What do you think?
Will Trump's economic plan work?
You libs on Sup Forums of all places always post this bait and never post any fucking sources.
Oh look a CTR /leftypol/ thread
If his economic plan is the same as every other president before him he will be very successful.
Have you willingly give them 35% of all your profits, and not give a shit where it goes.
His """plan""" will work in the sense that it further enriches the top %1 while destroying the middle class, all while blaming SPOOKY IMMIGRANTS.
Trump predicts growth of 3 to 4 percent.
>Trump predicts growth of 3 to 4 percent.
kek you are a fucking faggot
Kek demands prosperity
Prosperity takes good work
I am purchasing a shoe factory this year
Gets for ENTP
Praise Kek
Exept thats not what hes doing
No. I have no faith at all that it will work. Will this be the final nail in the coffin for trickle down economics? No. Republicans will yet again find some way to rationalize it away.
>Muh real trickle down economics has never been tried
America was almost unique in that it's workers had high wages so they could consume a lot and in turn create more business opportunities and a strong economy
other nations talked about this phenomenon, I think even Hitler mentioned it
it's no surprise that as wages stagnated due to government policies economic growth eventually hit a wall
Trump limiting the supply of labor while also making it easier for companies to do business will surely improve consumer confidence and consumption
Probably should have memed harder before the election, CTR shills. It's too late now. Buckle up.
He's gonna build a wall :---DDDd
> vox
this nigger can't be serious
Trump won you faggots, get over it
He's made A LOT of money
I realize this is fake, but even so if everyone saved the same percentage that graph would look something like that. The lowest quintile can't "save" 1.3 mil
i don't care if it works or not, didn't vote for economic policy desu
This is actual bullshit, who the fuck in Wall street drew this up?
Its litterally the opposite of what will happen
Israel is our greatest ally
>Will deregulation and cutting taxes for the rich work XD XD XD
Fuck this CTR nigger kike
>less money combined than bloomberg
he really did drain the swamp didnt he
lool. They dont give a shit. It goes like this:
>Im gonna make my family and me richer along with my very wealthy friends at your own cost but....
>Mexicans are rapists and muslims are all terrorists. Wall.
YEEEAAAAAH, I LOVE HIM, MAGA FUCK YEAH..he travels aaaaaall around the world saving children, hes gonna make us all rich.
>he was referring to democratically appointed chairs of the fed
when you will autists learn..
if his economic plan is to steal as much as possible,then yes
he's doubling down on reagan's failed policies
will trickle down finally work?
So us people filing as married with one children. Is this good or is this bad?
Good, fuck public school and college.
Want free college, join the military faggot.
He's rich! Very very very rich. He knows what he's doing, trust him goyim and get back to watching football, drinking beer, waving your flag, and going to church like a good Christian.
No presidential plan for the economy will work. It's not his job. Nor should it be.
Blame the bankers. They're the ones trying to deflect attention.
The fact that dumb hicks voted for this fuck is basically a carte blanche to exploit these fucks because that's the only way they will learn.
You don't have to believe in evolution to be naturally selected against
You are a total moron. That chart is 100% accurate, and taken from the Wall Street Journal, which is an extremely right-leaning rag. The endorsed Trump the entire time. Face it.. you idiots who voted for Trump are going to be raped by him, unless you are already part of the 1%. If you are, then you made a good choice.
Imagine if we nominated someone who would take on the banks instead of an incompetent reality tv star and a bank shill
He doesn't look like a guy with a plan..
ha..Trump white trash. Truly deplorable losers.
1993 voter registration act requires that state and local elections officers keep voter registration lists accurate by removing the names of people who die, move or fail in successive elections to vote. Voters who've been convicted of a felony, ruled mentally incompetent or found to be noncitizens also can be removed.
Signed into law by Bill Clinton. Fuck yourself.
Not gonna pretend that this isn't the case like some spineless cuck just because it would be politically convenient to pretend I respect their opinions.
>people who pay a million times more taxes benefit more from a tax break when you use absolute dollar amounts
I have a BS in econ with zero debt.
Everything I learned could have been done without College.
College is a scam. Also, I hate the government and democracy.
I hope you never get to vote again because of Trump.
>Signed into law by Bill Clinton.
>point out Trump rigged the vote for him via crosscheck, voter suppression, and exit pollings showing hillary winning PA, Florida, North Carolina, etc.