It's getting cold, isn't it?
It's getting cold, isn't it?
I miss this fucking meme.
what did he mean by this?
Friendly reminder Ops picture is a composite sketch of someone wanted for a crime
real cold
No. -32c is pretty normal for me.
Satan trips
Is Albania woke? I didn't realize it's so beautiful there and only know the Greeks don't like your immigrants.
i don't want to be aroused by this
what the heck is it?
Yes, -5℃ next week. Brrrrrrrrrrr...
I'm literally shaking.
>real cold
>engage shell
does it get any colder in the netherlands? it's gonna go dwn to zero tonight where I'm at and it's not even the coldest part of mexico
We sent the cold down to you guys, we need a break from it.
I know you want her.
what is this meme?
>tfw literally when sitting in the same spot and not left house since this was a meme last year
-5 is pretty normal here in January.
Average winter temps here are a little above 0C all thanks to the Gulf Stream.
I even have palm trees in my backyard because of it.
thanks senpai
looks like it was designed by the cyanide and happiness ppl
Something Albanian.
Because I planted them, what I meant was thanks to it.
Because I made her.
i don't know you
>It will happen when the weather cools. That's when they'll make their move. The plans laid long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition. They're trying to force God's hand.
Watch for these signs:
>Three branches will become one.
>An island will drift away.
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
>The star will gorge itself on clay.
>Idols will speak and move about.
>The black flag will fly above the dome.
>The belly of the dragon will drip water.
>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
>A rock will stand on seven hills.
>The ravens will starve.
>The bear will leave its cave forever.
>The rod and the ring will strike.
you guys have it good in the afeternoon it can reach 30 C
and close to freezing at night, it's like the environment was designed to give us pneumonia
Because I didn't post it in my Twitter. I'm just a nobody who stay in the couch all day.
nice digits but god doesn't exist, sorry
worst I have had was down to around -15C, but its rare and that is in the south, warmest place of the netherlands.
well keep up the good work and also more lewds
Its not 'god' as the abrahamic god, fool
Its A god.
For all we know, they could be trying to force the hand of shiva or something.
That's extreme, you must be living on very high altitude.
Temp differences larger than 10 degrees between day and night are very rare here. Only occurs sometimes during autumn and spring.
dammit -29 here... but i think this was least for a while
nah it's only around 2000 meters, though Zacatecas qhich is a bit further north is at 3000 meters above sea level
I will.
>1 post by this ID
Why are Albanians working for CTR?
Make it a meme, less nudes though, funnier if clothed
wtf? That's pretty damn high for a swamp German like me. I already get altitude sickness when I get above 100 meters.
thanx! Thing is... I believe that the events to follow happened in the past... that's why there are stories of signs, from the hopies to where ever. Earth goes through stages imho...just like the pyramids, lay lines building and all the other forggoten knowledge... they are from the previous civilization. Our will know it's doom too, and off to a new start and the future civilization will look at what we have build the same way we look at the pyramids today. Peace annon
it ain't that high, the municipality next to mine is 300 meters shallower and I can't stand the heat , does it ever snow over there in netherlands?
it does here around every ten years last years it snowed a bit in february, very light drizzle thoug that turned to rain later
Albania is beautiful but the people are shit.
stop that
i want to jerk off to whatever it is without it being memed
We just had a few centimeters last friday. It melted already on sunday.
Our winters are very unstable. We rarely have a cold spell that lasts longer than a week before it climbs above zero again.
>Three branches will become one.
3 branches of government
>Island will drift away.
They use to think California was an island when the USA was first discovered
>Black Flag over the dome
>Idols will speak and move about.
>A rock will stand on seven hills
The seven hills around Rome?
>The bear will leave it's cave forever
mfw i've never seen snow
simliar situation here just hat it's usually warm all winter until a cold front moves in from the north in mid to late december
Sucks. Glad you made it out.
>Island will drift away.
I think this was Brexit.
I put all of it on Twitter now. Also, I made another one, but it's not her. It's my Birdsona: Novie.
Nice, but that's kind of slutty for traditional clothing. Cute girls though.
Albanians are white, but not the ones I saw in Athens they were all dark and selling black market shit.