Are we, dare I say it, the masterrace?
Are we, dare I say it, the masterrace?
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possibly my friend
australia has only 20 milion people yet were up in the top 10 with all 50 mill + countries
Country with most people have most medals? = Mind blown
Yeah, we only have 60 million and we are beating countries that have more than doubke population. Get gud, faggot
>we were in the 8th position until 2010
What is this?
You certainly are the most successful pedophiles!
you pale deformities would get vaped if australia had higher population
I really don't think so. We beat you in every sport.
Why are you guys so fucking ugly though
Oh wait this is sport medals, not economies
Not really. Were the Romans so glorious for being able to say: "Look! My Nubians have beaten your Eatheopians"?
Team with most niggers wins. Doesn't say a lot. Look at "British" soccer teams, They are mostly darkies.
>Top 10
>Literally 10th place
Yeah, that doesn't count.
If that were the only metric then China and India would win hands down.
Jesus Sweden, would you please think about what you just said? Where is India and why are we still kicking China's ass?
Try to beat them in shitposting
Knew you would say that, but Chinese are small weak manlets and don't count.
Keep your shitty propaganda to yourself, fatso
>pic related, average englishman
He already is
I would have agreed with you a few months ago. but since then I have visited London. your countries DNA is shitteir and your culture is worse
Why even take Non-Whites in the equation idiot, they're objectively inferior.
Couldn't hold onto us, so i'd say no
>are bongs a master race
What kind of master race can't even get out of the group stage at the World Cup? Bongs are trash
Shortarses are better at weightlifting, it seems.
Yes, we are.
Can somebody post Indian won medals???
>beat aussies at every sport
now this is shit posting
It's true though.
Be patient with her, it is difficult to think properly when you are being arse raped by a refugee.
We are.
Hail Farage!
Also, checked and Hieled
You would get gold in mental gymnastics, Sven.
Not so fast, dad.
They didn't win any.
Can't tell if its a Swede or an Arab or an Afrkang.
Yanks on suicide watch
Aren't most of your Athletes Niggers now anyway?
This is the one that counts.
Was searching for this earlier Bro, saved, thx ;)
None of those are mutually exclusive in current year + 3
>Aren't most of your Athletes Niggers now anyway?
Olympic medals per capita:
New Zealand has 1 per 255,316 people.
Australia has has 1 per 820,040 people
Great Britain has 1 per 972,212 people
USA has 1 per 2,656,353 people
How will China ever recover?
What gives americans so many medals is swimming. No niggers there
what went wrong?
Yeah exactly, and America was a nigger even back then
You are masters only in getting WADA "exceptions".
>All time medals barely a 1/10th of what US got in one competition
Shit, I'm not mad, I'm impressed. Good for you, Italy.
Yes, yes, and Hillary won the popular vote
A useless metric is useless
Gotta admit, the darkie is attractive.
>golden medalet talking to me
Drugged niggers we should add.
If we exclude swimmers, most of these are from black contribution
> look at world history
> look how well anglo countries do in literally everything
Yeah, we are.
that's awesome.
I'd love to go to the olympics for shooting.
US, UK wouldn't be top in Olympics if you took blacks out.
> you are golden medalet in being banned to "a scratch in testtube" > herp derp muh sport
Keep calming yourself with it, "master".
You have two niggers there.
Anyway if all other countries have niggers, does that mean you're superior to niggers?
Your women certainly don't think that.
Second row, fifth from the left
>slavic autism
hehehe, not so mighty, eh? A small island has a greater military, economy and history. Sux2beu
>Implying you visited Britain and now you have an authority on anything British.
Wow that's actually impressive. I thought there'd be more brown faces.
>an adverisement by a clothing company is representative of Sweden's atheletes
British education
Olympic medals don't matter in a world ruined by globalism.
Who the fuck cares about whose rented kenyan can run fastest?
lmao china, that what happens when your whole country is a cancer smog factory
My country is shit at the Olympic games...
>2 blacks
>1 mulatto
>hurr durr your whole team is full of nigs
Daily reminder that USSR was always #1
Half of your team are niggers.
>the United States barely blown us the fuck out at all
>seriously guys, we only got cucked a moderate amount!
The medal count for USA would be even higher if everyone wasn't held to communist roster restrictions. Case in point, Gabby Douglas was easily the 3rd best gymnast in the world. She would've won bronze. We won gold and silver only though, because we could only compete two. The IOC won't let us though so the third-world babby countries like United Cuckdom and Ausfailia can "catch up"
> Sadiq
brits dominate track cycling, they's still do pretty well
the country with the most medals per capita is Finland
>Vietnam beat America
How did Italy win - that's the most important question.
Hard to find a picture of swedish winners with such a lack of medals.
it's sad actually all of germanys spirit to be the best is gone
>Sweden's athletes
No, just its population
>basically a competition of who has the best performance enhancing drugs
pick one
I'll just leave this here.
Fix your rotten teeth first
Hey swede explain me something
I'm learning swedish and that shit of placing "the" after the word is fucking with my mind hard. How do I beat that?
NIDF are here.
thanks 40%
We have the best dental healthcare in europe though, you greasy spic fuck.
We're so masterrace that we can even sense what others of our kind thinks.
tfw island anglos can't into true aryan sports
At least it's not Arabs, Mohammad
Someone post india's medal count
It really isn't that bad for the GB olympic team.
>La eterna perfida albion
germany the big winner here.. nice nice
Won the Euros though.
Try again.
Say it with me Sup Forums
>P E R C A P I T A
We actually won the olympics in terms of male events
we had more male golds than USA
they got carried so hard from black female athletes
You mean the definite article?
I honestly don't know any trick to learn that, it's a thing you memorize and then apply by instinct.