>A racist Scot posting white supremacist videos on YouTube could face a police probe for breaking hate speech laws, it emerged last night.
>Fugitive Woes
>BPS video
>A racist Scot posting white supremacist videos on YouTube could face a police probe for breaking hate speech laws, it emerged last night.
>Fugitive Woes
>BPS video
G-g-give me money, I don't have any! I'm going to spend it on coca cola and cigarettes.
Shut up, antifa cuck.
Well yeah, no doubt if Taylor or Milo or any of these people even went anywhere near to saying anything even remotely close to touching the "JQ" other than just kind of lightly brushing it off and displaying their conformity to the Jewish narrative, then these kinds of things would happen to them. They'd be purged from media, called "Nazis" and defamed ten times worse than otherwise, Anti-Fa would magically end up with their dox, run out of the country. Of course, it wouldn't be direct. It would just be happenstance, "leftists" would be doing it. Or maybe a right wing forum on the internet would do it because "they aren't pure enuff1!"
>comes on pol and shills
>gets saged
>if you disagree with me, you're antifa!
I would donate to this guy, but I know he will just spend it on cigs and coke. I'm not funding a nicotine, caffeine, and sugar addict. He needs to get off this shit and get his lazy depressed aas in the gym.
What a shithole we live in. Millennial Woes is a lazy fag. But does he deserve to be treated like a criminal for daring to "hate speech"? Fuck this shit! This country and the rest of Europe needs fixing.
He's a lazy and mentally weak fat fuck.
Reminder to the antifa faggot last thread that the Kurds are exploiting naive western leftists in order to establish their ethnostate, and they've done a very good job at it.
>has no money
>you should join a gym
yeah im sure toning his buttocks is his highest priority atm
Essential viewing:
I think he has other priorities right now.
Ultimately people just need to realize how much control over the media that Jews have and recognize that articles like this are really quite easy for them to write - and it's in their interest to do so. Just change the name of any given News Channel or Magazine to "Israel Times" (because those are the people most likely behind it) and then you get a better idea of the interests behind writing the article.
That way it's a lot easier to ignore them.
who? keep this in britpol lad
Where's that little antifa shit from last thread? Still not done with you.
he can do exercise at home. not fucking that hard
how new are you?
just realised Woes has took down his video "the omniwank of new atheism" that I linked here , ffs.
perhaps we could get him lifestyle advice when he aint being chased by paper hounds...
The Jahans Question is a thorn in the side of the movement. I say leave it alone! For his vengeance is terrifying.
He has no money because he spends it on cigarettes and coca cola. Do you know how exigencies it is to buy that shit everyday?
Getting a barbell, weights, squat rack, and bench for your home second hand is not a big investment and costs fuck all in the long term.
He makes enough from videos without ebegging. The gaul of this fucker to ask for ongoing payments in the fugitive video.
Fucking phone.
Rolin Cobertson aka Occidental Issues here! Ah've noticed that quite a few of you have been badmouthing mah good friend Millennial Woes and it's, quite frankly, diz-gusting. He carried out a dashing tactical retreat this week and ah thought gosh - that's clever. Those of you implying he's some sort of 'coward' are indulging in the sort of atomized nihilism ah'd expect from r-selected young men in a godless society and it really needs to stoap. Please keep the donations coming so ah- that is, he can stay one step ahead of the (((law))) and get back to the important business of interviewing tomorrow's aristocracy via Google hangouts. Thanks fir listening.
>how new are you?
How new are you? Surely this belongs in Brit/pol/? He's a Bong
He's took down a lot of videos that since his speech, including the Trayvon Martin hangout, which was very red pilled
It's only antifa waste doing it. By this strategy they got infinity, or rather retard chan to dox Woes.
>pretender ur über hardocore
>try to get the leadership
>make one side of the group attack the other
Do you think he's going to get American citizenship now?
The reason this pisses me off the most is that - despite how wrong MW and friends have been about some things - he really is the LEAST heavy handed and most down to Earth person about this stuff. He's calm, easy going. He doesn't make it a fucking racist vitriol spewing session.
He's not a hateful person, at all. He's a pretty rational guy with some very real and fair grievances about the current situation in the world, that's what I think - it's unfathomable to me that his thoughts and views would be considered so wrong as to result in him being purged. I mean, this guy had fucking SARGON on his show what, like 10 times? Think about that. MW and Sargon are now considered hate speech criminals. Kick that around in your brain. The people behind their purge need to be put in their place, honestly. This has gone way too far. You can't just keep let this shit happen, it has to be resisted because otherwise it will just keep happening. A line has to be drawn in the sand, enough purges, enough witch hunts.
Underrated post
mate these rolling generals have been going since he was doxed yesterday
What can we learn from this?
1. Never show your face if your going to have extremely unpopular opinions.
2. Never show your face is you are going to have extremely unpopular opinions in a cucked country.
There's no damn good reason to put yourself at risk.
Following up on you and the last poster I would just also like everyone to note that our friend Reality Calls has also been b& from Youtube
bretty good
needs more "ah'll get back to that later"
How about we learn that unless we actually fucking do something to resist this, it is going to keep happening until absolutely everything is completely washed off the face of the planet...
stop whining about it and consider the reality that it isn't going to change unless we all MAKE it change
This thread has now been co-opted by Jahans.
Please donate to Jahans instead,
Why do you care so much about another man's physique you fucking bender?
This is inspiring me to do the opposite. We need to galvanize around this. This event will eventually be in the annals or mythos of the rise of nationalism. We must create that impression
>You can't just keep let this shit happen, it has to be resisted because otherwise it will just keep happening
I'm trying to wrap my head around this. What they did was publish his name. He was already in public, appearing at Richard Spencer's fashy ballpit. He left hundreds of hours of video of his face. There are no charges pending against him -- none of the leftists have even complained.
What they did was publish his name, and believed that would be enough for him to self-destruct. And it looks like they were right.
This, the farsh nuke must feed.
I don't give a shit about his physique. There are 100s of benefits related to weight training that have nothing to do with how you look.
They posted pictures of his parents house and started asking people on his street how they felt about a nazi living there
tbf she was peddling the whole pizzagate thing, not surprised she got shoahed but it's unsettling to say the least.
ah'll probably mek a video about that another time
If he ever gets redpilled he must go by "fash nuke"
In fairness they got him, his location and pictures of his dad's house splashed across the papers. He'll almost certainly be up on some kind of criminal charge (this is the country where a guy got charged for teaching his Pug to seig heil) and he now has to worry about some spoiled little antifa shit putting his dad's windows in. Fleeing the country is a bit melodramatic but it's more than just saying 'lmao he showed his own face what's he worried about now'.
The doxxed his entire family, hid parents' home and antifa harassed his parents. Afaik Woes said that he left the country out of concern for his parents.
I think the leftists are genuinely scared about change they have been so conditioned against that they collectively cannot cope. Echo chamber Social Media is normalizing and amplifying excessively emotional irrational outbursts,even by nocReddit et al standards, to the point that they are expecting the horseman.
They used a major media publication to publish the name of someone whose videos have an average view count of 3,000 - and who is known only to an extremely niche audience - and claimed that he was some kind of extremist Nazi. They know exactly what they're doing. It's an attempt to scare and purge anyone who dissents against their views. They know that hate speech laws exist, they know that they can arrest people like him. This isn't a game in Scotland, and many other places.
An average view count of 3,000. Think about that. It would be like the fucking New York Times publishing an article about Styx back in 2010 when he was completely unknown. It's insanity. They're abusing their extraordinary power and reach to engage in an active psychological abuse campaign.
Even worse, they are engaging essentially in a censorship campaign, attempting to shut down views they don't like, silence thought, and maintain total control over the narrative. This is what they do. If they can't do it in public by exposing people they dislike in public space, they do it on the internet with mass public shaming. MW is hardly a Nazi - call him one in Scotland and that can be life threatening. These people are 100% in the know on this and they do it anyway. That's just the kind of human beings they are. They think they're justified in this behavior.
You're obsessed, typical bodybuilder.
ah cannae believe mah dad didn't ask aboot meh speech ah was doing
it's just bloody dizgusting
thanks fur watchin
I am.... *huff* *huff* .... NOT.... ok. These....rrrRREE...people. These PEOPLE think it's OK.... to LAUGH at someone
Did you ever have the pleasure of watching her before the first time they got to her?
I miss her half hour long race realism anti-Semitic videos.
Also makes me laugh how she started out making innocent videos about veganism, then stumbled across Sup Forums and her content went from 'how to live a healthy lifestyle without meat' to full 1488 in the space of like 6 months.
this is a great tldr of it all. There is some deep coordination going on here.
>all weight training is bodybuilding
I'm not a bodybuilder, I'm an Olympic lifter.
This guy is disgusting: a filthy fat blob in an even filthier room. Who is that?
Woes thought he could survive the wrath of Jahans. He thought wrong.
What's bullshit about that?
There are more ways to train with weights than doing some gay bodybuilding shit, you tard.
>unemployed artist
This guy is fake as fuck. News stories are mostly made-up to match propaganda aims, and fronted by actors, like this guy. This is what the (((Alternative-Media))) is mostly made up of.
You're weak, kys you Nartsee bastard. I can bench, sit on it that is (when my hemorrhoids aren't acting up)
hello 8ch, have you checked to make sure you're not controlled opposition to yourself in the last 10 minutes?
I agree somewhat, him completely fleeing is a bit fishy
>spend 2 years making hundreds of videos on some topic
>get attacked by media and opposition
I hope he doesn't get kicked out of art school.
Artists don't take rejection well at all...
P-please validate my lifestyle that revolves around grab-ass and cocks.. please? Will ya?
>spend 2 years making hundreds of videos on some topic
>get attacked by media and opposition
I agree with this
Have the decency to spell it out like an adult
I am the Farsh Nuke.
I would interesting in seeing a transcript of his videos as I have no interest in watching a disheveled autist in his dressing gown ramble about Ess-Jay-Double-Yous for an hour from his darkened bedroom
What MW needs to consider (strongly) doing is to tighten the screws in his show and his persona. This is CLEARLY a very smart, good person. I've never heard anything close to hate coming out of his mouth, like I hear on TRS. Maybe I haven't listened enough, but he's a really reasonable person the times I've heard the show. He lets people say their side, and moderates debates in a consistent manner.
I think he really deserves to completely blow this shit off into the past and take the upper hand of this attack. If he played his cards right, he could easily be a more respected and prominent person. I get the feeling he's a depressive, living with his father and shit... and I've been there. But he's undoubtedly got the wit, ethical fortitude, and likability to rise beyond doing niche videos on Youtube, to perhaps being more respected by society at large. Just my take.
The reason this gets me the most is that I always considered Woes soft compared to other people. He lets people on his show to say what they want and doesn't interrupt, maintains a lot of fairness, and doesn't shout at people when he disagrees. That's an even handed approach and it's actually pretty awesome.
If this little event has convinced you that MW is a "shill" for some reason you have reached a point on the autism spectrum known as "Full Retard". Please report to your caseworker immediately and be honest about all of the medications you have stopped taking.
This is what amazes me, i have tried to watch his videos but they're so long and he speaks so slowly I can't be arsed. Black Pigeon is much better.
You've misunderstood me, leaf. You and I are on the same page. My only objection was to your abbreviation "kys". It should be spelled out
>kill yourself
Scotland is one of the most cucked shitholes on the planet. It's unreal.
Yeah and her podcast seemed promising, watched the first one with Nathan Damigo and it was comfy af.
It's funny because one of her videos prompted that infamous response video from Woes were he said an ethnostate would probably only be reached through violent means (paraphrasing) which the (((sceptic))) community jumped on to try and say MW promotes violence. He deleted the video and has tried to dmca people for mirroring it, they're snivelling little cunts becuase those same quotes are being jumped on by the tabloids and anti-racist mobs.
>I'm a weak beta bitch and men stronger and more masculine than me make me feel insecure, but I get my own back by saying things over the internet from the safety of my home. I'm such a bad ass!
Agreed. I feel bad for Woes, being forced to flee his home and all...
Can he really be arrested for making "hate speech" videos? His content is far from extreme in my opinion, but leftists in the UK are pretty insane.
fucking hell you really are obsessed
Well hundreds of thousands of leftists - professors even - suggest and talk about this to their student bodies every single day of every year, and no articles or any attention is given to them. It's completely irrelevant. You're allowed to bring it up. There is a huge difference between talking about it and advocating it. Everything has to be allowed to be analyzed from a detached perspective. Sam Harris talks about this and it's one of the few things I think he nails. Of course he completely turns on it when it comes to subjects he personally finds distasteful.
Not an argument.
Who /JewgleChrome/ here? My auto-update doesn't auto-update in a timely fashion except for the current tab, and it makes tab switching inconvenient.
He can in Scotland, their laws are much stricter than England and Wales and almost everyone north of Hadrians Wall is a raging gommie.
>Can he really be arrested for making "hate speech" videos?
This is he UK Alberto, of course he can.
I'm tired of reading threads and seeing "you need to lift bro you really need to lift you need to lift that guy needs to lift omg look at that guy he needs to lift".
Just knock it off. You lot seem to care intensely about other men's bodies and it's tiresome because it always derails threads.
so what the hell are we going to do? Woes made an amazing video about the power of pepe, and how 'conservatism' has failed os many times because it was autistic, soulless and didn't have a culture. It wasn't fun. Pepe is fun. Shitposting is fun. Woesposting is fun. Baneposting is fun. Hitlerposting is fun, ironic or not.
We have Murdoch Murdoch and a small group of autistic vloggers.
But i feel like it's all very fragile. The thought police could wipe all of it in one day if they wanted.
What the hell are we going to do?
Actually if you watch his stuff you'd know he's been talking about moving a lot recently, especially post his trip to America. He was not oblivious to the inevitability of being found out - clearly he had a contingency plan ready to go.
If he's left for somewhere that he can still upload videos, then we continue to support him with clicks and d'nations.
That's half the appeal, it's /comfy/ listening to him ramble. Much more to my taste than overproduced 'TOP 10 REASONS CULTURAL MARXISM MUST BE STOPPED' youtube clickbaity stuff
Maybe take the advice you whiney cuck.
You can't stop the memes. The lugenpresse tried and failed with Pepe, and indeed the term "lugenpresse" itself.
The Streisand Effect is our friend.
>If he's left for somewhere that he can still upload videos, then we continue to support him with clicks and d'nations.
but it has to go beyond that eventually.
good point. I hope this turns into a galvanizing moment. i've been following all of this for years and seeing it grow has been quite the treat.
but why flee though?
people like Richard Spencer have no problem showing themselves.
Honestly what is Woes' aiming for?
I go to the gym and he's right, all this 'LMAO DYEL' shit is reducing men to bitchy girls reviewing each others' outfits. Just mind your own fucking business.
It was a different leaf, but I apologize ameribro.