ain't it?
So how did he 'win'? Because the contests weren't contests. They were not straight. Coleman even 'won' a contest once when he had hideous bitch tits.
Benjamin Flores
Yeah, but bodybuilding has influenced popular culture and it has a real hard hold on /fit/
Anthony Evans
As with most things, the answer lies in pre-jewish-infiltration methods.
Daniel James
>implying the redpill isn't just to be fit >implying a staminaless bodybuilder is good for anything besides power lifting
A redpilled man takes good care of his body, he is slim, rapid as a hare, tough as leather and solid as steel.
Leo Powell
sage op is a numale who doesnt even lift
Juan Ross
Yes. Before the Weider Jews came along there was a genuine relationship between exercise and purpose. Men lifted weights to be strong, to be physically competitive, to assist in gymnastics, and so on. They did not lift for looks.
Gavin Carter
Why are you so resistant to seeing the truth?
Ryder Ross
What do you want to take pills of any description for?