Isn't this condoning pedophilia though?
Isn't this condoning pedophilia though?
Haven't seen this movie in years. What happened in it to make you say so?
Never seen that movie. Did Hawaii have princes?
the only us state that ever had a prince was minnesota
>watching disney movies
kys scum
It seems that he is like an older non-sexual character for the girl, so yes this promotes pedophilia
You are an ultimate faggot
Sorry to all you faggots but Flynn is the best.
Very big nose. No wonder (((BuzzFeed) like him.
Yeah wouldnt Stitch be the prince of that movie? (Still making him the clear choice for best Disney prince)
He marries her sister. Not the little girl.
yes the last prince of Hawaii was prince special-beam-cannon
you pedantic fucks
Haven't seen the movie
Did they "go Hawaiian"
Fuck off, I was like 11 years old back then.
OG disney movies are god-tier, new friend
>i haven't watched
disney is the first studio which created non-shitty animation desu
Right it's like everyone on this board are major autists or something.
They wuz kingz n shiet until whitey (France) arrived and stole their tech
The movie takes place in the modern day (circa 2002) it doesn't involve royalty at all, it's about an alien hiding out on earth to avoid the police.
A space nigger? Or just a space Mexican hiding from space ICE?
I haven't seen this movie since it came out, but isn't that David person irrelevant to the story? He's not even prince if I remember correctly
Genetically made flawed ubermensch, thinks quickly, superstrong, they wanted to destroy him because he was autistic
But he's not a prince
no one in that movie is royalty
Disney Princes aren't really known for being important
like, does anyone know who this is? What is his name? No, his name isn't Beast
He looks super cute though.
figured they would have went with Aladdin
You should rewatch Pinocchio as an adult and actually pay attention.
>liberals so desperate to hate on whites they claim any black character is the best disney prince even if he isn't an heir to the throne or even a romantic interest
It's getting out of control.
Why was Beast so ugly? Wtf he doesn't even look good. Gaston is superior.
Thats after the island nig pacified hom with love and affection. Lilo is litterally stiches autism dog.
Gaston is a fag tho I thought
it taught girls a very valuable lesson. a man can abuse you, spirit you away from your family, and be hideously ugly and cruel, but its alright as long as he's rich
He's not even black, he's Hawaiian
Hawaiians are black.
Wasn't Obama hawaiian and also "the first black president"?
obama is half kenyan
Gender swapped esmeralda is the best Disney prince.
I'm talking about ethnically Hawaiian. Interestingly enough, Obama is more Arabic and white than he is black
>Kind hearted
>Stronk and agile
Best prince... and still got cucked.
Best, maybe, but he's still not royalty.
Obama is half east african, half white, he's not ethnically hawaiian.
Posting Buzzfeed, Gawker, HuffPost, or Occupy Democrats should be grounds for a permaban.
From (((Google)))
"What was the Beast's actual name? Neither the movie nor the stage musical give him a name. In the DVD commentary to the movie, the creators mention that they neglected to give him a name. However, in a licensed CD-Rom trivia game that came out years after the movie, he's referred to as Adam."
disney princess doesn't really denote royalty. they expanded it so they could include characters like Mulan and Pocahontas.
Vanellope von Scheetz is technically too, but she's a president
I don't want to click on a buzzfeed link, but is there an answer better than "he's brown"? Because if I'm remembering correctly, the guy in Lilo & Stitch was sort of a side character while the other Disney Princes run around saving lives.
There's a lot of shit that they just didn't put any thought into what-so-ever. Like who is Nala's father in the Lion King. It's not Scar, and there's only one other male lion, making Simba's eventual queen his step-sister.
>tfw you will never journey through space and time with. The bogandoff brothers
Tranny agenda has been running for too long now and is getting stale. They have turned towards making pedophilia and beastiality legal now.
>Best Disney Prince
>Not Prince Phillip
fucking pleb...the man slays Dragons
>The man who isn't even a prince
>Not Prince Phillip
>An actual Prince
>Killed a fucking demon witch dragon
But no David wins because he's brown lel
Pocahontas could be argued to be equivalent to a princess, but Mulan doesn't fit either way, unless there's something Sheng isn't telling us.
half sister. and thats fine, royalty is inbred as fuck anyway
doc what did you put in the meds
It basically said that even though Lilos sister friend zoned him, he was still always there for her. Helped her get a job, helped take care of Lilo, still listened to her problems and helped with the Stitch situation.
They eventually get together, but sounds cucky.
Not to mention he has to help raise Lilo now.
The last good animated Disney movie was Treasure Island
the last good one was Mulan. the last animated one was Princess and the Frog
Just like in real lion prides.
I'm pretty sure he was a father-ish figure and got with the girl's sister, didn't he?
And it teaches men that beauty of a woman is all that matters (mostly true tbqh). Since he didn't have to change one thing at all to get the curse lifted.
>eeew the witch is ugly: cursed because he judged by looks
>gets the prettiest girl in town to fall in love with him: curse is lifted.
Okay. Lesson learned I guess.
>teaching lessons to boys
user, no one cares about little boys
Phillip was pretty based desu
As long as we are counting not-actual princes then my pick for best prince would be the prince of thieves himself
(would hard cuddle with)
>5 inch wide nose
>best disney prince
b-but at least he wasn't white! look how culturally aware we are!
>mfw he wasn't even a prince
yiff in hell furfag
But yes Robin Hood is pretty based
>not wanting to fuck the cute fox
what are you, gay?
What the fuck are they smoking at BuzzFeed ?
Nice subversion tactic by making it appear as if it's 'redpilled' to jack off to pictures of gay animals and a majority of Sup Forums are furries. You kikes do a good job doing the same thing with tranny porn too.
We try Shlomo, we try.
>Nice subversion tactic
It's not even good though. literally nobody would fall for this
Was he even a prince? I thought it was just some regular chic snd her sister dealing with an alien. Im so confused...
Never do plastic surgery, kids.
It's time for a dicking.
Damn Lilo's sister is THIC
>it was strictly Platonic
Best prince was Gaston.Swole AF
>tfw have a voice like Gaston
>tfw built like him to
Sadly I'm a total sperg
>Doesn't like Frozen
t. had no childhood
what a simple joy it must have been in the 70's to watch cartoon animals and not be reminded that there are people that base their entire identity and sexual identity around pretend animals.
I actually like most Disney cartoons but Frozen was unadulterated normie trash.
I always liked Gaston better as a little girl and now.
sorry, buzzfeed, but your market cap is shrinking more than a fat kids dick in a cold pool
tranny please go
I fap to Elsa and Anna on the regular
What does that have to do with Frozen being unadulterated normie trash?
Best prince is the prince from sleeping beauty
>Kills a bunch of orcs
>Slays a dragon
>saves the princess
the best.
>a tranny joke
Har har.
I feel like I'm the only person that's never watched that movie.
I like it and watch it about twice a month when I get drunk so fuck you. I also know all the words to the songs
Story of my life.
That's just how that guy draws. He even draws white people with retarded noses.
That being said, most of his old work was borderline pornography, so I have no idea how Disney discovered him. They even had to censor a lot of that movie, come to think of it.
>Mfw my sister cucked her David tier italian husband for some arabic nigger who beats her
>training for aesthetics
Yeah thats great until the beast uses his FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH to throw you off a building
Phillip was pretty boss, but his equipment was imbalanced as fuck.
I've never seen it either.
>not watched a disney movie