This is an actual elected president in 2017.
WTF Phillipines?
This is an actual elected president in 2017.
WTF Phillipines?
Whats wrong with this?
I think people who recieve high trust of the state and then betray this trust are to be punished the most severely as their crime is not against a single human but against society and state as a whole
i hope trump takes notes
>Implying the Philippines could get any any worse
He literally cut the crime rate in half.
if you can dodge the law that's fine
lets see you dodge a fucking bullet
Fucking based.
We could use a purge here.
They are uncucking themselves. The only absolute in life in violence. Violence doesn't care if you're rich or poor. When the axe comes down, you die.
Don't be corrupt or a criminal, it's that simple.
Waiting for this to happen in Mexico. You want the cartels gone, this is how you get it done.
The cartels are the government in mexico
this is what Canada needs.
Ain't to hard if you kill those criminals
Duterte's losing his mind over there with the corrupt pieces of shit
Good man, I like him. We need a Duterte here tbqh
Drastic times call for drastic measures.
America is the driving force behind corruption and violence in Mexico, be careful what you wish for.
That wont happen in Mexico. The cartels have ingrained themselves into every aspect of government.
Hell the government cant even send their version of "national guard" after the cartels because they will just refuse to fight. They have to use Mexican Special Forces
Niggers and muslims are the driving force behind corruption and violence in France.
You wish you had Duterte waging holy war on your shitskins.
Rodrigo "If You're High You'll Die" Duterte
>Niggers and muslims are the driving force behind corruption and violence in France.
no they're not, there a symptom not the cause
100% correct. Which is why at least half of our politicians deserved the rope
>t. Hashem Mohammed
Which is why we're building a wall
they are the cause
reported to stasi. good luck kido
Seems legit to me. IDK what your beef is with a man who just wants to remove all the drug runners and corrupt politicians by any means necessary including death by firing squad, execution, torture or w/e means necessary.
Go away leftist degenerate.
I guess he doesn't fuck around. That can be a good thing.
not everyone is a weak cuck like you
Hello, greatest burger ally.
yeah right they are the judges that don't send them to jail, the government that keeps them coming and doesn't enforce the law and sides systematically with them over the police forces, etc...
swallow a bullet leaflet retard.
This board became so politically illiterate, it's quite a wonder.
Well... I suppose at least he's an equal opportunity left wing death squad leader... That's good, I guess
third world problems need a third world solution
>Falling for the leaf jew
This man is so fucking based
Really hoping that Trump goes ahead with that invitation of Duterte to the US, and makes a point of giving him full "major state" honours with a military band at the airport etc. The ensuing shitlib REEEEE, impotent protests and hysterical news articles about RWDS coming to America next would be glorious.
Toвapищ Ivan gets it.
>This spirit of pinochet lives on
>Others have taken the opportunity to propose radical new Senate bills to lower the age of criminal responsibility from 15 to 9, and to restore capital punishment.[17]
Holy shit Philippines
You're kinda going over the top with this.
You want to kill 9 year olds?
I wonder how much of what he says is real. I know a lot of dealers are getting killed but I don't think the Philippines is such an authoritarian nation that the president can just order executions without trial and they are enforced.
I'm pro-marijuana and in my heart I am a muh rights lolbertarian but let's be honest. The drug problem is far reaching in places like the Philippines and culling them is the only way to actually make any sort of meaningful impact.
The crime is so insanely high there that this is what the people wanted and voted. For good reason.
A lesson everyone should learn. We are animals and we wont be changing any time soon.
He seems to become more based through meme magic :
>People joke about him being the Fillipino Punisher
>Then it turns out he literally had his own RWDS motorcycle squad and personally murdered criminals
>Pinochet "free helicopter rides" meme becomes popular
>Yep, he did that too
This is honestly the only way to save Mexico from the cartels, are you taking notes Juan?
My friend Geber lives in Davao
I hope he's still alive...
The difference being that Filipinos don't have anywhere else to flee really. Mexicants will just invade Canada and let the cartels have Mexico.
>President Mike Pence elected President
>8 years of blackmail to MAGA
>economy growing 10% a year
>wall built
>world peace
>President Pence: "We will put an end to the global pedophile network"
>Releases list
>Mass killings of democrats and republican politicians
>their usefulness has run out
>American pedophiles will be the drug dealers of the philippines
16 years of this. And it starts next week.
Does mexico even have a problem with addicts?
I thought it was all brutal cartels making drugs for export, not local use.
No, the US bears the blame for being paying customers. But even if that dried up, you still have the cartels entrenched everywhere, and with them unending corruption.
This guy has balls. I really want helicopter rides to come back, except worldwide this time.
Sure, they're cheaper minus the "smuggling tax" and poorfags can buy impure cocaine freebase paste (paco, basuco, oxi) that's an intermediate in the powder cocaine manufacturing process.
>Does mexico even have a problem with addicts?
Absolutely. A fuck ton of gangbangers dip into their own supply and it's cheaper there. Meth has exploded since the cartels have built superlabs there and cut back cocaine exportation.
Huge problems in certain border towns like Tijuana and becoming more of a problem nationwide as well
Fucking love this madman.
>when you live in America and sell drugs to Flips OTI and Duterte can't touch you at all
I love bitcoin. Humans die. Capitalism and chemical compounds live on.
Shitty countries need strong rulers
You build a wall, so you can sell the cartels drilling equipment to dig tunnels under the wall.
this guy is like a mad dog let loose and I fucking love it.
If you use ab you are literally supporting the russian hacker scum who stole your election.
I don't care about elections.
I'm a criminal. Your world means little to me. I just cover my ass and avoid government as much as possible. That includes avoiding the payment of taxes as well.
Fuck your corrupt world of bullshit "morals". People want speed and psychs. I want cash. We make a deal.
I'll make sure to recommend it to everybody I meet
Please KEK, let it be so!
That's what tough times demand you fucking cuck.
A lot of people here are genuinely tired of corruption and crime, people really couldnt do shit about it because police and politicians were protecting crime so people had no one to go to and non careerist police who wanted to make a difference never got anywhere or were killed. This all changed when he was elected of course. The chief of police resigned and was replaced with someone who actually gave a fuck about the law. Those who stuck around were given a chance to clean up their own mess (kill the pushers/criminal rings they were protecting) or be transferred to mindanao and get killed. The good cops were allowed to do what they wanted and were pretty much protected when they wasted a criminals. It has come to the point where criminals who surrender still get executed ("he totally tried to go for my gun so I had no choice but to empty my clip into his chest!") so their only option is to not commit crimes in the first place. They cry foul because the police are essentially stopping to their level and thats totally unfair you guys. So yeah, nobody gets the chair or the hemp fandango but motherfuckers sure have been trying to resist arrest and make a break for it a lot these days.
LARPing and b8ing
Do not respond
A president who really cares about his citizens. What is the problem?
Yeah we do that in Finland too. Crime against a single person (assault, rape)? 2-3 years max.
Try to cheat some money from the community chest? Enjoy your life sentence, criminal scum
How's it working so far?
Sell me some fent senpai.
I don't sell opioids or diazepines.
I only sell good drugs. Psychedelics and stimulants.
Crime rate down to less than half. Seems to be working, but of course the international community will never acknowledge that. I wish we had a Duterte somewhere.
Do the majority of you guys like him?
High fucking energy
>only way
how little you know
based AF
He is fucking based.
Wished we had a president like that.
my respect for the philippines grows every time i see and read a new story about this guy
like honestly, love this fucking legend
>defending corruption
back to the gulag liberal
Good for him. And he told Osama to suck a dick hahahaha.
i swear he's just trying to control the drug trade. he's third world dindu scum and should be droned. i hate druggies but this guy is just insane.
>the butcher
Like a boss
Even flips can have occasional moments of being based.
every fucking time you post this
The age of the Dutertes is near
Dictators are taken away because they kill leftists
But who the fuck would take away a man that wants to wipe all criminals if they dont desist of their wrongdoings?
With Trump in office and the european intelectuals getting gangbanged by muslims (((human rights))) can finally be abolished for the scum of society
Keep them out when we had forts along the border
>this is what Britain needs
Yep, local media is just constantly attacking him because the country getting better will make some wealthy people not so wealthy.
Word of mouth on the other hand has mostly positive opinion on him because people really do appreciate having the local pushers, addicts and corrupt local officials get killed off because really, who would miss such people?
Short term brutality will give you long term prosperity.
Wasn't it confirmed he obuses perscirption opiates.
Fucking based
this activates the almonds
>enforces the law when it come to drugs
He's a psychopath. What do you expect?
Dude doesn't actually care about anyone but himself. That's why he takes every chance he can to make a scene. His ego is gigantic.
The irony is, he has the same attitude and ego as someone absolutely bumped out of his mind on cocaine. He basically lives the life that coke users live when they're doing rails every hour. And people here can't seem to understand it because they know nothing about drugs except what DARE tells them. Hell if Duterte had a flushed or thinned face, I'd outright believe he was doing coke or meth(respectively) himself. His attitude is 100% on par with stim use.
too bad this guy doesn't rule mexico
You guys should really kill your journalists.
You can't do this flips! I-It's the current year!!