Literally every country that had citizens die on 9/11 deserved it

Literally every country that had citizens die on 9/11 deserved it.

Here’s a list of casualties by country based on data from Wikipedia:

United States 2,605
United Kingdom 67
Dominican Republic 47
India 41
South Korea 28
Canada 24
Japan 24
Colombia 18
Jamaica 16
Philippines 16
Mexico 15
Trinidad and Tobago 14
Ecuador 13
Australia 11
Germany 11
Italy 10
Bangladesh 6
Ireland 6
Pakistan 6
Poland 6
Israel 5
Peru 5
Portugal 5
Argentina 4
France 4
Lebanon 4
Romania 4
Brazil 3
Ethiopia 3
Guyana 3
Malaysia 3
Bermuda 2
China 2
D.R. Congo 2
El Salvador 2
FR Yugoslavia 2
Ghana 2
Haiti 2
Hong Kong 2
Jordan 2
New Zealand 2
Paraguay 2
South Africa 2
Sweden 2
Switzerland 2
Belarus 1
Belgium 1
Chile 1
Honduras 1
Indonesia 1
Ivory Coast 1
Kenya 1
Lithuania 1
Moldova 1
Netherlands 1
Nigeria 1
Russia 1
Spain 1
Taiwan 1
Ukraine 1
Uzbekistan 1

This might be more true if OP was there

>South Africa 2
F ;_;

>no Hungary
Seems right

fucking uzbekistan, always crying for attention, kazakhstan #1

You forgot 14 saudi arabian

Belgium 1. only question remains if he was a walonian or not


no such country


9/11 isn't funny. At least 14 muslims died.

Said Belgium, pretty much a non-country, if i might say so myself

I know this is a bait thread, but
> those Israeli casualties

you could see from my post that i tend to agree with that.

Egypt 1
Saudi Arabia 7
United Arab Emirates 2

WTF one Lithuanian? I doubt your sources because our media would blow it up with headlines like WE WUZ N 9/11 N SHEIT.

LOL faggot deserved it

>no liechtensteiners

Truly a blessed day for my people

>0 results


You're fucking blind, m8

That image is really hot.


>Israel 5
Given the nature of the companies in the towers, that total seems rather low.

Where is israel?

BTW, no Jew died on 9-11.

Imagine that--a financial center with no Jews in it. I wonder why?

>Where is israel?
>BTW, no Jew died on 9-11.
>Imagine that--a financial center with no Jews in it. I wonder why?

Came here for the image

>Mexico 15

Suck it, badzil and niggertina.

Its spooky,my parents took a photo at the tipping top when I was still a fetus
Crazy to think they are gone

>Israel 5
Only that?


Also by the pic it seems you are in to gay bondage eh? :-----DDDDD

Plenty of American Jews died on 9/11, just no Israeli Jews.
I don't know where the OP got his list from but it's bullshit.

Look up Odigo messenger, Israeli Jews were given forewarning about the attacks and told not to be in the area. Israelis don't care about American Jews.

Is real in my mind

Came for the pic

>Netherlands 1
pic of the banker involved related

And nothing of value was lost

It's from Wikipedia you asswipe